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errorish - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.4.0 to 0.5.0



@@ -0,1 +1,38 @@

# [0.5.0]( (2019-12-23)
### Bug Fixes
* **Errorish:** fixes static classes for inheriting classes ([ae9ecf2](
### chore
* cleans up sources; begins complete rewrite ([f745eb9](
### Code Refactoring
* removes I prefix from type interfaces ([122d668](
### Features
* **Errorish:** adds Errorish.raise; modifies recast arguments order ([ebb1f60](
* adds ensure ([6d0a537](
* adds Errorish class ([e12df09](
* adds normalize ([a4994af](
* adds rejects ([3b0c833](
* adds throws ([e73d3d3](
* adds types ([3e8d28e](
* Errorish has been almost entirely rewritten. Please check the updated documentation
-most of its functionality has suffered changes.
* Type interfaces are no longer prefixed by "I"
# [0.4.0]( (2019-05-13)

@@ -2,0 +39,0 @@



@@ -1,13 +0,1 @@

import normalize from "../normalize.js";
import defaults from "../scope/defaults.js";
import trunk from "./trunk.js";
* Will return `error` if it is an instance of `options.Error` -by default, and instance of `Error`. Otherwise, it will instantiate and return an `Error` of class `options.Errorish` -`Errorish` by default. This newly created error -if created- would have:
* - whatever you passed as an `error` as its `source` field.
* - whatever you passed as `data` as its `data` field.
export default function ensure(error, options, data) {
const opts = Object.assign({}, defaults, options);
return opts.normalize ? normalize(trunk(error, opts, data), opts) : trunk(error, opts, data);
export * from "./ensure.js";

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

export default function stringify(message, options) {
export function stringify(message) {
if (typeof message === 'string') return message;

@@ -6,5 +6,3 @@

return JSON.stringify(message);
} catch (e) {
return options.message;
} catch (e) {}

@@ -1,13 +0,19 @@

import stringify from "./stringify.js";
export default function trunk(error, options, data) {
if (error instanceof options.Error) return error;
let message = error && typeof error === 'object' && error.hasOwnProperty('message') ? error.message : error;
message = options.allow.includes(typeof message) ? stringify(message, options) : options.message;
error = new options.Errorish(message, error, data);
import { stringify } from "./stringify.js";
import { normalize } from "../normalize.js";
export function trunk(error, create, options) {
if (!(error instanceof options.Error)) {
if (typeof create === 'function') {
error = create(error);
} else {
var message = error && typeof error === 'object' &&, 'message') ? error.message : error;
message = create.allow.includes(typeof message) ? stringify(message) : undefined;
error = new Error(message);
if (options.capture && Error.captureStackTrace) {
Error.captureStackTrace(error, options.Errorish);
if (error && options.capture && Error.captureStackTrace) {
Error.captureStackTrace(error, error.constructor);
return error;
return options.normalize ? normalize(error, typeof options.normalize === 'boolean' ? null : options.normalize) : error;

@@ -0,20 +1,105 @@

function asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) { try { var info = gen[key](arg); var value = info.value; } catch (error) { reject(error); return; } if (info.done) { resolve(value); } else { Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw); } }
function _asyncToGenerator(fn) { return function () { var self = this, args = arguments; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var gen = fn.apply(self, args); function _next(value) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value); } function _throw(err) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err); } _next(undefined); }); }; }
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
export default class Errorish extends Error {
import { ensure } from "./ensure/index.js";
import { rejects } from "./rejects.js";
import { throws } from "./throws.js";
import { isPromise } from 'promist';
export class Errorish extends Error {
* An optional `source` -should reference the object that originated the `Errorish`.
* Returns `true` if `error` is an instance of the class with label `label`, if passed.
static is(error, label) {
if (!(error instanceof this)) return false;
if (label === undefined) return true;
return Array.isArray(label) ? label.includes(error.label) : error.label === label;
* Runs and returns the result of `fn` only when `error` is an instance of the class and, optionally, has a specific `label`.
static recast(error, create, label) {
return, label) ? create(error) : error;
* An optional `data` field.
* Calls `recast` and throws its response if `fn` throws or rejects, otherwise returns or throws the same result or error as `fn`.
constructor(message, source, data) {
static raise(fn, create, label) {
var _this = this;
try {
var response = fn();
if (isPromise(response)) {
return response.catch(
function () {
var _ref = _asyncToGenerator(function* (err) {
throw _this.recast(err, create, label);
return function (_x) {
return _ref.apply(this, arguments);
return response;
} catch (err) {
throw this.recast(err, create, label);
* See `ensure` function.
static ensure(error, create, options) {
return ensure(error, create, Object.assign({}, options, {
Error: this
* See `rejects` function.
static rejects(error, create, options) {
return rejects(error, create, Object.assign({}, options, {
Error: this
* See `throws` function.
static throws(fn, create, options) {
return throws(fn, create, Object.assign({}, options, {
Error: this
* A label for the Error.
constructor(message, label, data, source) {
super(message || undefined);
_defineProperty(this, "source", void 0);
_defineProperty(this, "label", void 0);
_defineProperty(this, "data", void 0);
_defineProperty(this, "source", void 0);
this.label = label || null; = data || {};
this.source = source; = data || {};

