Fast fuzzy-search utility
fast-fuzzy is a tiny, lightning-quick on-line fuzzy-searching utility.
The ranking algorithm is a modification of levenshtein distance
proposed by Peter H. Sellers (paper).
fast-fuzzy also use the damerau-levenshtein distance
by default, which, compared to normal levenshtein, punishes transpositions less.
Inputs are normalized before search. Normalization consists of standard utf8-normalization,
followed by optionally taking the lowercase of a string,
optionally removing non-word characters,
and optionally flattening/trimming whitespace.
Inputs are scored from 0
to 1
, where a higher score indicates a closer match.
When searching, results are returned in descending order of score.
Ties are broken by favoring the candidate whose length is closest to the length of the search term.
This causes matches which are closer to exact full string matches to be effectively ranked higher in the case of a tie.
name | description | signature |
fuzzy | fuzzy ranking algorithm; returns match strength | (term, candidate, options?) => score |
search | for one-off searches; returns a sorted array of matches | (term, candidates, options?) => matches |
Searcher | for searching the same set of candidates multiple times; caches normalization and key selection | N/A |
name | description | signature |
constructor | supply the options and initial list of candidates | (candidates?, options?) => searcher |
add | add new candidates to the list | (...candidates) => void |
search | perform a search against the instance's candidates | (term, options?) => matches * |
* allows overriding the threshold
, returnMatchData
, and useDamerau
and search
both take an options object for configuring behavior.
option | type | description | default |
keySelector | Function | selects the string(s)* to search when candidates are objects | (_) => _ |
threshold | Number | the minimum score that can be returned | .6 |
ignoreCase | Bool | normalize case by calling toLower on input and pattern | true |
ignoreSymbols | Bool | strip non-word symbols** from input | true |
normalizeWhitespace | Bool | normalize and trim whitespace | true |
returnMatchData | Bool | return match data*** | false |
useDamerau | Bool | use damerau-levenshtein distance | true |
* if the keySelector returns an array, the candidate will take the score of the highest scoring key.
** `~!@#$%^&*()-=_+{}[]\|\;':",./<>?
*** in the form {item, original, key, score, match: {index, length}}
accepts a subset of these options (excluding keySelector and threshold) with the same defaults.
You can call fuzzy
directly to get a match score for a single string
const {fuzzy} = require("fast-fuzzy");
fuzzy("hello", "hello world");
fuzzy("word", "hello world");
fuzzy("hello world", "hello world");
fuzzy("hello world", "hello world", {normalizeWhitespace: false});
Use search
to search a list of strings or objects
const {search} = require("fast-fuzzy");
search("abc", ["def", "bcd", "cde", "abc"]);
[{name: "def"}, {name: "bcd"}, {name: "cde"}, {name: "abc"}],
{keySelector: (obj) =>},
search("abc", ["def", "bcd", "cde", "abc"], {returnMatchData: true});
Use Searcher
in much the same way as search
const {Searcher} = require("fast-fuzzy");
const searcher = new Searcher(["def", "bcd", "cde", "abc"]);"abc");
const anotherSearcher = new Searcher(
[{name: "thing1"}, {name: "thing2"}],
{keySelector: (obj) =>},
);"abc", {returnMatchData: true});