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fabric - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.6.1 to 4.0.0-beta1




@@ -152,2 +152,5 @@ var fs = require('fs'),

ifSpecifiedInclude('interaction', 'src/controls.actions.js'),
ifSpecifiedInclude('interaction', 'src/controls.render.js'),
ifSpecifiedInclude('interaction', 'src/control.class.js'),

@@ -232,3 +235,3 @@ ifSpecifiedInclude('gradient', 'src/gradient.class.js'),

ifSpecifiedInclude('textbox', 'src/shapes/textbox.class.js'),
ifSpecifiedInclude('interaction', 'src/mixins/default_controls.js'),

@@ -235,0 +238,0 @@


/*! Fabric.js Copyright 2008-2015, Printio (Juriy Zaytsev, Maxim Chernyak) */
var fabric = fabric || { version: '3.6.1' };
var fabric = fabric || { version: '4.0.0-beta.1' };
if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ exports.fabric = fabric;

@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ {

"homepage": "",
"version": "3.6.1",
"authors": "Juriy Zaytsev <>",
"version": "4.0.0-beta1",
"author": "Juriy Zaytsev <>",
"contributors": [

@@ -47,2 +47,3 @@ {

"build:watch": "onchange 'src/**/**' 'HEADER.js' 'lib/**/**' -- npm run build_export",
"link:watch": "onchange 'src/**/**' 'HEADER.js' 'lib/**/**' -- npm link",
"build_with_gestures": "node build.js modules=ALL exclude=accessors",

@@ -49,0 +50,0 @@ "build_export": "npm run build:fast && npm run export_dist_to_site",

### Fabric
<!-- chat, support -->
<!-- build/coverage status, climate -->

@@ -8,0 +3,0 @@

@@ -5,7 +5,5 @@ (function() {

degreesToRadians = fabric.util.degreesToRadians,
radiansToDegrees = fabric.util.radiansToDegrees,
atan2 = Math.atan2,
abs = Math.abs,
supportLineDash = fabric.StaticCanvas.supports('setLineDash'),
isTouchEvent = fabric.util.isTouchEvent,

@@ -20,14 +18,14 @@

* @fires object:modified
* @fires object:rotated
* @fires object:scaled
* @fires object:moved
* @fires object:skewed
* @fires object:rotating
* @fires object:scaling
* @fires object:moving
* @fires object:skewing
* @fires object:modified at the end of a transform or any change when statefull is true
* @fires object:rotated at the end of a rotation transform
* @fires object:scaled at the end of a scale transform
* @fires object:moved at the end of translation transform
* @fires object:skewed at the end of a skew transform
* @fires object:rotating while an object is being rotated from the control
* @fires object:scaling while an object is being scaled by controls
* @fires object:moving while an object is being dragged
* @fires object:skewing while an object is being skewed from the controls
* @fires object:selected this event is deprecated. use selection:created
* @fires before:transform
* @fires before:transform before a transform is is started
* @fires before:selection:cleared

@@ -38,12 +36,12 @@ * @fires selection:cleared

* @fires path:created
* @fires path:created after a drawing operation ends and the path is added
* @fires mouse:down
* @fires mouse:move
* @fires mouse:up
* @fires mouse:down:before
* @fires mouse:move:before
* @fires mouse:up:before
* @fires mouse:down:before on mouse down, before the inner fabric logic runs
* @fires mouse:move:before on mouse move, before the inner fabric logic runs
* @fires mouse:up:before on mouse up, before the inner fabric logic runs
* @fires mouse:over
* @fires mouse:out
* @fires mouse:dblclick
* @fires mouse:dblclick whenever a native dbl click event fires on the canvas.

@@ -54,2 +52,4 @@ * @fires dragover

* @fires drop
* @fires after:render at the end of the render process, receives the context in the callback
* @fires before:render at start the render process, receives the context in the callback

@@ -76,12 +76,17 @@ */

* When true, objects can be transformed by one side (unproportionally)
* when dragged on the corners that normally would not do that.
* @type Boolean
* @default
* @since fabric 4.0 // changed name and default value
uniScaleTransform: false,
uniformScaling: true,
* Indicates which key enable unproportional scaling
* Indicates which key switches uniform scaling.
* values: 'altKey', 'shiftKey', 'ctrlKey'.
* If `null` or 'none' or any other string that is not a modifier key
* feature is disabled feature disabled.
* feature is disabled.
* totally wrong named. this sounds like `uniform scaling`
* if Canvas.uniformScaling is true, pressing this will set it to false
* and viceversa.
* @since 1.6.2

@@ -454,45 +459,2 @@ * @type String

* Resets the current transform to its original values and chooses the type of resizing based on the event
* @private
_resetCurrentTransform: function() {
var t = this._currentTransform;{
scaleX: t.original.scaleX,
scaleY: t.original.scaleY,
skewX: t.original.skewX,
skewY: t.original.skewY,
left: t.original.left,
if (this._shouldCenterTransform( {
if (t.originX !== 'center') {
if (t.originX === 'right') {
t.mouseXSign = -1;
else {
t.mouseXSign = 1;
if (t.originY !== 'center') {
if (t.originY === 'bottom') {
t.mouseYSign = -1;
else {
t.mouseYSign = 1;
t.originX = 'center';
t.originY = 'center';
else {
t.originX = t.original.originX;
t.originY = t.original.originY;
* Checks if point is contained within an area of given object

@@ -507,3 +469,3 @@ * @param {Event} e Event object

pointer = point || this.getPointer(e, ignoreZoom),
xy, isTouch = e ? isTouchEvent(e) : false;

@@ -518,3 +480,3 @@ if ( && === this._activeObject && === 'activeSelection') {

return (target.containsPoint(xy) || target._findTargetCorner(pointer));
return (target.containsPoint(xy) || !!target._findTargetCorner(pointer, isTouch));

@@ -629,6 +591,9 @@

* this should be fixed, since object setting should take precedence over canvas.
* also this should be something that will be migrated in the control properties.
* as ability to define the origin of the transformation that the control provide.
* @private
* @param {fabric.Object} target
* @param {String} action
_shouldCenterTransform: function (target) {
_shouldCenterTransform: function (target, action, altKey) {
if (!target) {

@@ -638,16 +603,16 @@ return;

var t = this._currentTransform,
var centerTransform;
if (t.action === 'scale' || t.action === 'scaleX' || t.action === 'scaleY') {
if (action === 'scale' || action === 'scaleX' || action === 'scaleY') {
centerTransform = this.centeredScaling || target.centeredScaling;
else if (t.action === 'rotate') {
else if (action === 'rotate') {
centerTransform = this.centeredRotation || target.centeredRotation;
return centerTransform ? !t.altKey : t.altKey;
return centerTransform ? !altKey : altKey;
* should disappear before release 4.0
* @private

