Current Version: 1.2.1
EZ Plus is an up-to-date jQuery image zoom plug-in based on EZ
- Fully Customisable
- Coloured Tints
- Fancybox-Plus and Colorbox Gallery Support
- Variable zoom on mouse scroll
- External Controls
- Window Zoom, Lens Zoom and Inner Zoom
- Free to use under MIT
- JQuery plug-in
- AngularJS directive available: angular-elevatezoom-plus
Via Bower:
bower install ez-plus
Via npm:
npm install ez-plus
In a browser:
<script src=""></script>
Getting Started
Include jQuery and the plug-in on a page. Include your images and initialise the plug-in.
<img id="zoom_01" src='images/large/image1.png' />
For more information on how to setup and customise, check the examples.
Licensed under MIT license.