Laravel like global Facades in Node, Browserify and Webpack!
... and most other CommonJS loaders.
npm install --save facadify
Facadify relies on the module loader in order to be global. Specifically
the fact that module loaders return the same instance loaded once for all scripts
that refference it in the current application.
To leverage the module loader we must first make a file named anything you like
and put wherever you like.
eg: path_to_app/facades/potato_facade.js
module.exports = function PotatoFacade(){};
yep it's that simple. We just need a global object nothing else (it doesn't even have to be a function module.exports = {};
would have ben equally valid but providing a function name looks nice when it is console.log()
Now when you bootstrap your application:
var facadify = require('facadify');
var potato = require('./modules/potato');
facadify(new Potato('Salad'), require('./facades/potato_facade.js'));
Now in any other modules in your application you may use the facade just by requiring it and calling methods on it. As an example lets assume the implementation of the Potato class to be:
var Potato = function (dish) {
this.dish = dish;
Potato.prototype.dishName = function () {
return 'Potato ' + this.dish;
after bootstrapping is complete, you can require it any other file and it would work nicely. Like:
var PotatoFacade = require('../facades/potato_facade.js');
Getting the root Instance
You can reach to the root instance of the facade with the facade.getFacadeRoot()
method on facades.
var x = {
action: 'jump',
do_something: function() { return this.action; }
var facade = {};
facadify(x, facade);
console.log(facade.getFacadeRoot === x);
Swap the Instance
You can swap out the root instance of the facade with anything else if you like with the facade.swapFacadeRoot(Object obj)
method on a facade object.
var x = {
action: 'jump',
do_something: function() { return this.action; }
var y = {
action: 'run',
do_something: function() { return this.action; }
var facade = {};
facadify(x, facade);
Just install all dev dependencies and run npm test
and watch the magic unfold.