FeedHenry AMQP client wrapper for communication with a Rabbit cluster.
The FeedHenry Platform includes a RabbitMQ cluster, which is set up to have highly available Mirrored Queues. The messaging pattern that best suits our development requirements is the 'Topic' pattern, described in the RabbitMQ documentation.
This client library helps with the following:
Automatic detection of Rabbit node failure and reconnecting to another node in the Rabbit Cluster.
'publishTopic' and 'subscribeToTopic' type functions that set up correct Exchange and Q configuration behind the scenes.
You probably won't, but if you think you need to use a different Q type or Message Q Pattern, you will need to either extend this library, or use the AMQP driver directly.
This module can also be used from the command line, to quick publish a message to the FeedHenry Rabbit Cluster, or also as a handy way to quickly subscribe to FeedHenry messages.
Module Usage
Sample sub.js:
var fhamqpjs = require('fh-amqp-js');
var cfg = {
clusterNodes: ["amqp://guest:guest@dummy.feedhenry.me:5672/fh-events", "amqp://guest:guest@dummy.feedhenry.me:5673/fh-events"],
maxReconnectAttempts: 10
var amqpManager = new fhamqpjs.AMQPManager(cfg);
amqpManager.on("connection", function(){
amqpManager.subscribeToTopic("fh-event-exchange", "my-event-q", "my-topic-filter.#", subscribeFunc, function(err){
if(err) console.error("Fatal error setting up subscriber: ", err);
amqpManager.on("error", function(err){
console.error("Fatal error: ", err);
function subscribeFunc (json, headers, deliveryInfo) {
console.log("GOT MESSAGE: ", json);
Sample pub.js:
var fhamqpjs = require('fh-amqp-js');
var cfg = {
clusterNodes: ["amqp://guest:guest@dummy.feedhenry.me:5672/fh-events", "amqp://guest:guest@dummy.feedhenry.me:5673/fh-events"],
maxReconnectAttempts: 10
var amqpManager = new fhamqpjs.AMQPManager(cfg);
var t; var count=0;
amqpManager.on("connection", function(){
if (t) clearInterval(t);
t = setInterval(function(){
amqpManager.publishTopic("fh-event-exchange", "topic", {count: count++}, function(err){
if (err) console.error("Fatal publishing error: ", err);
}, 1000);
amqpManager.on("error", function(err){
console.error("Fatal error: ", err);
Note that the vhosts, Exchange names and Topics used internally in FeedHenry are documented here: TODO.
CLI Usage
Usage: fh-amqp-js pub <exchange> <topic> <message> --clusterNodes=[<amqp-url>,*]
fh-amqp-js sub <exchange> <topic> --clusterNodes=[<amqp-url>,*]
The Command Line Interface can be used to quickly publish messages, e.g.
$ fh-amqp-js pub "fh-topic2" "fh.event.count" '{"count": 1}' --clusterNodes='["amqp://guest:guest@dummy.feedhenry.me:5672"]'
There is also a 'sub' command, for quickly subscribing to messages:
$ fh-amqp-js sub "fh-topic2" "fh.event.count" --clusterNodes='["amqp://guest:guest@dummy.feedhenry.me:5672"]'
The CLI uses the RC node module for incredibly flexible config finding (see its documentation). Config options currently are:
clusterNodes: ["amqp://guest:guest@dummy.feedhenry.me:5672/fh-events", "amqp://guest:guest@dummy.feedhenry.me:5673/fh-events"],
maxReconnectAttempts: 10
To run the tests:
make test
make test-coverage-cli
make test-coverage-html
Build artifacts are located on Denzil here: http://denzil.henora.net:8080/view/common/job/fh-amqp-js/