@@ -674,3 +639,6 @@ */

else if (corner === 'mtr') {
origin.x = 'center';
origin.y = 'center';
return origin;

@@ -686,19 +654,8 @@ },

_getActionFromCorner: function(alreadySelected, corner, e /* target */) {
_getActionFromCorner: function(alreadySelected, corner, e, target) {
if (!corner || !alreadySelected) {
return 'drag';
switch (corner) {
case 'mtr':
return 'rotate';
case 'ml':
case 'mr':
return e[this.altActionKey] ? 'skewY' : 'scaleX';
case 'mt':
case 'mb':
return e[this.altActionKey] ? 'skewX' : 'scaleY';
return 'scale';
var control = target.controls[corner];
return control.getActionName(e, control, target);

@@ -716,41 +673,44 @@

var pointer = this.getPointer(e),
corner = target._findTargetCorner(this.getPointer(e, true)),
var pointer = this.getPointer(e), isTouch = isTouchEvent(e),
corner = target._findTargetCorner(this.getPointer(e, true), isTouch),
actionHandler = !!corner && target.controls[corner].getActionHandler(),
action = this._getActionFromCorner(alreadySelected, corner, e, target),
origin = this._getOriginFromCorner(target, corner);
origin = this._getOriginFromCorner(target, corner),
altKey = e[this.centeredKey],
transform = {
target: target,
action: action,
actionHandler: actionHandler,
corner: corner,
scaleX: target.scaleX,
scaleY: target.scaleY,
skewX: target.skewX,
skewY: target.skewY,
// used by transation
offsetX: pointer.x - target.left,
offsetY: pointer.y -,
originX: origin.x,
originY: origin.y,
ex: pointer.x,
ey: pointer.y,
lastX: pointer.x,
lastY: pointer.y,
// unsure they are usefull anymore.
// left: target.left,
// top:,
theta: degreesToRadians(target.angle),
// end of unsure
width: target.width * target.scaleX,
shiftKey: e.shiftKey,
altKey: altKey,
original: fabric.util.saveObjectTransform(target),
this._currentTransform = {
target: target,
action: action,
corner: corner,
scaleX: target.scaleX,
scaleY: target.scaleY,
skewX: target.skewX,
skewY: target.skewY,
// used by transation
offsetX: pointer.x - target.left,
offsetY: pointer.y -,
originX: origin.x,
originY: origin.y,
ex: pointer.x,
ey: pointer.y,
lastX: pointer.x,
lastY: pointer.y,
// unsure they are usefull anymore.
// left: target.left,
// top:,
theta: degreesToRadians(target.angle),
// end of unsure
width: target.width * target.scaleX,
mouseXSign: 1,
mouseYSign: 1,
shiftKey: e.shiftKey,
altKey: e[this.centeredKey],
original: fabric.util.saveObjectTransform(target),
this._currentTransform.original.originX = origin.x;
this._currentTransform.original.originY = origin.y;
if (this._shouldCenterTransform(target, action, altKey)) {
transform.originX = 'center';
transform.originY = 'center';
transform.original.originX = origin.x;
transform.original.originY = origin.y;
this._currentTransform = transform;

