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eslint-config-es - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.5.0 to 0.6.0



'use strict';
module.exports = {
'plugins': [
const { parserOptions, globals, plugins, rules } = require('./server');
'env': {
'amd': false,
'browser': true,
'es6': true,
'jasmine': false,
'jquery': false,
'meteor': false,
'mocha': true,
'node': true,
'phantomjs': false,
'prototypejs': false,
'shelljs': false
const env = {
browser: true,
commonjs: true,
'shared-node-browser': true,
es6: true,
mocha: true,
node: true
'globals': {
'angular': false
'ecmaFeatures': {
'arrowFunctions': true,
'binaryLiterals': true,
'blockBindings': true,
'classes': true,
'defaultParams': true,
'destructuring': true,
'forOf': true,
'generators': true,
'globalReturn': false,
'jsx': true,
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'objectLiteralComputedProperties': true,
'objectLiteralDuplicateProperties': false,
'objectLiteralShorthandMethods': true,
'objectLiteralShorthandProperties': true,
'octalLiterals': true,
'regexUFlag': true,
'regexYFlag': true,
'restParams': true,
'spread': true,
'superInFunctions': true,
'templateStrings': true,
'unicodeCodePointEscapes': true
'rules': {
'comma-dangle': [ 2, 'never' ],
'no-cond-assign': [ 2, 'always' ],
'no-console': 2,
'no-constant-condition': 2,
'no-control-regex': 2,
'no-debugger': 2,
'no-dupe-args': 2,
'no-dupe-keys': 2,
'no-duplicate-case': 2,
'no-empty': 2,
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'no-extra-semi': 2,
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'no-irregular-whitespace': 2,
'no-negated-in-lhs': 2,
'no-obj-calls': 2,
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'complexity': [ 0, 11 ],
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'curly': [ 2, 'all' ],
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'dot-notation': [ 2, { 'allowKeywords': true }],
'eqeqeq': 2,
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'yoda': [ 2, 'never' ],
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'no-process-exit': 2,
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'comma-style': [ 2, 'last' ],
'computed-property-spacing': [2, 'never'],
'consistent-this': [ 2, 'that' ],
'eol-last': 2,
'func-names': 0,
'func-style': [ 2, 'expression' ],
'indent': [2, 2, { 'SwitchCase': 1, 'VariableDeclarator': 2 }],
'key-spacing': [ 2, { 'beforeColon': false, 'afterColon': true }],
'linebreak-style': [ 2, 'unix' ],
'lines-around-comment': [ 2, {
'beforeBlockComment': false,
'afterBlockComment': false,
'beforeLineComment': true,
'afterLineComment': false,
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'allowBlockEnd': true
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'new-cap': [ 2, { 'newIsCap': true, 'capIsNew': true }],
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'newline-after-var': [ 2, 'always' ],
'no-array-constructor': 2,
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'no-multiple-empty-lines': [ 2, { 'max': 1 }],
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'no-new-object': 2,
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'no-trailing-spaces': [ 2, { 'skipBlankLines': false }],
'no-underscore-dangle': 2,
'no-unneeded-ternary': 2,
'object-curly-spacing': [2, 'always', {
'objectsInObjects': false,
'arraysInObjects': false
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'operator-linebreak': [ 2, 'after' ],
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'quotes': [ 2, 'single' ],
'semi': [ 2, 'always' ],
'semi-spacing': [ 2, { 'before': false, 'after': true }],
'sort-vars': [ 2, { 'ignoreCase': true }],
'space-after-keywords': [ 2, 'always' ],
'space-before-blocks': [ 2, 'always' ],
'space-before-function-paren': [ 2, { 'anonymous': 'always', 'named': 'always' }],
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'space-infix-ops': [ 2, { 'int32Hint': false }],
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'space-unary-ops': [ 2, { 'words': true, 'nonwords': false }],
'spaced-comment': [ 2, 'always' ],
'wrap-regex': 0,
'constructor-super': 2,
'generator-star-spacing': [ 2, 'both' ],
'no-this-before-super': 2,
'no-var': 2,
'object-shorthand': [ 2, 'always' ],
'prefer-const': 2,
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'max-len': [ 0, 80, 4 ],
'max-params': [ 0, 3 ],
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'no-bitwise': 0,
'no-plusplus': 0,
'extended/consistent-err-names': [ 2, 'prefix' ],
'mocha/no-exclusive-tests': 2
module.exports = { parserOptions, env, globals, plugins, rules };
'use strict';
module.exports = {
'plugins': [
const parserOptions = {
ecmaVersion: 6,
sourceType: 'script',
ecmaFeatures: {
globalReturn: false,
impliedStrict: false,
jsx: true
'env': {
'amd': false,
'browser': false,
'es6': true,
'jasmine': false,
'jquery': false,
'meteor': false,
'mocha': true,
'node': true,
'phantomjs': false,
'prototypejs': false,
'shelljs': false
const env = {
es6: true,
mocha: true,
node: true
'globals': {
const globals = {};
'ecmaFeatures': {
'arrowFunctions': true,
'binaryLiterals': true,
'blockBindings': true,
'classes': true,
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'destructuring': true,
'forOf': true,
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'jsx': true,
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'objectLiteralDuplicateProperties': false,
'objectLiteralShorthandMethods': true,
'objectLiteralShorthandProperties': true,
'octalLiterals': true,
'regexUFlag': true,
'regexYFlag': true,
'restParams': true,
'spread': true,
'superInFunctions': true,
'templateStrings': true,
'unicodeCodePointEscapes': true
const plugins = [
'rules': {
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'radix': 2,
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'yoda': [ 2, 'never' ],
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'array-callback-return': 2,
'block-scoped-var': 2,
complexity: [ 1, { max: 11 }],
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curly: [ 2, 'all' ],
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eqeqeq: 2,
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'keyword-spacing': [ 2, { before: true, after: true }],
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allowObjectEnd: true,
allowArrayStart: true,
allowArrayEnd: true
'max-depth': [ 2, { max: 4 }],
'max-len': [ 2, {
code: 100,
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comments: 100,
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ignoreUrls: true
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'new-cap': [ 2, {
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'no-useless-constructor': 2,
'no-var': 2,
'object-shorthand': [ 2, 'always' ],
'prefer-arrow-callback': [ 2, { allowNamedFunctions: false, allowUnboundThis: true }],
'prefer-const': [ 2, { destructuring: 'any', ignoreReadBeforeAssign: true }],
'prefer-reflect': [ 2, { exceptions: []}],
'prefer-rest-params': 2,
'prefer-spread': 2,
'prefer-template': 2,
'require-yield': 2,
'sort-imports': [ 2, {
ignoreCase: false,
ignoreMemberSort: false,
memberSyntaxSortOrder: [ 'single', 'multiple', 'all', 'none' ]
'template-curly-spacing': [ 2, 'never' ],
'yield-star-spacing': [ 2, { before: true, after: true }],
'max-depth': [ 0, 4 ],
'max-len': [ 0, 80, 4 ],
'max-params': [ 0, 3 ],
'max-statements': [ 0, 10 ],
'no-bitwise': 0,
'no-plusplus': 0,
'extended/consistent-err-names': [ 2, 'prefix' ],
'extended/consistent-err-names': [ 2, 'prefix' ],
'mocha/no-exclusive-tests': 2,
'mocha/no-skipped-tests': 2,
'mocha/no-pending-tests': 2,
'mocha/handle-done-callback': 2,
'mocha/no-synchronous-tests': 2,
'mocha/no-global-tests': 2
'mocha/no-exclusive-tests': 2
module.exports = { parserOptions, env, globals, plugins, rules };
"name": "eslint-config-es",
"version": "0.5.0",
"description": "eslint-config-es contains strict ESLint configurations for ES5 and ES2015.",
"version": "0.6.0",
"description": "eslint-config-es contains a strict ESLint configuration for ES2015.",
"contributors": [

