Check that your domain is pointing to your current ip address. If it's not then update eNom Dynamic DNS record.
More information about eNom Dynamic DNS can be found here
Install globally
npm install -g enom-dyndns
enom-dyndns [options]
Available options:
-d, --domain DOMAIN domain name to update [REQUIRED]
-p, --password PASSWORD enom password [REQUIRED]
--hostname HOSTNAME domain hostname [defaults to '*']
-c, --check only check if IP address has changed
-f, --force force update record
-h, --help this help message
Check and if changed update:
enom-dyndns -d yourdomain.com -p password
Only check for changes:
enom-dyndns -d yourdomain.com -c
Force update:
enom-dyndns -d yourdomain.com -p password -f
Define hostname to update:
enom-dyndns -d yourdomain.com -p password --hostname yourhostname