What is esprima?
Esprima is a high performance, standard-compliant ECMAScript parser written in ECMAScript (also popularly known as JavaScript). It is capable of parsing JavaScript code to produce an abstract syntax tree (AST), which can be used for various purposes such as static analysis, code instrumentation, and transformation.
What are esprima's main functionalities?
Parsing JavaScript Code
This feature allows you to parse a string of JavaScript code and obtain an abstract syntax tree (AST) that represents the structure of the code.
const esprima = require('esprima');
const program = 'const answer = 42;';
const ast = esprima.parseScript(program);
Syntax Tree Analysis
Once you have the AST, you can analyze it to extract information about the code, such as variable names, function declarations, and more.
const esprima = require('esprima');
const program = 'const answer = 42;';
const ast = esprima.parseScript(program);
console.log(ast.body[0].declarations[0].id.name); // 'answer'
Esprima can also be used to tokenize JavaScript code, breaking it down into its lexical components (tokens) such as keywords, identifiers, literals, and operators.
const esprima = require('esprima');
const program = 'const answer = 42;';
const tokens = esprima.tokenize(program);
Other packages similar to esprima
Acorn is a tiny, fast JavaScript parser, also producing an AST. It is similar to Esprima in terms of functionality but focuses on being smaller and more modular.
Cherow is a very fast, standards-compliant, self-hosted JavaScript parser with error recovery. It compares to Esprima in terms of compliance and performance but also offers better error handling and recovery options.
Esprima (esprima.org, BSD license) is a high performance,
standard-compliant ECMAScript
parser written in ECMAScript (also popularly known as
Esprima is created and maintained by Ariya Hidayat,
with the help of many contributors.
Esprima can be used to perform lexical analysis (tokenization) or syntactic analysis (parsing) of a JavaScript program.
A simple example on Node.js REPL:
> var esprima = require('esprima');
> var program = 'const answer = 42';
> esprima.tokenize(program);
[ { type: 'Keyword', value: 'const' },
{ type: 'Identifier', value: 'answer' },
{ type: 'Punctuator', value: '=' },
{ type: 'Numeric', value: '42' } ]
> esprima.parse(program);
{ type: 'Program',
[ { type: 'VariableDeclaration',
declarations: [Object],
kind: 'const' } ],
sourceType: 'script' }