@@ -30,26 +115,39 @@ /**

* References `source.root` is an instance of `Errorish`; references `source` if it is an instance of `Error`; otherwise it references itself.
* References the first `Errorish` in the `Errorish.source` chain.
get root() {
if (this.source instanceof Errorish) return this.source.root;
root() {
return this.source instanceof Errorish && this.source !== this ? this.source.root() : this;
* Returns `Errorish.source` if it is an `Error`, otherwise it returns itself.
error() {
return this.source instanceof Error ? this.source : this;
* Sets the `data` field and returns itself.
* Clones the instance and assigns it a new `data` field.
set(data) { = data;
return this;
reproduce(data) {
var destination = Object.create(this);
return Object.assign(destination, this, {
* Assigns `data` to the `data` field and returns itself.
* Runs `Error.captureStackTrace` if running in `V8` to clean up the error stack trace.
assign(data) {
Object.assign(, data);
capture() {
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
return this;

@@ -56,0 +154,0 @@ }

@@ -1,7 +0,6 @@

export { default as scope } from "./scope/index.js";
export { default as ensure } from "./ensure/index.js";
export { default as throws } from "./throws.js";
export { default as rejects } from "./rejects.js";
export { default as normalize } from "./normalize.js";
export { default as Errorish } from "./Errorish.js";
export * from "./types.js";
export * from "./normalize.js";
export * from "./ensure/index.js";
export * from "./rejects.js";
export * from "./throws.js";
export * from "./Errorish.js";
export * from "./types/index.js";

@@ -1,16 +0,13 @@

import defaults from "./scope/defaults.js";
* Normalizes an Error -it assumes an instance of Error is passed. It guarantees the error will have a `name`, `message`, and `stack` properties.
export default function normalize(error, options) {
const opts = Object.assign({}, defaults, options);
if (! { = error.constructor && ||;
export function normalize(error, options) {
var opts = Object.assign({
message: 'An error occurred',
name: 'Error'
}, options);
if (! =;
if (!error.message) error.message = opts.message;
if (!error.stack) error.stack = `Error: ${error.message}`;
if (!error.stack) error.stack = "Error: ".concat(error.message);
return error;

@@ -1,10 +0,19 @@

import ensure from "./ensure/index.js";
export default rejects;
function asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) { try { var info = gen[key](arg); var value = info.value; } catch (error) { reject(error); return; } if (info.done) { resolve(value); } else { Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw); } }
function _asyncToGenerator(fn) { return function () { var self = this, args = arguments; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var gen = fn.apply(self, args); function _next(value) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value); } function _throw(err) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err); } _next(undefined); }); }; }
import { ensure } from "./ensure/index.js";
* Returns a promise rejection with `error`, having called `ensure` on it.
* Returns a `Promise` rejection with `error`, having called `ensure` on it.
async function rejects(error, options, data) {
const condition = options && options.hasOwnProperty('case') ? : true;
if (condition) throw ensure(error, options, data);
export function rejects(_x, _x2, _x3) {
return _rejects.apply(this, arguments);
function _rejects() {
_rejects = _asyncToGenerator(function* (error, create, options) {
throw ensure(error, create, options);
return _rejects.apply(this, arguments);

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import ensure from "./ensure/index.js";
import rejects from "./rejects.js";
import { isPromise, lazy } from 'promist';
import { isPromise, LazyPromist } from 'promist';
import { ensure } from "./ensure/index.js";
import { rejects } from "./rejects.js";