@@ -780,356 +740,2 @@ },

* Check if we are increasing a positive skew or lower it,
* checking mouse direction and pressed corner.
* @private
_changeSkewTransformOrigin: function(mouseMove, t, by) {
var property = 'originX', origins = { 0: 'center' },
skew =, originA = 'left', originB = 'right',
corner = t.corner === 'mt' || t.corner === 'ml' ? 1 : -1,
flipSign = 1;
mouseMove = mouseMove > 0 ? 1 : -1;
if (by === 'y') {
skew =;
originA = 'top';
originB = 'bottom';
property = 'originY';
origins[-1] = originA;
origins[1] = originB; && (flipSign *= -1); && (flipSign *= -1);
if (skew === 0) {
t.skewSign = -corner * mouseMove * flipSign;
t[property] = origins[-mouseMove];
else {
skew = skew > 0 ? 1 : -1;
t.skewSign = skew;
t[property] = origins[skew * corner * flipSign];
* Skew object by mouse events
* @private
* @param {Number} x pointer's x coordinate
* @param {Number} y pointer's y coordinate
* @param {String} by Either 'x' or 'y'
* @return {Boolean} true if the skewing occurred
_skewObject: function (x, y, by) {
var t = this._currentTransform,
target =, skewed = false,
lockSkewingX = target.get('lockSkewingX'),
lockSkewingY = target.get('lockSkewingY');
if ((lockSkewingX && by === 'x') || (lockSkewingY && by === 'y')) {
return false;
// Get the constraint point
var center = target.getCenterPoint(),
actualMouseByCenter = target.toLocalPoint(new fabric.Point(x, y), 'center', 'center')[by],
lastMouseByCenter = target.toLocalPoint(new fabric.Point(t.lastX, t.lastY), 'center', 'center')[by],
actualMouseByOrigin, constraintPosition, dim = target._getTransformedDimensions();
this._changeSkewTransformOrigin(actualMouseByCenter - lastMouseByCenter, t, by);
actualMouseByOrigin = target.toLocalPoint(new fabric.Point(x, y), t.originX, t.originY)[by];
constraintPosition = target.translateToOriginPoint(center, t.originX, t.originY);
// Actually skew the object
skewed = this._setObjectSkew(actualMouseByOrigin, t, by, dim);
t.lastX = x;
t.lastY = y;
// Make sure the constraints apply
target.setPositionByOrigin(constraintPosition, t.originX, t.originY);
return skewed;
* Set object skew
* @private
* @return {Boolean} true if the skewing occurred
_setObjectSkew: function(localMouse, transform, by, _dim) {
var target =, newValue, skewed = false,
skewSign = transform.skewSign, newDim, dimNoSkew,
otherBy, _otherBy, _by, newDimMouse, skewX, skewY;
if (by === 'x') {
otherBy = 'y';
_otherBy = 'Y';
_by = 'X';
skewX = 0;
skewY = target.skewY;
else {
otherBy = 'x';
_otherBy = 'X';
_by = 'Y';
skewX = target.skewX;
skewY = 0;
dimNoSkew = target._getTransformedDimensions(skewX, skewY);
newDimMouse = 2 * Math.abs(localMouse) - dimNoSkew[by];
if (newDimMouse <= 2) {
newValue = 0;
else {
newValue = skewSign * Math.atan((newDimMouse / target['scale' + _by]) /
(dimNoSkew[otherBy] / target['scale' + _otherBy]));
newValue = fabric.util.radiansToDegrees(newValue);
skewed = target['skew' + _by] !== newValue;
target.set('skew' + _by, newValue);
if (target['skew' + _otherBy] !== 0) {
newDim = target._getTransformedDimensions();
newValue = (_dim[otherBy] / newDim[otherBy]) * target['scale' + _otherBy];
target.set('scale' + _otherBy, newValue);
return skewed;
* Scales object by invoking its scaleX/scaleY methods
* @private
* @param {Number} x pointer's x coordinate
* @param {Number} y pointer's y coordinate
* @param {String} by Either 'x' or 'y' - specifies dimension constraint by which to scale an object.
* When not provided, an object is scaled by both dimensions equally
* @return {Boolean} true if the scaling occurred
_scaleObject: function (x, y, by) {
var t = this._currentTransform,
target =,
lockScalingX = target.lockScalingX,
lockScalingY = target.lockScalingY,
lockScalingFlip = target.lockScalingFlip;
if (lockScalingX && lockScalingY) {
return false;
// Get the constraint point
var constraintPosition = target.translateToOriginPoint(target.getCenterPoint(), t.originX, t.originY),
localMouse = target.toLocalPoint(new fabric.Point(x, y), t.originX, t.originY),
dim = target._getTransformedDimensions(), scaled = false;
this._setLocalMouse(localMouse, t);
// Actually scale the object
scaled = this._setObjectScale(localMouse, t, lockScalingX, lockScalingY, by, lockScalingFlip, dim);
// Make sure the constraints apply
target.setPositionByOrigin(constraintPosition, t.originX, t.originY);
return scaled;
* @private
* @return {Boolean} true if the scaling occurred
_setObjectScale: function(localMouse, transform, lockScalingX, lockScalingY, by, lockScalingFlip, _dim) {
var target =, forbidScalingX = false, forbidScalingY = false, scaled = false,
scaleX = localMouse.x * target.scaleX / _dim.x,
scaleY = localMouse.y * target.scaleY / _dim.y,
changeX = target.scaleX !== scaleX,
changeY = target.scaleY !== scaleY;
transform.newScaleX = scaleX;
transform.newScaleY = scaleY;
if (fabric.Textbox && by === 'x' && target instanceof fabric.Textbox) {
var w = target.width * (localMouse.x / _dim.x);
if (w >= target.getMinWidth()) {
scaled = w !== target.width;
target.set('width', w);
return scaled;
return false;
if (lockScalingFlip && scaleX <= 0 && scaleX < target.scaleX) {
forbidScalingX = true;
localMouse.x = 0;
if (lockScalingFlip && scaleY <= 0 && scaleY < target.scaleY) {
forbidScalingY = true;
localMouse.y = 0;
if (by === 'equally' && !lockScalingX && !lockScalingY) {
scaled = this._scaleObjectEqually(localMouse, target, transform, _dim);
else if (!by) {
forbidScalingX || lockScalingX || (target.set('scaleX', scaleX) && (scaled = scaled || changeX));
forbidScalingY || lockScalingY || (target.set('scaleY', scaleY) && (scaled = scaled || changeY));
else if (by === 'x' && !target.get('lockUniScaling')) {
forbidScalingX || lockScalingX || (target.set('scaleX', scaleX) && (scaled = changeX));
else if (by === 'y' && !target.get('lockUniScaling')) {
forbidScalingY || lockScalingY || (target.set('scaleY', scaleY) && (scaled = changeY));
forbidScalingX || forbidScalingY || this._flipObject(transform, by);
return scaled;
* @private
* @return {Boolean} true if the scaling occurred
_scaleObjectEqually: function(localMouse, target, transform, _dim) {
var dist = localMouse.y + localMouse.x,
lastDist = _dim.y * transform.original.scaleY / target.scaleY +
_dim.x * transform.original.scaleX / target.scaleX,
scaled, signX = localMouse.x < 0 ? -1 : 1,
signY = localMouse.y < 0 ? -1 : 1, newScaleX, newScaleY;
// We use transform.scaleX/Y instead of target.scaleX/Y
// because the object may have a min scale and we'll loose the proportions
newScaleX = signX * Math.abs(transform.original.scaleX * dist / lastDist);
newScaleY = signY * Math.abs(transform.original.scaleY * dist / lastDist);
scaled = newScaleX !== target.scaleX || newScaleY !== target.scaleY;
target.set('scaleX', newScaleX);
target.set('scaleY', newScaleY);
return scaled;
* @private
_flipObject: function(transform, by) {
if (transform.newScaleX < 0 && by !== 'y') {
if (transform.originX === 'left') {
transform.originX = 'right';
else if (transform.originX === 'right') {
transform.originX = 'left';
if (transform.newScaleY < 0 && by !== 'x') {
if (transform.originY === 'top') {
transform.originY = 'bottom';
else if (transform.originY === 'bottom') {
transform.originY = 'top';
* @private
_setLocalMouse: function(localMouse, t) {
var target =, zoom = this.getZoom(),
padding = target.padding / zoom;
if (t.originX === 'right') {
localMouse.x *= -1;
else if (t.originX === 'center') {
localMouse.x *= t.mouseXSign * 2;
if (localMouse.x < 0) {
t.mouseXSign = -t.mouseXSign;
if (t.originY === 'bottom') {
localMouse.y *= -1;
else if (t.originY === 'center') {
localMouse.y *= t.mouseYSign * 2;
if (localMouse.y < 0) {
t.mouseYSign = -t.mouseYSign;
// adjust the mouse coordinates when dealing with padding
if (abs(localMouse.x) > padding) {
if (localMouse.x < 0) {
localMouse.x += padding;
else {
localMouse.x -= padding;
else { // mouse is within the padding, set to 0
localMouse.x = 0;
if (abs(localMouse.y) > padding) {
if (localMouse.y < 0) {
localMouse.y += padding;
else {
localMouse.y -= padding;
else {
localMouse.y = 0;
* Rotates object by invoking its rotate method
* @private
* @param {Number} x pointer's x coordinate
* @param {Number} y pointer's y coordinate
* @return {Boolean} true if the rotation occurred
_rotateObject: function (x, y) {
var t = this._currentTransform,
target =, constraintPosition,
constraintPosition = target.translateToOriginPoint(target.getCenterPoint(), t.originX, t.originY);
if (target.lockRotation) {
return false;
var lastAngle = atan2(t.ey - constraintPosition.y, t.ex - constraintPosition.x),
curAngle = atan2(y - constraintPosition.y, x - constraintPosition.x),
angle = radiansToDegrees(curAngle - lastAngle + t.theta),
hasRotated = true;
if (target.snapAngle > 0) {
var snapAngle = target.snapAngle,
snapThreshold = target.snapThreshold || snapAngle,
rightAngleLocked = Math.ceil(angle / snapAngle) * snapAngle,
leftAngleLocked = Math.floor(angle / snapAngle) * snapAngle;
if (Math.abs(angle - leftAngleLocked) < snapThreshold) {
angle = leftAngleLocked;
else if (Math.abs(angle - rightAngleLocked) < snapThreshold) {
angle = rightAngleLocked;
// normalize angle to positive value
if (angle < 0) {
angle = 360 + angle;
angle %= 360;
if (target.angle === angle) {
hasRotated = false;
else {
// rotation only happen here
target.angle = angle;
// Make sure the constraints apply
target.setPositionByOrigin(constraintPosition, t.originX, t.originY);
return hasRotated;
* Set the cursor type of the canvas element

