Curried JavaScript Type Testing Library with Zero Dependencies
This is a new project which needs a lot of work on documentation. It is under active development so there will likely be
changes, but at its core it is a rewrite of the core logic behind the matchers in
jasmine-expect which is a mature, well-tested library.
npm install expect-more --save-dev
import { endsWith, isWithinRange } from 'expect-more';
endsWith('Script', 'JavaScript');
const endsWithScript = endsWith('Script');
isWithinRange(10, 20, 21);
[0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34].filter(isWithinRange(5, 15));
isBoolean: (value: any) => boolean
isFalse: (value: any) => boolean
isNull: (value: any) => boolean
isRegExp: (value: any) => boolean
isTrue: (value: any) => boolean
isUndefined: (value: any) => boolean
isAsyncFunction: (value: any) => boolean
isFunction: (value: any) => boolean
isGeneratorFunction: (value: any) => boolean
throwsAnyError: (value: () => void) => boolean
throwsErrorOfType: (typeName: string, value: () => void) => boolean
hasMember: (memberName: string, value: any) => boolean
isEmptyObject: (value: any) => boolean
isNonEmptyObject: (value: any) => boolean
isObject: (value: any) => boolean
isWalkable: (value: any) => boolean
isArray: (value: any) => boolean
isArrayOfBooleans: (value: any) => boolean
isArrayOfNumbers: (value: any) => boolean
isArrayOfObjects: (value: any) => boolean
isArrayOfSize: (size: number, value: any) => boolean
isArrayOfStrings: (value: any) => boolean
isEmptyArray: (any) => boolean
isNonEmptyArray: (value: any) => boolean
isAfter: (other: Date, value: any) => boolean
isBefore: (other: Date, value: any) => boolean
isDate: (value: any) => boolean
isIso8601: (value: any) => boolean
isValidDate: (value: any) => boolean
isCalculable: (value: any) => boolean
isDivisibleBy: (other: number, value: any) => boolean
isEvenNumber: (value: any) => boolean
isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: (other: number, value: any) => boolean
isLessThanOrEqualTo: (other: number, value: any) => boolean
isNear: (other: number, epsilon: number, value: any) => boolean
isNumber: (value: any) => boolean
isOddNumber: (value: any) => boolean
isWholeNumber: (value: any) => boolean
isWithinRange: (floor: number, ceiling: number, value: any) => boolean
endsWith: (other: string, value: any) => boolean
isEmptyString: (value: any) => boolean
isJsonString: (value: any) => boolean
isLongerThan: (other: string, value: any) => boolean
isNonEmptyString: (value: any) => boolean
isSameLengthAs: (other: string, value: any) => boolean
isShorterThan: (other: string, value: any) => boolean
isString: (value: any) => boolean
isWhitespace: (value: any) => boolean
startsWith: (other: string, value: any) => boolean