@@ -8,14 +8,13 @@ /**

export default function throws(fn, options, data) {
export function throws(fn, create, options) {
try {
const response = fn();
if (!isPromise(response)) return response; // if it is a promise
// in case res was a lazy promise
var response = fn();
if (!isPromise(response)) return response; // if it is a promise, in case response was a lazy promise
return lazy.fn(() => {
return response.catch(err => rejects(err, options, data));
return LazyPromist.from(() => {
return response.catch(err => rejects(err, create, options));
}).then(value => value);
} catch (err) {
throw ensure(err, options, data);
throw ensure(err, create, options);

@@ -1,299 +0,242 @@

import { isPromise, lazy } from 'promist';
import { isPromise, LazyPromist } from 'promist';
function asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) {
* Normalizes an Error -it assumes an instance of Error is passed. It guarantees the error will have a `name`, `message`, and `stack` properties.
function normalize(error, options) {
var opts = Object.assign({
message: 'An error occurred',
name: 'Error'
}, options);
if (! =;
if (!error.message) error.message = opts.message;
if (!error.stack) error.stack = "Error: ".concat(error.message);
return error;
function stringify(message) {
if (typeof message === 'string') return message;
try {
var info = gen[key](arg);
var value = info.value;
} catch (error) {
return JSON.stringify(message);
} catch (e) {}
function trunk(error, create, options) {
if (!(error instanceof options.Error)) {
if (typeof create === 'function') {
error = create(error);
} else {
var message = error && typeof error === 'object' &&, 'message') ? error.message : error;
message = create.allow.includes(typeof message) ? stringify(message) : undefined;
error = new Error(message);
if (error && options.capture && Error.captureStackTrace) {
Error.captureStackTrace(error, error.constructor);
if (info.done) {
} else {
Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw);
return options.normalize ? normalize(error, typeof options.normalize === 'boolean' ? null : options.normalize) : error;
function _asyncToGenerator(fn) {
return function () {
var self = this,
args = arguments;
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var gen = fn.apply(self, args);
* Will return `error` if it's an instance of `Error`; otherwise, it will instantiate and return one.
function ensure(error, create, options) {
return trunk(error, typeof create === 'function' ? create : Object.assign({
allow: ['string']
}, create), Object.assign({
normalize: true,
capture: true,
Error: Error
}, options));
function _next(value) {
asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value);
function asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) { try { var info = gen[key](arg); var value = info.value; } catch (error) { reject(error); return; } if (info.done) { resolve(value); } else { Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw); } }
function _throw(err) {
asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err);
function _asyncToGenerator(fn) { return function () { var self = this, args = arguments; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var gen = fn.apply(self, args); function _next(value) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value); } function _throw(err) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err); } _next(undefined); }); }; }
* Returns a `Promise` rejection with `error`, having called `ensure` on it.
function rejects(_x, _x2, _x3) {
return _rejects.apply(this, arguments);
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {
if (key in obj) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
value: value,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true
} else {
obj[key] = value;
function _rejects() {
_rejects = _asyncToGenerator(function* (error, create, options) {
throw ensure(error, create, options);
return _rejects.apply(this, arguments);
* Returns the result of `fn`; if it throws, it will call `ensure` on the thrown error and throw it. `fn` can be an *async* function -it will be automatically detected.
function throws(fn, create, options) {
try {
var response = fn();
if (!isPromise(response)) return response; // if it is a promise, in case response was a lazy promise
return LazyPromist.from(() => {
return response.catch(err => rejects(err, create, options));
}).then(value => value);
} catch (err) {
throw ensure(err, create, options);
return obj;
function asyncGeneratorStep$1(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) { try { var info = gen[key](arg); var value = info.value; } catch (error) { reject(error); return; } if (info.done) { resolve(value); } else { Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw); } }