@@ -1216,3 +822,4 @@ * @param {String} value Cursor type of the canvas element.

aObjects = this.getActiveObjects(),
activeTarget, activeTargetSubs;
activeTarget, activeTargetSubs,
isTouch = isTouchEvent(e);

@@ -1228,3 +835,3 @@ // first check current group (if one exists)

// if we hit the corner of an activeObject, let's return that.
if (aObjects.length === 1 && activeObject._findTargetCorner(pointer)) {
if (aObjects.length === 1 && activeObject._findTargetCorner(pointer, isTouch)) {
return activeObject;

@@ -1263,3 +870,3 @@ }

obj.evented &&
this.containsPoint(null, obj, pointer)){
this.containsPoint(null, obj, pointer)) {
if ((this.perPixelTargetFind || obj.perPixelTargetFind) && !obj.isEditing) {

@@ -1266,0 +873,0 @@ var isTransparent = this.isTargetTransparent(obj, globalPointer.x, globalPointer.y);

@@ -320,9 +320,6 @@ (function() {

* @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx Context to render on
* @param {fabric.Object} object the fabric.Object for which the gradient is
* @return {CanvasGradient}
toLive: function(ctx, object) {
var gradient, coords = fabric.util.object.clone(this.coords), i, len,
x1 = coords.x1, y1 = coords.y1, x2 = coords.x2, y2 = coords.y2,
stops = this.colorStops;
toLive: function(ctx) {
var gradient, coords = fabric.util.object.clone(this.coords), i, len;

@@ -333,19 +330,16 @@ if (!this.type) {

if (object instanceof fabric.Text && this.gradientUnits === 'percentage') {
x1 *= object.width;
y1 *= object.height;
x2 *= object.width;
y2 *= object.height;
if (this.type === 'linear') {
gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(x1, y1, x2, y2);
gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(
coords.x1, coords.y1, coords.x2, coords.y2);
else if (this.type === 'radial') {
gradient = ctx.createRadialGradient(x1, y1, coords.r1, x2, y2, coords.r2);
gradient = ctx.createRadialGradient(
coords.x1, coords.y1, coords.r1, coords.x2, coords.y2, coords.r2);
for (i = 0, len = stops.length; i < len; i++) {
var color = stops[i].color,
opacity = stops[i].opacity,
offset = stops[i].offset;
for (i = 0, len = this.colorStops.length; i < len; i++) {
var color = this.colorStops[i].color,
opacity = this.colorStops[i].opacity,
offset = this.colorStops[i].offset;
if (typeof opacity !== 'undefined') {

@@ -352,0 +346,0 @@ color = new fabric.Color(color).setAlpha(opacity).toRgba();

(function() {
var cursorOffset = {
mt: 0, // n
tr: 1, // ne
mr: 2, // e
br: 3, // se
mb: 4, // s
bl: 5, // sw
ml: 6, // w
tl: 7 // nw
addListener = fabric.util.addListener,
var addListener = fabric.util.addListener,
removeListener = fabric.util.removeListener,

@@ -25,17 +15,2 @@ RIGHT_CLICK = 3, MIDDLE_CLICK = 2, LEFT_CLICK = 1,

* Map of cursor style values for each of the object controls
* @private
cursorMap: [
* Contains the id of the touch event that owns the fabric transform

@@ -772,6 +747,2 @@ * @type Number

// determine if it's a drag or rotate case
if (t.corner) {

@@ -934,5 +905,3 @@

this._beforeScaleTransform(e, transform);
this._performTransformAction(e, transform, pointer);
transform.actionPerformed && this.requestRenderAll();

@@ -949,2 +918,3 @@ },

actionPerformed = false,
// this object could be created from the function in the control handlers
options = {

@@ -957,21 +927,3 @@ target:,

if (action === 'rotate') {
(actionPerformed = this._rotateObject(x, y)) && this._fire('rotating', options);
else if (action === 'scale') {
(actionPerformed = this._onScale(e, transform, x, y)) && this._fire('scaling', options);
else if (action === 'scaleX') {
(actionPerformed = this._scaleObject(x, y, 'x')) && this._fire('scaling', options);
else if (action === 'scaleY') {
(actionPerformed = this._scaleObject(x, y, 'y')) && this._fire('scaling', options);
else if (action === 'skewX') {
(actionPerformed = this._skewObject(x, y, 'x')) && this._fire('skewing', options);
else if (action === 'skewY') {
(actionPerformed = this._skewObject(x, y, 'y')) && this._fire('skewing', options);
else {
if (action === 'drag') {
actionPerformed = this._translateObject(x, y);

@@ -983,53 +935,6 @@ if (actionPerformed) {

transform.actionPerformed = transform.actionPerformed || actionPerformed;
* @private
_fire: function(eventName, options) {'object:' + eventName, options);, options);
* @private
_beforeScaleTransform: function(e, transform) {
if (transform.action === 'scale' || transform.action === 'scaleX' || transform.action === 'scaleY') {
var centerTransform = this._shouldCenterTransform(;
// Switch from a normal resize to center-based
if ((centerTransform && (transform.originX !== 'center' || transform.originY !== 'center')) ||
// Switch from center-based resize to normal one
(!centerTransform && transform.originX === 'center' && transform.originY === 'center')
) {
transform.reset = true;
* @private
* @param {Event} e Event object
* @param {Object} transform current transform
* @param {Number} x mouse position x from origin
* @param {Number} y mouse position y from origin
* @return {Boolean} true if the scaling occurred
_onScale: function(e, transform, x, y) {
if (this._isUniscalePossible(e, {
transform.currentAction = 'scale';
return this._scaleObject(x, y);
else {
// Switch from a normal resize to proportional
if (!transform.reset && transform.currentAction === 'scale') {
transform.currentAction = 'scaleEqually';
return this._scaleObject(x, y, 'equally');
(actionPerformed = transform.actionHandler(e, transform, x, y)) && this._fire(action, options);
transform.actionPerformed = transform.actionPerformed || actionPerformed;

