Express RESTful Starter
This is a starter kit for building RESTful APIs with ES6, Express framework and Passport
Getting started
# Clone the repository
git clone
cd express-restful-starter
# Remove this git config
rm -rf .git
# Install dependencies
npm i
# Start server in development environment
npm start
# Start server in production environment
npm start:prod
The api service runs on port 3000. We implemented following apis in this starter kit
BASE_PATH: http://localhost:3000/api/
POST /login
username: // for mock-data farhad.yasir
password: // for mock-data 123456
user: // a demo user info
Users **You must be loggedIn before calling these apis**
POST /users
firstName: user's first name,
lastName: user's last name,
email: user's email,
password: user's password,
// returns same body for now. You need to update code in
// /models/handlers/user.model.handlers.js
firstName: user's first name,
lastName: user's last name,
email: user's email,
password: user's password,
PUT /users/:id
// returns same body for now. You need to update code in
// /models/handlers/user.model.handlers.js
firstName: user's first name,
lastName: user's last name,
email: user's email,
password: user's password,
GET /users/:offset/:limit
// returns offset and limit for now. You need to update code in
// /models/handlers/user.model.handlers.js
offset: url's offset,
limit: url's limit,
GET /users/:id
// returns id for now. You need to update code in
// /models/handlers/user.model.handlers.js
DELETE /users/:id
// returns id for now. You need to update code in
// /models/handlers/user.model.handlers.js
Starter Kit Layout
+- config
| +- env --> environment dependable configuration files
| +- common.js --> common configurations for all environment
| +- development.js --> configurations for development
| +- production.js --> configurations for production
| +- index.js --> configuration file where all configurations are concatenated
+- controllers --> controller files
+- routes --> REST api routers
+- models --> models directories that communicate with the database
| +- {Entity Name} --> database access layer that connects with the db models
+- node_modules --> development dependencies node modules
+- utilities --> utilities files
| +- authentication --> uses passport as authentication
| +- constants --> consists application constants
| +- handlers --> any kinds of handlers (e.g: errorHandler, responseHandler)
| +- validators --> customize express validators
+- server.js --> application run file
+- package.json --> node package
MIT licence