function _asyncToGenerator$1(fn) { return function () { var self = this, args = arguments; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var gen = fn.apply(self, args); function _next(value) { asyncGeneratorStep$1(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value); } function _throw(err) { asyncGeneratorStep$1(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err); } _next(undefined); }); }; }
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
class Errorish extends Error {
* An optional `source` -should reference the object that originated the `Errorish`.
* Returns `true` if `error` is an instance of the class with label `label`, if passed.
static is(error, label) {
if (!(error instanceof this)) return false;
if (label === undefined) return true;
return Array.isArray(label) ? label.includes(error.label) : error.label === label;
* An optional `data` field.
* Runs and returns the result of `fn` only when `error` is an instance of the class and, optionally, has a specific `label`.
constructor(message, source, data) {
super(message || undefined);
_defineProperty(this, "source", void 0);
_defineProperty(this, "data", void 0);
this.source = source; = data || {};
static recast(error, create, label) {
return, label) ? create(error) : error;
* Custom Error name: 'Errorish'
* Calls `recast` and throws its response if `fn` throws or rejects, otherwise returns or throws the same result or error as `fn`.
get name() {
return 'Errorish';
static raise(fn, create, label) {
var _this = this;
try {
var response = fn();
if (isPromise(response)) {
return response.catch(
function () {
var _ref = _asyncToGenerator$1(function* (err) {
throw _this.recast(err, create, label);
return function (_x) {
return _ref.apply(this, arguments);
return response;
} catch (err) {
throw this.recast(err, create, label);
* References `source.root` is an instance of `Errorish`; references `source` if it is an instance of `Error`; otherwise it references itself.
* See `ensure` function.
get root() {
if (this.source instanceof Errorish) return this.source.root;
return this.source instanceof Error ? this.source : this;
static ensure(error, create, options) {
return ensure(error, create, Object.assign({}, options, {
Error: this
* Sets the `data` field and returns itself.
* See `rejects` function.
set(data) { = data;
return this;
static rejects(error, create, options) {
return rejects(error, create, Object.assign({}, options, {
Error: this
* Assigns `data` to the `data` field and returns itself.
* See `throws` function.
assign(data) {
Object.assign(, data);
return this;
static throws(fn, create, options) {
return throws(fn, create, Object.assign({}, options, {
Error: this
* A label for the Error.
* Default values for error creation and normalization when an options object is not passed or lacks a particular property. They can be reset via `scope.set`. See `ICoreOptions`.
constructor(message, label, data, source) {
super(message || undefined);
const defaults = {
name: 'Error',
message: 'An error occurred',
Errorish: Errorish,
normalize: true,
capture: true,
allow: ['string'],
Error: Error
_defineProperty(this, "label", void 0);
* Normalizes an Error -it assumes an instance of Error is passed. It guarantees the error will have a `name`, `message`, and `stack` properties.
_defineProperty(this, "data", void 0);
function normalize(error, options) {
const opts = Object.assign({}, defaults, options);
_defineProperty(this, "source", void 0);
if (! { = error.constructor && ||;
this.label = label || null; = data || {};
this.source = source;
* Custom Error name: 'Errorish'
if (!error.message) error.message = opts.message;
if (!error.stack) error.stack = "Error: ".concat(error.message);
return error;
function stringify(message, options) {
if (typeof message === 'string') return message;
try {
return JSON.stringify(message);
} catch (e) {
return options.message;
get name() {
return 'Errorish';
* References the first `Errorish` in the `Errorish.source` chain.
function trunk(error, options, data) {
if (error instanceof options.Error) return error;
let message = error && typeof error === 'object' && error.hasOwnProperty('message') ? error.message : error;
message = options.allow.includes(typeof message) ? stringify(message, options) : options.message;
error = new options.Errorish(message, error, data);
if (options.capture && Error.captureStackTrace) {
Error.captureStackTrace(error, options.Errorish);
root() {
return this.source instanceof Errorish && this.source !== this ? this.source.root() : this;