@@ -1039,9 +944,4 @@

* @private
* @param {Event} e Event object
* @param {fabric.Object} target current target
* @return {Boolean} true if unproportional scaling is possible
_isUniscalePossible: function(e, target) {
return (e[this.uniScaleKey] || this.uniScaleTransform) && !target.get('lockUniScaling');
_fire: fabric.controlHandlers.fireEvent,

@@ -1064,2 +964,5 @@ /**

corner = (!activeSelection || !activeSelection.contains(target))
// here we call findTargetCorner always with undefined for the touch parameter.
// we assume that if you are using a cursor you do not need to interact with
// the bigger touch area.
&& target._findTargetCorner(this.getPointer(e, true));

@@ -1086,52 +989,6 @@

getCornerCursor: function(corner, target, e) {
if (this.actionIsDisabled(corner, target, e)) {
return this.notAllowedCursor;
else if (corner in cursorOffset) {
return this._getRotatedCornerCursor(corner, target, e);
else if (corner === 'mtr' && target.hasRotatingPoint) {
return this.rotationCursor;
else {
return this.defaultCursor;
actionIsDisabled: function(corner, target, e) {
if (corner === 'mt' || corner === 'mb') {
return e[this.altActionKey] ? target.lockSkewingX : target.lockScalingY;
else if (corner === 'ml' || corner === 'mr') {
return e[this.altActionKey] ? target.lockSkewingY : target.lockScalingX;
else if (corner === 'mtr') {
return target.lockRotation;
else {
return this._isUniscalePossible(e, target) ?
target.lockScalingX && target.lockScalingY : target.lockScalingX || target.lockScalingY;
* @private
_getRotatedCornerCursor: function(corner, target, e) {
var n = Math.round((target.angle % 360) / 45);
if (n < 0) {
n += 8; // full circle ahead
n += cursorOffset[corner];
if (e[this.altActionKey] && cursorOffset[corner] % 2 === 0) {
//if we are holding shift and we are on a mx corner...
n += 2;
// normalize n to be from 0 to 7
n %= 8;
return this.cursorMap[n];
var control = target.controls[corner];
return control.cursorStyleHandler(e, control, target);

@@ -57,2 +57,8 @@ (function() {

* custom controls interface
* controls are added by default_controls.js
controls: { },
* return correct set of coordinates for intersection

@@ -64,3 +70,3 @@ */

var coords = absolute ? this.aCoords : this.oCoords;
var coords = absolute ? this.aCoords : this.lineCoords;
return getCoords(calculate ? this.calcCoords(absolute) : coords);

@@ -114,5 +120,4 @@ },

var points = this.getCoords(absolute, calculate),
i = 0, lines = other._getImageLines(
calculate ? other.calcCoords(absolute) : absolute ? other.aCoords : other.oCoords
otherCoords = absolute ? other.aCoords : other.lineCoords,
i = 0, lines = other._getImageLines(otherCoords);
for (; i < 4; i++) {

@@ -154,7 +159,5 @@ if (!other.containsPoint(points[i], lines)) {

containsPoint: function(point, lines, absolute, calculate) {
var lines = lines || this._getImageLines(
calculate ? this.calcCoords(absolute) : absolute ? this.aCoords : this.oCoords
var coords = calculate ? this.calcLineCoords(absolute) : absolute ? this.aCoords : this.lineCoords,
lines = lines || this._getImageLines(coords),
xPoints = this._findCrossPoints(point, lines);
// if xPoints is odd then point is inside the object

@@ -229,3 +232,4 @@ return (xPoints !== 0 && xPoints % 2 === 1);

_getImageLines: function(oCoords) {
return {
var lines = {
topline: {

@@ -248,2 +252,19 @@ o:,

// // debugging
// if (this.canvas.contextTop) {
// this.canvas.contextTop.fillRect(lines.bottomline.d.x, lines.bottomline.d.y, 2, 2);
// this.canvas.contextTop.fillRect(lines.bottomline.o.x, lines.bottomline.o.y, 2, 2);
// this.canvas.contextTop.fillRect(lines.leftline.d.x, lines.leftline.d.y, 2, 2);
// this.canvas.contextTop.fillRect(lines.leftline.o.x, lines.leftline.o.y, 2, 2);
// this.canvas.contextTop.fillRect(lines.topline.d.x, lines.topline.d.y, 2, 2);
// this.canvas.contextTop.fillRect(lines.topline.o.x, lines.topline.o.y, 2, 2);
// this.canvas.contextTop.fillRect(lines.rightline.d.x, lines.rightline.d.y, 2, 2);
// this.canvas.contextTop.fillRect(lines.rightline.o.x, lines.rightline.o.y, 2, 2);
// }
return lines;

@@ -396,2 +417,46 @@

calcCoords: function(absolute) {
// this is a compatibility function to avoid removing calcCoords now.
if (absolute) {
return this.calcACoords();
return this.calcOCoords();
calcLineCoords: function(ignoreZoom) {
if (!this.aCoords) { this.aCoords = this.calcACoords(); }
var vpt = this.getViewportTransform();
var padding = this.padding, angle = degreesToRadians(this.angle),
cos = fabric.util.cos(angle), sin = fabric.util.sin(angle),
cosP = cos * padding, sinP = sin * padding, cosPSinP = cosP + sinP,
cosPMinusSinP = cosP - sinP, aCoords = this.aCoords;
var lineCoords = {
tl: { x:, y: },
tr: { x:, y: },
bl: { x:, y: },
br: { x:, y: },
if (!ignoreZoom) { = transformPoint(, vpt); = transformPoint(, vpt); = transformPoint(, vpt); = transformPoint(, vpt);
if (padding) { -= cosPMinusSinP; -= cosPSinP; += cosPSinP; -= cosPMinusSinP; -= cosPSinP; += cosPMinusSinP; += cosPMinusSinP; += cosPSinP;
return lineCoords;
calcOCoords: function() {
var rotateMatrix = this._calcRotateMatrix(),

