Factorial Components
Library of React components to be used at Factorial.
Two builds: client and server
This package offers two builds of the same components, one optimized for client-side
applications and the other optimized for server side rendering.
This is due to the nature of CSS and how it needs to be treated in each case.
Client side build
Default imports are from the client-side build, e.g:
import { Button } from 'factorial-components'
Styles are dynamically injected at runtime thanks to webpack's style-loader
Server side build
To import components from server side simply append /server
to your imports, e.g:
import { Button } from 'factorial-components/server'
In this case, CSS is generated at compile time and extracted to a separate css file
that needs to be served with your application.
File is available at factorial-components/dist/server/main.css
Here is an example importing the css file as a string and injecting it to the html served:
import React from 'react'
import styles from 'factorial-components/dist/server/main.css'
export default class YourDocument extends Document {
render () {
return (
<title>Your page</title>
yarn storybook
will open a storybook on http://localhost:6006
Build both server and client packages with: yarn build
This command will generate a dist
folder containing subsequent server
and client
folders for each case.
Release flow
If you don't have it, install git flow and initialize it in the repo like so: git flow init -d
To start a new release:
git flow release start <NEW_RELEASE_VERSION>
On the newly created branch modify package.json
and commit changes:
git ci -am '<NEW_RELEASE_VERSION>'
Finally close the release with :
git flow release finish <NEW_RELEASE_VERSION>
You are done, now simply npm publish
it ;)