fixed the gesture module to not break with 4.0 #6491;
fix(fabric.IText): copy style in non full mode when typing text #6454;
feat(fabric.Controls) expose the extra utils for control handling.
Breaking: rename fabric.controlHandlers and fabric.controlRenderers to fabric.controlsUtils.
fix(fabric.Image): ISSUE-6397 modify crossOrigin behaviour for setSrc #6414;
Breaking: fabric.Image.setCrossOrigin is gone. Having the property on the fabric.Image is misleading and brings to errors. crossOrigin is for loading/reloading only, and is mandatory to specify it each load.
Breaking: fabric.Control constructor does not accept anymore a position object, but 2 properties, x and y.
fix(itext): improved style handling for new lines #6268
fix(controls): Fix flip and controls and skewY and controls. #6278
fix(controls): Current position with handlers is wrong if using skew #6267
breaking: setCoords has only one argument now skipCorners boolean. setCoords will always update aCoords, lineCoords. If skipCorners is not specified, it will alos update oCoords();
feat(fabric.Image): Image.imageSmoothing for fabric.Image objects #6280
fix(fabric.StaticCanvas): export to dataUrl and canvasElement will respect imageSmoothingEnabled #6280
fix(fabric.Image): toSVG export with missing element won't crash #6280