@@ -401,62 +466,35 @@ translateMatrix = this._calcTranslateMatrix(),

vpt = this.getViewportTransform(),
finalMatrix = absolute ? startMatrix : multiplyMatrices(vpt, startMatrix),
finalMatrix = multiplyMatrices(vpt, startMatrix),
dim = this._getTransformedDimensions(),
w = dim.x / 2, h = dim.y / 2,
tl = transformPoint({ x: -w, y: -h }, finalMatrix),
tr = transformPoint({ x: w, y: -h }, finalMatrix),
bl = transformPoint({ x: -w, y: h }, finalMatrix),
br = transformPoint({ x: w, y: h }, finalMatrix);
if (!absolute) {
var padding = this.padding, angle = degreesToRadians(this.angle),
cos = fabric.util.cos(angle), sin = fabric.util.sin(angle),
cosP = cos * padding, sinP = sin * padding, cosPSinP = cosP + sinP,
cosPMinusSinP = cosP - sinP;
if (padding) {
tl.x -= cosPMinusSinP;
tl.y -= cosPSinP;
tr.x += cosPSinP;
tr.y -= cosPMinusSinP;
bl.x -= cosPSinP;
bl.y += cosPMinusSinP;
br.x += cosPMinusSinP;
br.y += cosPSinP;
var ml = new fabric.Point((tl.x + bl.x) / 2, (tl.y + bl.y) / 2),
mt = new fabric.Point((tr.x + tl.x) / 2, (tr.y + tl.y) / 2),
mr = new fabric.Point((br.x + tr.x) / 2, (br.y + tr.y) / 2),
mb = new fabric.Point((br.x + bl.x) / 2, (br.y + bl.y) / 2),
mtr = new fabric.Point(mt.x + sin * this.rotatingPointOffset, mt.y - cos * this.rotatingPointOffset);
coords = {};
this.forEachControl(function(control, fabricObject, key) {
coords[key] = control.positionHandler(dim, finalMatrix, fabricObject);
// if (!absolute) {
// var canvas = this.canvas;
// setTimeout(function() {
// canvas.contextTop.clearRect(0, 0, 700, 700);
// canvas.contextTop.fillStyle = 'green';
// canvas.contextTop.fillRect(mb.x, mb.y, 3, 3);
// canvas.contextTop.fillRect(bl.x, bl.y, 3, 3);
// canvas.contextTop.fillRect(br.x, br.y, 3, 3);
// canvas.contextTop.fillRect(tl.x, tl.y, 3, 3);
// canvas.contextTop.fillRect(tr.x, tr.y, 3, 3);
// canvas.contextTop.fillRect(ml.x, ml.y, 3, 3);
// canvas.contextTop.fillRect(mr.x, mr.y, 3, 3);
// canvas.contextTop.fillRect(mt.x, mt.y, 3, 3);
// canvas.contextTop.fillRect(mtr.x, mtr.y, 3, 3);
// }, 50);
// }
// debug code
// var canvas = this.canvas;
// setTimeout(function() {
// canvas.contextTop.clearRect(0, 0, 700, 700);
// canvas.contextTop.fillStyle = 'green';
// Object.keys(coords).forEach(function(key) {
// var control = coords[key];
// canvas.contextTop.fillRect(control.x, control.y, 3, 3);
// });
// }, 50);
return coords;
var coords = {
calcACoords: function() {
var rotateMatrix = this._calcRotateMatrix(),
translateMatrix = this._calcTranslateMatrix(),
finalMatrix = multiplyMatrices(translateMatrix, rotateMatrix),
dim = this._getTransformedDimensions(),
w = dim.x / 2, h = dim.y / 2;
return {
// corners
tl: tl, tr: tr, br: br, bl: bl,
tl: transformPoint({ x: -w, y: -h }, finalMatrix),
tr: transformPoint({ x: w, y: -h }, finalMatrix),
bl: transformPoint({ x: -w, y: h }, finalMatrix),
br: transformPoint({ x: w, y: h }, finalMatrix)
if (!absolute) {
// middle = ml; = mt; = mr;
coords.mb = mb;
// rotating point = mtr;
return coords;

@@ -473,7 +511,8 @@

setCoords: function(ignoreZoom, skipAbsolute) {
this.oCoords = this.calcCoords(ignoreZoom);
// this.oCoords = this.calcCoords(ignoreZoom);
if (!skipAbsolute) {
this.aCoords = this.calcCoords(true);
this.aCoords = this.calcACoords();
this.oCoords = this.calcOCoords();
this.lineCoords = this.calcLineCoords(ignoreZoom);
// set coordinates of the draggable boxes in the corners used to scale/rotate the image

@@ -585,6 +624,4 @@ ignoreZoom || (this._setCornerCoords && this._setCornerCoords());

* Calculate object bounding box dimensions from its properties scale, skew.
* The skewX and skewY parameters are used in the skewing logic path and
* do not provide something useful to common use cases.
* @param {Number} [skewX], a value to override current skewX
* @param {Number} [skewY], a value to override current skewY
* @param {Number} skewX, a value to override current skewX
* @param {Number} skewY, a value to override current skewY
* @private

@@ -667,3 +704,3 @@ * @return {Object} .x width dimension

dim = this._getTransformedDimensions(),
p = fabric.util.transformPoint(dim, vpt, true);
p = transformPoint(dim, vpt, true);

@@ -670,0 +707,0 @@ return p.scalarAdd(2 * this.padding);

@@ -8,8 +8,2 @@ (function() {

* The object interactivity controls.
* @private
_controlsVisibility: null,
* Determines which corner has been clicked

@@ -20,3 +14,3 @@ * @private

_findTargetCorner: function(pointer) {
_findTargetCorner: function(pointer, forTouch) {
// objects in group, anykind, are not self modificable,

@@ -31,6 +25,9 @@ // must not return an hovered corner.

lines, keys = Object.keys(this.oCoords),
j = keys.length - 1, i;
this.__corner = 0;
for (var i in this.oCoords) {
// cycle in reverse order so we pick first the one on top
for (; j >= 0; j--) {
i = keys[j];
if (!this.isControlVisible(i)) {

@@ -40,27 +37,17 @@ continue;

if (i === 'mtr' && !this.hasRotatingPoint) {
if (this.get('lockUniScaling') &&
(i === 'mt' || i === 'mr' || i === 'mb' || i === 'ml')) {
lines = this._getImageLines(this.oCoords[i].corner);
lines = this._getImageLines(forTouch ? this.oCoords[i].touchCorner : this.oCoords[i].corner);
// debugging
// canvas.contextTop.fillRect(lines.bottomline.d.x, lines.bottomline.d.y, 2, 2);
// canvas.contextTop.fillRect(lines.bottomline.o.x, lines.bottomline.o.y, 2, 2);
// this.canvas.contextTop.fillRect(lines.bottomline.d.x, lines.bottomline.d.y, 2, 2);
// this.canvas.contextTop.fillRect(lines.bottomline.o.x, lines.bottomline.o.y, 2, 2);
// this.canvas.contextTop.fillRect(lines.leftline.d.x, lines.leftline.d.y, 2, 2);
// this.canvas.contextTop.fillRect(lines.leftline.o.x, lines.leftline.o.y, 2, 2);
// this.canvas.contextTop.fillRect(lines.topline.d.x, lines.topline.d.y, 2, 2);
// this.canvas.contextTop.fillRect(lines.topline.o.x, lines.topline.o.y, 2, 2);
// this.canvas.contextTop.fillRect(lines.rightline.d.x, lines.rightline.d.y, 2, 2);
// this.canvas.contextTop.fillRect(lines.rightline.o.x, lines.rightline.o.y, 2, 2);
// canvas.contextTop.fillRect(lines.leftline.d.x, lines.leftline.d.y, 2, 2);
// canvas.contextTop.fillRect(lines.leftline.o.x, lines.leftline.o.y, 2, 2);
// canvas.contextTop.fillRect(lines.topline.d.x, lines.topline.d.y, 2, 2);
// canvas.contextTop.fillRect(lines.topline.o.x, lines.topline.o.y, 2, 2);
// canvas.contextTop.fillRect(lines.rightline.d.x, lines.rightline.d.y, 2, 2);
// canvas.contextTop.fillRect(lines.rightline.o.x, lines.rightline.o.y, 2, 2);
xPoints = this._findCrossPoints({ x: ex, y: ey }, lines);

