External Communications Manager
Wrapper for your all the external communication you'll need for your applications. Hope you will love the flavour.
You can install the External Communications Manager package from npm using the following command:
npm install external-communications-manager
There are many feature embedded into this one single package viz.
1. API via axios
2. Mailer
2.1 Email via aws-sdk
2.2 SMS via 2factor
3. Message Queue via Kafka
4. Storage
4.1 AWS-S3 Bucket via aws-sdk and multer
4.2 Cache
4.2.1 Redis
4.2.2 Context Memory - Redis [and if redis instance missing, in memory context]
4.3 Local Hard Disk (HDD) via multer
4.4 SFTP via multer-sftp
Usage Guidelines
Default ENV Configurations
# how many times should the api call be tried before declaring failed and returning error response
# should a message be published to topic in case api fails 1/0 where 0 is false and non-0+ is true
# if api call is failed, which topic should the details be published to
MQTOPIC_API_FAIL_ALERT = apicallfailed
# after how many seconds the request to be aborted, to avoid waiting forever and blocking main thread (in miliseconds)
Usage Example
const { ResourceAPI } = require('external-communications-manager');
# returns promise, thus must be awaited
# https
(await ResourceAPI.https.get(someURL, headers, data)).data;
(await ResourceAPI.https.patch(someURL, headers, data)).data;
(await ResourceAPI.https.put(someURL, headers, data)).data;
(await ResourceAPI.https.post(someURL, headers, data)).data;
(await ResourceAPI.https.delete(someURL, headers, data)).data;
const getResp = (await ResourceAPI.http.get(someURL, headers, data)).data;
const patchRespRaw = await ResourceAPI.http.patch(someURL, headers, data);
const patchRes = patchRespRaw.data;
(await ResourceAPI.http.put(someURL, headers, data)).data;
(await ResourceAPI.http.post(someURL, headers, data)).data;
(await ResourceAPI.http.delete(someURL, headers, data)).data;
# since http-responses-2 has a response structure like { data, metadata, status, message, ... }
# to actually access the data key from the response, you may have to use it like
const responseData = (await ResourceAPI.https.get(someURL, headers, data)).data?.data;
# where first .data is to obtain data from axios's response, and seconds .data is to get data key from response
const responseMetadata = (await ResourceAPI.https.get(someURL, headers, data)).data?.metadata;
Default ENV Configurations
AWS_API_VERSION = 2010-12-01
AWS_SES_REGION = us-west-2
# sender's email
AWS_FROM = hello@world.com
# can accommodate multiple comma separated emails, automatically filters out empty entries and trims extra spaces
AWS_REPLY = hello@world.com
# SMS --supports international numbers --replace MY_TEMPLATE_NAME with appropriate template name
TWOFACTOR_API_URL = https://2factor.in/API/V1/{{accessKey}}/SMS/{{contact}}/{{passkey}}/MY_TEMPLATE_NAME
Usage Example
const {
} = require('external-communications-manager');
# Email - returns promise,
emails : void 0,
email : 'hello@world.com',
subject: 'Some Subject',
body : 'Some body message, either simple text or html, if html, pass second argument as true',
}, false);
# please note: some css properties may be blocked by email clients like background etc, you should still be able to include images via <img> tag from public/cdn sources
emails : void 0,
email : 'hello@world.com',
subject: 'Some Subject',
body : '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Page Title</title></head><body><h1>This is a Heading</h1><p>This is a paragraph.</p></body></html>',
}, true);
# SMS - returns promise
mobile: `receiver's mobile, replaces {{contact}} in 2factor api-url`,
from: 'from',
template: 'template-name',
var1: 'replaces {{passkey}}',
var2: 'if template has any other variable to be replaced',
var3: 'if template has any other variable to be replaced'
Message Queue
Default ENV Configurations
# KAFKA - BROKER can be given multiple (comma separated), groupid is mandatory
# can be comma separated, spaces will be trimmed, empty entries will be filtered out
KAFKA_BROKER = <ip1>:<port1>,<ip2,port2>,...so on
KAFKA_GROUP_ID = mygroup
Usage Example
const { MessageQueue } = require('external-communications-manager');
# publish --returns promise
MessageQueue.Kafka.publish('some-topic-name', {
key: String(Date.now()), // or any unique identifier
value: JSON.stringify({}), //any valid JSON data in stringified form
headers: { //good to add metadata for better debugging later on
source: "myapp",
action: "test",
type: "registration"
# subscribe - returns promise
MessageQueue.Kafka.subscribe('some-topic-name', function() {
//callback function
Default ENV Configurations
AWS_S3_API_VERSION = 2006-03-01
AWS_S3_REGION = ap-south-1
FS_LOCAL_TEMP_DIR = data/temp/myfiles/
REDIS_PORT = <port>
# General properties - if not passed, takes 'PNG', 'JPG', 'JPEG','MP4','WMV'
FS_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = png,jpeg,svg,mp4
# to control maximum number of files being uploaded
Usage Example
const Response = require('http-responses-2');
const { Storage } = require('external-communications-manager');
# function to provide some logic to override file name before saving
let fileCount = 1;
const fileNaming = async (req, file, cb) => {
try {
const prefix = String(new Date().getTime());
const fileExt = file.originalname.split('.').pop();
const fileName = `${prefix}-${fileCount}.${fileExt}`;
fileCount += 1;
cb(null, fileName);
} catch (e) {
cb(new Error(e.message));
# function to puf some validations on the file being uploaded
const validation = async (req, file, cb) => {
try {
const validExts = (process.env.FS_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS || '').split(',').map(e => e.trim().toUpperCase()).filter(x => x);
const fileExt = file.originalname.split('.').pop();
const isValidExt = (validExts.length > 0 ? validExts : ['PNG', 'JPG', 'JPEG','MP4','WMV']).includes((fileExt || '').toUpperCase());
const isValidCnt = fileCount <= +process.env.FS_MAX_ALLOWED_FILES;
if(!isValidExt) throw Error('Invalid file type');
else if(!isValidCnt) throw Error('Too many files');
cb(null, true);
} catch (e) {
cb(new Error(e.message));
# identify upload target based on env property or mention directly example below,
const uploadTarget = 'HDD';
let RemoteFileSystemUploader;
if('AWS' === uploadTarget) {
RemoteFileSystemUploader = Storage.disk.aws(fileNaming, validation).any();
} else if('HDD' === uploadTarget) {
RemoteFileSystemUploader = Storage.disk.hdd(fileNaming, validation, process.env.FS_LOCAL_TEMP_DIR).any();
} else if('SFTP' === uploadTarget) {
// due to a package limitation, currently have removed SFTP, will try to write a neater package code and bring it back
RemoteFileSystemUploader = Storage.disk.sftp(fileNaming, validation).any();
if(RemoteFileSystemUploader) {
await RemoteFileSystemUploader(req, res, async function(err) {
if (err) {
logger.error(`[UPLOADER] File upload failed => ${err.message}`);
} else {
// do whatever you wish after uploading file
return res.status(Response.success.Ok.code).json(Response.success.Ok.json({
message: 'Form submitted successfully!'
This package will help you streamline all external accesses like api, message-queue, file uploads etc. Import and make use of it. As simple as that.
This is my way of giving back to the community in my own capacity. I know for a fact that the coding standard is terrible as per package standards, and I am determined to scale my packages with better code and even better in-code documentation and readme. Till then, bear with me and build great things. Ciao!