The unholy union of fetch and curl
Usage: ferl <URL> [options]
subset of curl with added json traversal
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-X --method [method] http method to use
-L --redirect follow redirects
-H --headers [header] set a header
-d --data [data] send form data (of type application/x-www-form-urlencoded if it doesn't look like json)
-e --extract [property] extract a property from the response using a property chain e.g. 'supplier.primaryContact.tel'
-m --map [property] map over an array, extracting property using a property chain e.g. 'name.email'
Will output multiple values if -m is specified multiple times
-f --filter [property=value] filter an array, checking property using a property chain e.g. 'name.email'
Will filter on multiple values if -f is specified multiple times