@@ -76,4 +63,17 @@ if (xPoints !== 0 && xPoints % 2 === 1) {

* Calls a function for each control. The function gets called,
* with the control, the object that is calling the iterator and the control's key
* @param {Function} fn function to iterate over the controls over
forEachControl: function(fn) {
for (var i in this.controls) {
fn(this.controls[i], this, i);
* Sets the coordinates of the draggable boxes in the corners of
* the image used to scale/rotate it.
* note: if we would switch to ROUND corner area, all of this would disappear.
* everything would resolve to a single point and a pythagorean theorem for the distance
* @private

@@ -84,13 +84,18 @@ */

newTheta = degreesToRadians(45 - this.angle),
cosTheta = fabric.util.cos(newTheta),
sinTheta = fabric.util.sin(newTheta),
/* Math.sqrt(2 * Math.pow(this.cornerSize, 2)) / 2, */
/* 0.707106 stands for sqrt(2)/2 */
cornerHypotenuse = this.cornerSize * 0.707106,
cosHalfOffset = cornerHypotenuse * fabric.util.cos(newTheta),
sinHalfOffset = cornerHypotenuse * fabric.util.sin(newTheta),
touchHypotenuse = this.touchCornerSize * 0.707106,
cosHalfOffset = cornerHypotenuse * cosTheta,
sinHalfOffset = cornerHypotenuse * sinTheta,
touchCosHalfOffset = touchHypotenuse * cosTheta,
touchSinHalfOffset = touchHypotenuse * sinTheta,
x, y;
for (var point in coords) {
x = coords[point].x;
y = coords[point].y;
coords[point].corner = {
for (var control in coords) {
x = coords[control].x;
y = coords[control].y;
coords[control].corner = {
tl: {

@@ -113,2 +118,20 @@ x: x - sinHalfOffset,

coords[control].touchCorner = {
tl: {
x: x - touchSinHalfOffset,
y: y - touchCosHalfOffset
tr: {
x: x + touchCosHalfOffset,
y: y - touchSinHalfOffset
bl: {
x: x - touchCosHalfOffset,
y: y + touchSinHalfOffset
br: {
x: x + touchSinHalfOffset,
y: y + touchCosHalfOffset

@@ -160,8 +183,5 @@ },

height = wh.y + strokeWidth,
drawRotatingPoint = typeof styleOverride.hasRotatingPoint !== 'undefined' ?
styleOverride.hasRotatingPoint : this.hasRotatingPoint,
hasControls = typeof styleOverride.hasControls !== 'undefined' ?
styleOverride.hasControls : this.hasControls,
rotatingPointOffset = typeof styleOverride.rotatingPointOffset !== 'undefined' ?
styleOverride.rotatingPointOffset : this.rotatingPointOffset;
shouldStroke = false;

@@ -179,12 +199,21 @@;

if (drawRotatingPoint && this.isControlVisible('mtr') && hasControls) {
var rotateHeight = -height / 2;
ctx.moveTo(0, rotateHeight);
ctx.lineTo(0, rotateHeight - rotatingPointOffset);
if (hasControls) {
this.forEachControl(function(control) {
// in this moment, the ctx is centered on the object.
// width and height of the above function are the size of the bbox.
if (control.withConnection && control.getVisibility()) {
// reset movement for each control
shouldStroke = true;
ctx.moveTo(control.x * width, control.y * height);
control.x * width + control.offsetX,
control.y * height + control.offsetY
if (shouldStroke) {

@@ -243,15 +272,4 @@ return this;

styleOverride = styleOverride || {};
var wh = this._calculateCurrentDimensions(),
width = wh.x,
height = wh.y,
scaleOffset = styleOverride.cornerSize || this.cornerSize,
left = -(width + scaleOffset) / 2,
top = -(height + scaleOffset) / 2,
transparentCorners = typeof styleOverride.transparentCorners !== 'undefined' ?
styleOverride.transparentCorners : this.transparentCorners,
hasRotatingPoint = typeof styleOverride.hasRotatingPoint !== 'undefined' ?
styleOverride.hasRotatingPoint : this.hasRotatingPoint,
methodName = transparentCorners ? 'stroke' : 'fill';;
ctx.setTransform(this.canvas.getRetinaScaling(), 0, 0, this.canvas.getRetinaScaling(), 0, 0);
ctx.strokeStyle = ctx.fillStyle = styleOverride.cornerColor || this.cornerColor;

@@ -262,53 +280,9 @@ if (!this.transparentCorners) {

this._setLineDash(ctx, styleOverride.cornerDashArray || this.cornerDashArray, null);
// top-left
this._drawControl('tl', ctx, methodName,
top, styleOverride);
// top-right
this._drawControl('tr', ctx, methodName,
left + width,
top, styleOverride);
// bottom-left
this._drawControl('bl', ctx, methodName,
top + height, styleOverride);
// bottom-right
this._drawControl('br', ctx, methodName,
left + width,
top + height, styleOverride);
if (!this.get('lockUniScaling')) {
// middle-top
this._drawControl('mt', ctx, methodName,
left + width / 2,
top, styleOverride);
// middle-bottom
this._drawControl('mb', ctx, methodName,
left + width / 2,
top + height, styleOverride);
// middle-right
this._drawControl('mr', ctx, methodName,
left + width,
top + height / 2, styleOverride);
// middle-left
this._drawControl('ml', ctx, methodName,
top + height / 2, styleOverride);
for (var c in this.controls) {
this.oCoords[c].y, styleOverride, this);
// middle-top-rotate
if (hasRotatingPoint) {
this._drawControl('mtr', ctx, methodName,
left + width / 2,
top - this.rotatingPointOffset, styleOverride);