@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ {

"main": "5/server.js",
"main": "2015/server.js",
"dependencies": {},
"devDependencies": {
"gulp": "3.9.0",
"roboter": "0.3.3"
"gulp": "3.9.1",
"roboter": "0.5.1"

@@ -28,5 +28,5 @@ "repository": {


@@ -33,0 +33,0 @@ "eslint-config"

# eslint-config-es
eslint-config-es contains strict ESLint configurations for ES5 and ES2015.
eslint-config-es contains a strict ESLint configuration for ES2015.
## Installation
$ npm install eslint-config-es \
eslint \
eslint-plugin-extended \
$ npm install eslint-config-es \
eslint \
eslint-plugin-extended \
## Quick Start
This module contains strict ESLint configurations for ES5 and ES2015, both for server and client development.
This module contains a strict ESLint configuration and ES2015, both for server and client development.
To use one of those configurations, create a `.eslintrc` file in your project and use the `extends` keyword.
To use one of those configurations, create a `.eslintrc.json` file in your project and use the `extends` keyword.

@@ -24,3 +26,3 @@ ```json

Alternatively, you may also use `es/2015/client`, `es/5/server`, and `es/5/client`.
Alternatively, you may also use `es/2015/client`.

@@ -31,5 +33,7 @@ If you want to override any rules, you can do so in your configuration file.

This module can be built using [Grunt]( Besides running the tests, this also analyses the code. To run Grunt, go to the folder where you have installed eslint-config-es and run `grunt`. You need to have [grunt-cli]( installed.
To build this module use [roboter](
$ grunt
$ bot build-server

@@ -39,3 +43,3 @@ ## License

The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2015 the native web.
Copyright (c) 2015-2016 the native web.

@@ -42,0 +46,0 @@ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

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