Advanced tools
[7.28.0] - 2021.12.22
]: support namedComponents option being an array ([#3129][] @petersendidit)jsx-indent-props
]: Reset line.isUsingOperator
correctly after ternary ([#3146][] @tobiaswaltl)no-arrow-function-lifecycle
], [no-unused-class-component-methods
]: use report/messages convention (@ljharb)util.isReactHookCall
([#3156][] @duncanbeevers)Changelog
[7.27.1] - 2021.11.18
]: allow link
to have apple-touch-icon
, mask-icon
([#3132][] @ljharb)no-unused-class-component-methods
]: add getChildContext
lifecycle method ([#3136][] @yoyo837)prop-types
]: fix false positives on renames in object destructuring ([#3142][] @golopot)no-arrow-function-lifecycle
]: fix invalid autofix from a concise arrow method to a regular one ([#3145][] @ljharb)display-name
]: avoid false positives on non-creatClass object expressions ([#3144] @ljharb)Changelog
[7.27.0] - 2021.11.09
]: Handle unused class component methods ([#2166][] @jakeleventhal @pawelnvk)no-arrow-function-lifecycle
] ([#1980][] @ngtan)@typescript-eslint/parser
v5 (@ljharb)no-invalid-html-attribute
]: add rule ([#2863][] @Nokel81)propTypes
: add VoidFunctionComponent
to react generic list ([#3092][] @vedadeepta)jsx-fragments
], [jsx-no-useless-fragment
]: avoid a crash on fragment syntax in typescript-eslint
parser (@ljharb)jsx-props-no-multi-spaces
]: avoid a crash on long member chains in tag names in typescript-eslint
parser (@ljharb)no-unused-prop-types
], usedPropTypes
: avoid crash with typescript-eslint parser (@ljharb)display-name
]: unwrap TS as
expressions ([#3110][] @ljharb)destructuring-assignment
]: detect refs nested in functions ([#3102] @ljharb)no-unstable-components
]: improve handling of objects containing render function properties ([#3111] @fizwidget)prop-types
], propTypes
: add forwardRef<>, ForwardRefRenderFunction<> prop-types ([#3112] @vedadeepta)no-typos
]: prevent a crash when using private methods (@ljharb)destructuring-assignment
], component detection: improve component detection ([#3122] @vedadeepta)no-invalid-html-attribute
]: avoid crash on spread props ([#3126] @ljharb)jsx-no-target-blank
]: adjust options description ([#3124] @gebsh)Changelog
[7.26.1] - 2021.09.29
]: fix crash on non-string React.createElement name ([#3082] @ljharb)no-namespace
]: avoid crash on non-string createElement values ([#3085] @ljharb)jsx-no-target-blank
]: improve error messages ([#3088] @cutiful)jsx-max-props-per-line
]: fix options example ([#3083] @MrRaiter)Changelog
[7.26.0] - 2021.09.20
] rule ([#2640] @yacinehmito @ljharb)jsx-max-props-per-line
]: add single
and multi
options ([#3078] @SIL0RAK)display-name
]: Get rid of false position on component detection ([#2759] @iiison)no-access-state-in-setstate
]: passing test for “don't error if it's not a React Component” ([#1873] @kentcdodds)Changelog
[7.25.3] - 2021.09.19
], propTypes
: bail out unknown generic types inside func params ([#3076] @vedadeepta)isCreateElement
and isDestructuredFromPragmaImport
utils (@ljharb)Changelog
[7.25.2] - 2021.09.16
]: Handle insignificant whitespace correctly when allowExpressions
is true
([#3061][] @benj-dobs)prop-types
], propTypes
: handle implicit children
prop in react's generic types ([#3064][] @vedadeepta)display-name
]: fix arrow function returning result of function call with JSX arguments being interpreted as component ([#3065][] @danielfinke)jsx-no-target-blank
]: avoid crash on attr-only href ([#3066][] @ljharb @gaz77a)jsx-uses-vars
]: ignore lowercase tag names ([#3070][] @alanorozco)Changelog
[7.25.1] - 2021.08.29
], component detection: Improve stateless component detection ([#3056][] @Wesitos)Changelog
[7.25.0] - 2021.08.27
]: add option to allow single expressions in fragments ([#3006][] @mattdarveniza)prefer-exact-props
] rule ([#1547][] @jomasti)jsx-no-target-blank
]: add forms
option ([#1617][] @jaaberg)jsx-pascal-case
]: add allowLeadingUnderscore
option ([#3039][] @pangaeatech)no-children-prop
]: Add allowFunctions
option ([#1903][] @alexzherdev)jsx-runtime
]: set parserOptions.jsxPragma
for @typescript-eslint/parser
([bb64df65][] @ljharb)estraverse
to improve component detection ([#2992][] @Wesitos)destructuring-assignment
], [no-multi-comp
], [no-unstable-nested-components
], component detection: improve component detection ([#3001][] @vedadeepta)no-deprecated
]: fix crash on rest elements ([#3016][] @ljharb)destructuring-assignment
]: get the contextName correctly ([#3025][] @ohhoney1)no-typos
]: prevent crash on styled components and forwardRefs ([#3036][] @ljharb)destructuring-assignment
], component detection: handle default exports edge case ([#3038][] @vedadeepta)no-typos
]: fix crash on private methods ([#3043][] @ljharb)jsx-no-bind
]: handle local function declarations ([#3048][] @p7g)prop-types
], propTypes
: handle React.* TypeScript types ([#3049][] @vedadeepta)prop-types
], propTypes
: add handling for FC<Props>
, improve tests ([#3051][] @vedadeepta)prop-types
], propTypes
: prevent crash introduced in [#3051][] ([#3053][] @ljharb)jsx-no-bind
]: updates discussion of refs ([#2998][] @dimitropoulos)utils/Components
: correct spelling and delete unused code ([#3026][] @ohhoney1)jsx-uses-react
], [react-in-jsx-scope
]: document [react/jsx-runtime
] config ([#3018][] @pkuczynski @ljharb)require-default-props
]: fix small typo ([#2994][] @evsasse)jsx-runtime
config ([#3052][] @ljharb)Changelog
[7.24.0] - 2021.05.27
]: add ignore option ([#2972][] @grit96)jsx-handler-names
]: properly substitute value into message ([#2975][] @G-Rath)jsx-uses-vars
]: ignore namespaces ([#2985][] @remcohaszing)jsx-no-undef
]: ignore namespaces ([#2986][] @remcohaszing)jsx-child-element-spacing
]: Don't flag whitespace around <br/>
tags ([#2989][] @pascalpp)jsx-newline
]: Fix minor spelling error on rule name ([#2974][] @DennisSkoko)void-dom-elements-no-children
]: improve performancejsx-child-element-spacing
]: fixes sentence which ends abruptly ([#2990][] @pascalpp)