@@ -320,35 +294,8 @@

* @private
_drawControl: function(control, ctx, methodName, left, top, styleOverride) {
styleOverride = styleOverride || {};
if (!this.isControlVisible(control)) {
var size = this.cornerSize, stroke = !this.transparentCorners && this.cornerStrokeColor;
switch (styleOverride.cornerStyle || this.cornerStyle) {
case 'circle':
ctx.arc(left + size / 2, top + size / 2, size / 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
if (stroke) {
this.transparentCorners || ctx.clearRect(left, top, size, size);
ctx[methodName + 'Rect'](left, top, size, size);
if (stroke) {
ctx.strokeRect(left, top, size, size);
* Returns true if the specified control is visible, false otherwise.
* @param {String} controlName The name of the control. Possible values are 'tl', 'tr', 'br', 'bl', 'ml', 'mt', 'mr', 'mb', 'mtr'.
* @param {String} controlKey The key of the control. Possible values are 'tl', 'tr', 'br', 'bl', 'ml', 'mt', 'mr', 'mb', 'mtr'.
* @returns {Boolean} true if the specified control is visible, false otherwise
isControlVisible: function(controlName) {
return this._getControlsVisibility()[controlName];
isControlVisible: function(controlKey) {
return this.controls[controlKey] && this.controls[controlKey].getVisibility(this, controlKey);

@@ -358,3 +305,3 @@

* Sets the visibility of the specified control.
* @param {String} controlName The name of the control. Possible values are 'tl', 'tr', 'br', 'bl', 'ml', 'mt', 'mr', 'mb', 'mtr'.
* @param {String} controlKey The key of the control. Possible values are 'tl', 'tr', 'br', 'bl', 'ml', 'mt', 'mr', 'mb', 'mtr'.
* @param {Boolean} visible true to set the specified control visible, false otherwise

@@ -364,4 +311,4 @@ * @return {fabric.Object} thisArg

setControlVisible: function(controlName, visible) {
this._getControlsVisibility()[controlName] = visible;
setControlVisible: function(controlKey, visible) {
this.controls[controlKey].setVisibility(visible, this, controlKey);
return this;

@@ -400,16 +347,7 @@ },

_getControlsVisibility: function() {
if (!this._controlsVisibility) {
this._controlsVisibility = {
tl: true,
tr: true,
br: true,
bl: true,
ml: true,
mt: true,
mr: true,
mb: true,
mtr: true
return this._controlsVisibility;
var visibility = {};
this.forEachControl(function(control, fabricObject, key) {
visibility[key] = control.getVisibility(fabricObject, key);
return visibility;

@@ -416,0 +354,0 @@

@@ -133,5 +133,2 @@ (function(global) {

if (typeof childrenOverride.hasRotatingPoint === 'undefined') {
childrenOverride.hasRotatingPoint = false;
childrenOverride.forActiveSelection = true;

@@ -138,0 +135,0 @@ for (var i = 0, len = this._objects.length; i < len; i++) {

@@ -110,5 +110,5 @@ (function(global) {

_updateObjectsACoords: function() {
var ignoreZoom = true, skipAbsolute = true;
var ignoreZoom = true;
for (var i = this._objects.length; i--; ){
this._objects[i].setCoords(ignoreZoom, skipAbsolute);

@@ -136,3 +136,3 @@ },

objectTop =,
ignoreZoom = true, skipAbsolute = true;
ignoreZoom = true;

@@ -144,3 +144,3 @@ object.set({ = this;
object.setCoords(ignoreZoom, skipAbsolute);

@@ -492,4 +492,4 @@

prop = props[j];

@@ -496,0 +496,0 @@ }

@@ -823,20 +823,2 @@ (function(global) {

* @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx Context to render on
* @param {Object} filler fabric.Pattern or fabric.Gradient
* @return {Object} offset.offsetX offset for text rendering
* @return {Object} offset.offsetY offset for text rendering
_applyPatternGradientTransform: function(ctx, filler) {
if (!filler || !filler.toLive) {
return { offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0 };
var offsetX = -this.width / 2 + filler.offsetX || 0,
offsetY = -this.height / 2 + filler.offsetY || 0;
ctx.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, offsetX, offsetY);
return { offsetX: offsetX, offsetY: offsetY };
* @private
* @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx Context to render on
* @param {String} method Method name ("fillText" or "strokeText")

@@ -843,0 +825,0 @@ */

@@ -179,11 +179,2 @@ (function () {

* Callback; invoked right before object is about to be scaled/rotated
* @deprecated since 2.3.0
* Use before:transform event
onBeforeScaleRotate: function () {
/* NOOP */
* When true, canvas is scaled by devicePixelRatio for better rendering on retina screens

@@ -1865,3 +1856,3 @@ * @type Boolean

* @example <caption>JSON with additional properties included</caption>
* var json = canvas.toJSON(['lockMovementX', 'lockMovementY', 'lockRotation', 'lockScalingX', 'lockScalingY', 'lockUniScaling']);
* var json = canvas.toJSON(['lockMovementX', 'lockMovementY', 'lockRotation', 'lockScalingX', 'lockScalingY']);
* @example <caption>JSON without default values</caption>

@@ -1868,0 +1859,0 @@ * canvas.includeDefaultValues = false;

@@ -30,4 +30,5 @@ (function() {

var startColor = new fabric.Color(fromColor).getSource(),
endColor = new fabric.Color(toColor).getSource();
endColor = new fabric.Color(toColor).getSource(),
originalOnComplete = options.onComplete,
originalOnChange = options.onChange;
options = options || {};

@@ -45,2 +46,24 @@

return calculateColor(startValue, byValue, posValue);
// has to take in account for color restoring;
onComplete: function(current, valuePerc, timePerc) {
if (originalOnComplete) {
return originalOnComplete(
calculateColor(endColor, endColor, 0),
onChange: function(current, valuePerc, timePerc) {
if (originalOnChange) {
if (Array.isArray(current)) {
return originalOnChange(
calculateColor(current, current, 0),
originalOnChange(current, valuePerc, timePerc);

@@ -47,0 +70,0 @@ }));

(function () {
// since ie10 or ie9 can use addEventListener but they do not support options, i need to check
var couldUseAttachEvent = !!fabric.document.createElement('div').attachEvent;
// since ie10 can use addEventListener but they do not support options, i need to check
var couldUseAttachEvent = !!fabric.document.createElement('div').attachEvent,
touchEvents = ['touchstart', 'touchmove', 'touchend'];

@@ -45,2 +46,6 @@ * Adds an event listener to an element

fabric.util.isTouchEvent = function(event) {
return touchEvents.indexOf(event.type) > -1 || event.pointerType === 'touch';

@@ -777,3 +777,4 @@ (function(global) {

if (options.scaleX || options.scaleY || options.skewX || options.skewY || options.flipX || options.flipY) {
if (options.scaleX !== 1 || options.scaleY !== 1 ||
options.skewX || options.skewY || options.flipX || options.flipY) {
matrix = multiply(matrix, fabric.util.calcDimensionsMatrix(options));

@@ -780,0 +781,0 @@ }

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