SG React Persian Date Picker
Persian calendar and date picker components for React. This is an open source project made in @evandhq team and custom made by @SaghehGroup.
:calendar: with :heart:
See the demo.
React Persian Date Picker مجموعهای از کامپوننتهای ReactJS مورد نیاز جهت ایجاد ورود و نمایش تاریخ هجری شمسی است. این نرمافزار متنباز در ایوند توسعه یافتهاست.
و توسط گروه ساقه شخصی سازی گردیده
![calendar alt text](
Use npm to install the package:
npm install sg-react-persian-datepicker --save
This package offers two components, Calendar
and DatePicker
. The first of which is a simple calendar that you can use in whichever way you want. The second one is an actual input with an input-ish behaviour.
This package uses moment-jalaali under the hood and all the values are basically moment objects.
Below is a basic example.
import React from 'react';
import { Calendar, DatePicker } from 'react-persian-datepicker';
const calendarStyles = {
calendarContainer: 'calendarContainer',
dayPickerContainer: 'dayPickerContainer',
monthsList: 'monthsList',
daysOfWeek: 'daysOfWeek',
dayWrapper: 'dayWrapper',
selected: 'selected',
heading: 'heading'
const MyComponent = () => (
{/* Calendar Component */}
<Calendar calendarStyles />
{/* Date Picker Component */}
<DatePicker calendarStyles />
API Documentation
This documentation is for v3.0.2. if you are using another version, you may update this file and make a PR. Contributions are totally welcomed ;)
A jalaali date picker component for react.
import {DatePicker} from 'react-persian-datepicker'
// or const DatePicker = require('react-persian-datepicker').DatePicker
render () {
return <DatePicker />;
For more examples please visit github page or see examples/
Property | Type | Default | Required | Description |
value | object | null | | usable to create controlled datepicker, if defaultValue provided it takes it's value |
defaultValue | object | null | | sets default value for datepicker |
onChange | func | | | it sends updated momentjs object as argument to provided function. By default it sets the datepicker value, if you need to implement this, consider updating value accordingly |
onFocus | func | | | by default it makes datepicker visible. if you need to implement this, please see handleFocus method in the source code |
onBlur | func | | | it sends actual blur event as argument, by default it handles visibility and the value of the datepicker and then runs this callback. |
children | node | | | it is not used in this component, (propbably should be removed in the next version) |
min | object | | | accepts a Date or Moment object as the minimum value for datepicker |
max | object | | | accepts a Date or Moment object as the maximum value for datepicker |
defaultMonth | object | | | sets Calendar's default starting month, see Calendar documentations below for more details. |
inputFormat | string | "jYYYY/jM/jD" | | sets how date should appear in the input field. see moment-jalaali documentations for more details |
removable | bool | | | it is not used in this component, (propbably should be removed in the next version) |
timePickerComponent | func | | | if provided, it would show up in the datepicker. it should be a React Component which accepts four properties: min , max , momentValue , setMomentValue , datepicker will send corrsendponding min , max and momentValue and uses setMomentValue which sets the datepicker value internally. for more details see the source code, you may also find an implemented TimePicker component at examples/src/components/MyTimePicker.js |
calendarStyles | object | basic.css | | css object which will be used in the Calendar component |
calendarContainerProps | object | {} | | this object will be passed as containerProps in the Calendar component |
A jalaali Calendar for react. It uses Persian locales by default.
import {Calendar} from 'react-persian-datepicker'
// or const Calendar = require('react-persian-datepicker').Calendar
render () {
return <Calendar />;
For more examples please visit github page or see examples/
Property | Type | Default | Required | Description |
min | object | | | accepts a Date or Moment object as the minimum day for Calendar |
max | object | | | accepts a Date or Moment object as the maximum day for Calendar |
styles | object | basic.css | | css object which will be used. |
selectedDay | object | null | | sets default selected day |
defaultMonth | object | | | sets Calendar's default starting month, if not set, the selectedDay 's month will be used, if it was not set too, it sets current month. |
onSelect | func | | | if provided, it will be called after user clicked on a day. the selectedDay (moment object) will be passed as argument to the function. |
onClickOutside | func | | | if provided, it will be called after user clicked outside of calendar. it uses react-onclickoutside package and used by DatePicker component |
containerProps | object | {} | | it is not used in this component, (propbably should be removed in the next version) |
It is a simple string "ignore--click--outside" used as a class flag in CSS.
Documentation by thg303 at 2017/8/9