facedetector is a javascript library for real-time face detection.
This library is based on the work of Martin Tschirsich's js-objectdetect.
Watch this video for a short demonstration.

facedetector is distributed under MIT license.
The included *.js files are subject to their own licenses.
- Multiple faces can be detected
- Implemented a simple tracking algorithm
Online realtime-face-detecting example here.
var videoTag=document.getElementById("video");
var faceDetector = new FaceDetector(
video: videoTag,
flipLeftRight: false,
flipUpsideDown: false
faceDetector.setOnFaceAddedCallback(function (addedFaces, detectedFaces) {
for (var i = 0; i < addedFaces.length; i++) {
console.log("[facedetector] New face detected id=" + addedFaces[i].faceId + " index=" + addedFaces[i].faceIndex);
faceDetector.setOnFaceLostCallback(function (lostFaces, detectedFaces) {
for (var i = 0; i < lostFaces.length; i++) {
console.log("[facedetector] Face removed id=" + lostFaces[i].faceId + " index=" + lostFaces[i].faceIndex);
faceDetector.setOnFaceUpdatedCallback(function (detectedFaces) {
for (var i = 0; i < detectedFaces.length; i++) {
var face = detectedFaces[i];
console.log(face.faceId+" x="+face.x+" y="+face.y+" w="+ face.width+" h="+face.height );
Run on node.js
You can import library with npm.
npm install facedetector
Run on browser
Download actual files
<script src="FaceDetector.js"></script>