* Returns `Errorish.source` if it is an `Error`, otherwise it returns itself.
return error;
* Will return `error` if it is an instance of `options.Error` -by default, and instance of `Error`. Otherwise, it will instantiate and return an `Error` of class `options.Errorish` -`Errorish` by default. This newly created error -if created- would have:
* - whatever you passed as an `error` as its `source` field.
* - whatever you passed as `data` as its `data` field.
error() {
return this.source instanceof Error ? this.source : this;
* Clones the instance and assigns it a new `data` field.
function ensure(error, options, data) {
const opts = Object.assign({}, defaults, options);
return opts.normalize ? normalize(trunk(error, opts, data), opts) : trunk(error, opts, data);
* Returns a promise rejection with `error`, having called `ensure` on it.
function rejects(_x, _x2, _x3) {
return _rejects.apply(this, arguments);
function _rejects() {
_rejects = _asyncToGenerator(function* (error, options, data) {
const condition = options && options.hasOwnProperty('case') ? : true;
if (condition) throw ensure(error, options, data);
return _rejects.apply(this, arguments);
* Returns the result of `fn`; if it throws, it will call `ensure` on the thrown error and throw it. `fn` can be an *async* function -it will be automatically detected.
function throws(fn, options, data) {
try {
const response = fn();
if (!isPromise(response)) return response; // if it is a promise
// in case res was a lazy promise
return lazy.fn(() => {
return response.catch(err => rejects(err, options, data));
reproduce(data) {
var destination = Object.create(this);
return Object.assign(destination, this, {
} catch (err) {
throw ensure(err, options, data);
const root = {
name: null,
const scopes = {};
const values = {};
* Allows the creation of specific scopes with different sets of default options. If a particular option is nor defined for a scope, it will fall back to the root scope value for that option -the root scope is the one the `ensure`, `throws`, `rejects`, and `normalize` functions as exported from `errorish` entry point belong to by default.
const scope = {
* Gets a scope by name -it is created if it doesn't exist. If no name is passed, the root scope will be returned.
* Runs `Error.captureStackTrace` if running in `V8` to clean up the error stack trace.
get(name) {
if (!name) return root;
if (!scopes.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
if (!values.hasOwnProperty(name)) values[name] = {};
const options = values[name];
scopes[name] = {
ensure() {
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
args[1] = Object.assign({}, options, args[1]);
return ensure(args[0], ...args.slice(1));
throws() {
for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
args[_key2] = arguments[_key2];
args[1] = Object.assign({}, options, args[1]);
return throws(args[0], ...args.slice(1));
rejects() {
var _arguments = arguments;
return _asyncToGenerator(function* () {
for (var _len3 = _arguments.length, args = new Array(_len3), _key3 = 0; _key3 < _len3; _key3++) {
args[_key3] = _arguments[_key3];
args[1] = Object.assign({}, options, args[1]);
return rejects(args[0], ...args.slice(1));
normalize() {
for (var _len4 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len4), _key4 = 0; _key4 < _len4; _key4++) {
args[_key4] = arguments[_key4];
args[1] = Object.assign({}, options, args[1]);
return normalize(args[0], ...args.slice(1));
capture() {
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
return scopes[name];
* Sets default options for a scope, taking the name of the scope as the first argument, and the `ICoreOptions` options as the second. If no name is passed and a single `ICoreOptions` argument is in its place, it will set the defaults for the root scope. It will also return the scope.
set() {
for (var _len5 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len5), _key5 = 0; _key5 < _len5; _key5++) {
args[_key5] = arguments[_key5];
const name = args.find(x => typeof x === 'string');
const options = args.find(x => typeof x === 'object');
if (!name) Object.assign(defaults, options);else {
if (!values.hasOwnProperty(name)) values[name] = {};
Object.assign(values[name], options);
return scope.get(name);
return this;
export { Errorish, ensure, normalize, rejects, scope, throws };
export { Errorish, ensure, normalize, rejects, throws };
"name": "errorish",
"description": "For those times you have an error-ish but what you really want is an Error",
"version": "0.4.0",
"version": "0.5.0",
"license": "MIT",
"files": [
"esnext": "dist-src/index.js",
"main": "dist-node/index.js",
"module": "dist-web/index.js",
"pika": true,

