Prints eslint errors in a way allowing:
- filename with line and column appended with colons as many editor CLIs will accept this as a command line argument and place the cursor exactly on the error using this information
- Allows copy/pasting of a complete JavaScript comment to disable this rule in a specific location.
Note this is a copy and tweak job from the built-in "compact" eslint formatter.
Example Output
app/entries/operations/index.js:1:26 Error - Strings must use singlequote. // eslint-disable-line quotes
app/entries/operations/index.js:2:38 Error - Extra semicolon. // eslint-disable-line semi
app/entries/operations/index.js:3:5 Error - foo is defined but never used // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
app/entries/operations/index.js:3:9 Error - Extra semicolon. // eslint-disable-line semi
This formatter is MIT licensed. The ESLint License is included with this repository as well.