A Feathers real-time React component library to display data
npm install --save feathers-react
consists of just a handful of React Components to help you display data coming from your Feathers API in real-time. Make sure to go through the channels docs to set up real-time events, otherwise the components won't update automagically.
Table props
Name | Description | Required | Default value |
service | The Feathers service to get data from. | Yes | undefined |
query | A Feathers query object to run against the specified service . | No | {} |
keyProp | The result's property to use as key . | No | 'id' |
onRowClick | Click event handler for a table row. The function takes two arguments: the row's data and its index . | No | (row, index) => {} |
sortable | A Boolean that determines wether a header can be clicked to sort results | No | undefined |
onDataChange | A callback Function that is invoked after the table's data changed | No | undefined |
countTemplate | A string to use as template for showing items count. For example, 'Showing {start} to {end} of {total}' would render something like Showing 1 to 10 of 25 . | No | undefined |
language | The locale name to render translated text. Supported locales are ['fr_FR', 'en_US', 'es_ES'] . | No | 'en_US' |
usePagination | Determines wether to use the <Pagination /> component. | No | true |
paginationProps | An Object to override rc-pagination 's props. | No | undefined |
Column props
Name | Description | Required | Default value |
dataSource | The result's property to extract data from. | Only when render is not defined | undefined |
render | A render function that takes two arguments: the data for the column and the row's data. For example, imageUrl => <img src={imageUrl} /> would render an image in the table cell. | No | undefined |
title | A string to use as the header for the column. | No | undefined |
width | The column's visual width, in pixels. | No | undefined |
In this simple example, the <Table />
component takes a client
prop which is a Feathers client.
import React from 'react';
import { Column, Table } from 'feathers-react';
import 'feathers-react/style.css';
export default ({ client }) => {
const service = client.service('some-service');
const query = { $sort: { name: 1 } };
return (
<Table service={service} query={query}>
render={(data, row) => (
<img alt={row.name} src={data} />
)} />
dataSource="name" />
Container props
The <Container />
component is a generic wrapper that you can use to present data in a different format than tabular. It shares most props with the <Table />
component, the main difference is that it doesn't take any children, but has a renderItem
prop to render data.
Name | Description | Required | Default value |
service | The Feathers service to get data from. | Yes | undefined |
query | A Feathers query object to run against the specified service . | No | {} |
emptyState | An HTMLElement, React component, or String to render when there are no results. | No | undefined |
keyProp | The result's property to use as key . | No | 'id' |
renderItem | A render function that can return a React component. The function takes two arguments: the row's data and its index . | Yes | (row, index) => <SomeComponent key={row.id} data={row} /> |
itemsWrapper | An HTMLElement or React component that will wrap rendered children. | No | undefined |
separator | A render function to use as a separator. It takes one argument: the current result being iterated. It requires both: itemsWrapper and query.$sort to be defined. | No | undefined |
countTemplate | A string to use as template for showing items count. For example, 'Showing {start} to {end} of {total}' would render something like Showing 1 to 10 of 25 . | No | undefined |
language | The locale name to render translated text. Supported locales are ['fr_FR', 'en_US', 'es_ES'] . | No | 'en_US' |
usePagination | Determines wether to use the <Pagination /> component. | No | false |
hidePaginationOnSinglePage | Hides the pagination component when there's only one page of data | No | undefined |
paginationProps | An Object to override rc-pagination 's props. | No | undefined |
import React from 'react';
import { Container } from 'feathers-react';
import 'feathers-react/style.css';
import Message from './message';
export default ({ client }) => {
const service = client.service('messages');
const query = { $sort: { author: 1 } };
return (
itemsWrapper={<div className="messages-wrapper" />}
separator={message => <h3>Messages by {message.author}</h3>}
renderItem={message => (
<Message key={message.id} message={message} />
)} />
MIT © Silvestre Herrera