@@ -38,55 +37,25 @@ "sideEffects": false,

"dependencies": {
"promist": "^0.7.0"
"promist": "^2.0.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@babel/cli": "^7.4.4",
"@babel/core": "^7.4.4",
"@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties": "^7.4.4",
"@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators": "^7.4.4",
"@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread": "^7.4.4",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.4.4",
"@babel/preset-typescript": "^7.3.3",
"@pika/pack": "^0.3.7",
"@pika/plugin-build-node": "^0.3.15",
"@pika/plugin-build-web": "^0.3.15",
"@pika/plugin-standard-pkg": "^0.3.15",
"@types/jest": "^24.0.11",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^1.7.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^1.7.0",
"@zerollup/ts-transform-paths": "^1.7.1",
"babel-eslint": "^10.0.1",
"babel-jest": "^24.7.1",
"babel-plugin-module-resolver": "^3.2.0",
"commitizen": "^3.1.1",
"conventional-changelog-cli": "^2.0.17",
"conventional-recommended-bump": "^5.0.0",
"coveralls": "^3.0.3",
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@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

# errorish
# Errorish

@@ -11,6 +11,2 @@ [![Version](](

> For those times you have an error-*ish* but what you really want is an *Error.*
If you find it useful, consider [starring the project]( 💪 and/or following [its author]( ❤️ -there's more on the way!
## Install

@@ -22,28 +18,35 @@

There are essentially three use cases for `errorish`:
There are three main use cases for *Errorish*:
* [You need to make sure an `Error` has a `message`, `name`, and `stack` properties.](#normalizing-errors)
* [You need to make sure *any* object is actually an error, as expected.](#ensuring-any-is-an-error--otherwise-create-it)
* [You need to make sure an *Error* has a `message`, `name`, and `stack` properties.](#normalizing-errors)
* [You want to catch errors and throw a different *Error*:](#catching-and-throwing-errors-to-be-made-public)
* with a different message and specific data that might be made public,
* while preserving information about the original exception that caused your program to fail,
* on different levels of the call stack, but keeping only the first one of its kind throwed.
* [You want to extend the `Error` class to store an identifying `label`, some `data` fields, and/or the `source` exception that caused your program to fail](#errorish-class)
## Documentation
These are all of `errorish`'s functions -[see docs:](
These are all of *Errorish*'s functions and classes -[see docs:](
* [`ensure`]( ensures `any` is an `Error`, otherwise creating one -optionally, it can also have a normalization step, which is [enabled by default.](
* [`normalize`]( ensures an `Error` has a `message`, `name`, and `stack` properties -filling them if they're not defined.
* [`ensure`]( ensures `any` is an `Error`, otherwise creating one -it can also have a normalization step, which is enabled by default.
* [`rejects`]( returns a promise rejection with an error, having called `ensure` on it.
* [`throws`]( takes a function and returns its value if it doesn't throw; otherwise, it will call `ensure` on the thrown error and throw it.
* [`Errorish`]( is a *class* with some conveniency methods relating to its `label`, `data`, and `source` fields.
[Options]( can be passed directly to these functions, though they will be merged in all cases with the [defaults]( -you can use [`scope.set`]( to set these.
## Usage
Additionally, you might want to create particular [`scopes` with a different set of default options]( depending on your use case.
### Normalizing errors
## Usage
Normalization is performed by default by [`ensure`,]( but it can also be run independently:
### Ensuring `any` is an error -otherwise create it
import { normalize } from 'errorish';
normalize(Error()); // Error: An error occurred
normalize(Error(), { message: 'Foo bar' }); // Error: Foo bar
### Ensuring *any* is an error -otherwise create it
See [`ensure`.](
#### Return an error from any error-*ish*

@@ -56,18 +59,16 @@

ensure('Foo bar'); // Errorish: Foo bar
ensure({ message: 'Foo bar' }); // Errorish: Foo bar
ensure('Foo bar'); // Error: Foo bar
ensure({ message: 'Foo bar' }); // Error: Foo bar
// As this is a number, it will use the default message
ensure(10); // Errorish: An error occurred
ensure(10); // Error: An error occurred
// We can also allow numbers -or any other type- to be stringified
ensure(10, { allow: ['string', 'number'] }); // Errorish: 10
ensure(10, { allow: ['string', 'number'] }); // Error: 10
// Errors will always preserve the original source
ensure(10).source; // 10
// Additionally, we can pass some data to errors
ensure(10, null, { foo: 'bar' }).data; // { foo: 'bar' }
// Or otherwise, provide a creation function
ensure(10, (err) => Error('10 is not an error')) // Error: 10 is not an error
#### Throw or reject with an error-*ish*
#### Throw or reject from an error-*ish*

@@ -79,12 +80,6 @@ [`throws`]( and [`rejects`]( run [`ensure`]( over your error-*ish* and throw or reject with it -these are just convenience functions over `ensure`:

/* rejects */
Promise.reject(10).catch(rejects) // Reject<Errorish: An error occurred>
Promise.reject(10).catch(rejects) // Reject<Error: An error occurred>
// Options for `rejects` and `throws` also take a `case` field which,
// if false, will make them to have a void response
Promise.reject(10).catch(err => rejects(err, { case: false })); // Resolve<undefined>
throws(() => { throw 10; }); // Throw<Error: An error occurred>
/* throws */
throws(() => { throw 10; }); // Throw<Errorish: An error occurred>
// The above is equivalent to:

@@ -98,66 +93,88 @@ try {

// it can also be passed an async function
throws(async () => { throw 10; }); // Reject<Errorish: An error occurred>
throws(async () => { throw 10; }); // Reject<Error: An error occurred>
throws(() => 10); // Return<10>
### `Errorish` class
A *class* with some conveniency methods relating to its `label`, `data`, and `source` fields -see [`Errorish`.](
#### Constructor
The `Errorish` constructor takes in the optional arguments `message`, `label`, `data`, and `source`.
import { Errorish } from 'errorish';
const fn = () => { throw Error('Source'); };
try {
} catch(source) {
throw new Errorish('Message', 'label', { code: 401 }, source);
### Normalizing errors
#### Static methods
Normalization is performed by default by [`ensure`,]( but it can also be run independently:
##### ` Error, label?: string | null | Array<string | null>): boolean`
Returns `true` if `error` is an instance of the class with label `label`, if passed.
import { normalize } from 'errorish';
import { Errorish } from 'errorish';
normalize(Error()); // Error: An error occurred
normalize(Error(), { message: 'Foo bar' }); // Error: Foo bar
const error = new Errorish();; // true, 'Label'); // false
### Catching and throwing errors to be made public
##### `Errorish.recast(error: Error, create: (error: Errorish) => Error, label?: string | null | Array<string | null>)`
Runs and returns the result of `fn` only when `error` is an instance of the class and, optionally, has a specific `label`.
##### `Errorish.raise(fn: () => any, create: (error: Errorish) => Error, label?: string | null | Array<string | null>)`
Calls `recast` and throws its response if `fn` throws or rejects, otherwise returns or throws the same result or error as `fn`.
##### `Errorish.ensure(error: any, create: (error: any) => Error, options: object): Error`
Same as [`ensure`,](#ensuring-any-is-an-error--otherwise-create-it) though it will ensure against the `error` being an instance of `Errorish`.
##### `Errorish.rejects(error: any, create: (error: any) => Error, options: object): Error`
Same as [`rejects`,](#ensuring-any-is-an-error--otherwise-create-it) though it will ensure against the `error` being an instance of `Errorish`.
##### `Errorish.throws(error: () => any, create: (error: any) => Error, options: object): Error`
Same as [`throws`,](#ensuring-any-is-an-error--otherwise-create-it) though it will ensure against the `error` being an instance of `Errorish`.
#### Instance methods
##### `errorish.root(): Errorish`
References the first `Errorish` in the `Errorish.source` chain.
import { Errorish, scope } from 'errorish';
import { Errorish } from 'errorish';
// As we might want to preserve the defaults for the root scope,
// we'll create a new scope we'll name `ish`.
// For that scope, we'll set Errorish as the class errors
// will be ensured against, so even when an actual `Error` is passed,
// if not an `Errorish`, a new one will be created.
const ish = scope.set('ish', { Error: Errorish, allow: [] });
const source = Error();
const a = new Errorish(null, null, null, source);
const b = new Errorish(null, null, null, a);
const c = new Errorish(null, null, null, b);
function authorize() {
throw Error(`Error with details I'd rather not expose`);
// Will return `a`
function example() {
try {
} catch (err) {
// As an `Error` is not an instance of `Errorish`, one will be
// created with message `Server failed running your example`
// and data `{ code: 500 }`
throw ish.ensure(
{ message: `Authorization for example failed` },
{ code: 401 }
##### `errorish.error(): Error`
function server() {
try {
} catch (err) {
// As example already throwed an `Errorish`, the same one will be
// preserved, ignoring the more general-purpose message and code
throw ish.ensure(err, { message: 'Server failed' }, { code: 500 });
Returns `Errorish.source` if it is an `Error`, otherwise it returns itself.
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log(e.message); // Authorization for example failed
console.log(; // { code: 401 }
console.log(e.source); // Error: Error with details I'd rather not expose
##### `errorish.reproduce(data?: object): Errorish`
Clones the instance and assigns it a new `data` field.
##### `errorish.capture(): Errorish`
Runs `Error.captureStackTrace` if running in `V8` to clean up the error stack trace.
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