What is file-selector?
The file-selector npm package is a utility library for handling file selections in web applications. It provides functions to convert file selections into a standardized format for easier manipulation, including functions to handle selections from both file inputs and drag-and-drop operations.
What are file-selector's main functionalities?
Converting FileList to Array
This feature allows you to convert a FileList object, which is obtained from a file input element, into an array of files for easier iteration and manipulation.
import { fromFileList } from 'file-selector';
const inputElement = document.querySelector('input[type="file"]');
inputElement.addEventListener('change', async (event) => {
const filesArray = await fromFileList(event.target.files);
// Now you have an array of files
Handling Drag-and-Drop Files
This feature provides a way to handle files dropped into a dropzone on a webpage, converting the DataTransferItem list from the event into an array of files.
import { fromEvent } from 'file-selector';
const dropzone = document.getElementById('dropzone');
dropzone.addEventListener('drop', async (event) => {
const items = await fromEvent(event);
// Now you have an array of files from the drop event
Other packages similar to file-selector
Dropzone is a widely-used library that provides drag-and-drop file uploads with image previews. It's more feature-rich than file-selector, offering UI for file previews and progress bars, but it's also heavier and more opinionated in terms of functionality.
React-dropzone is a React wrapper for dropzone.js. It integrates the drag-and-drop file upload functionality into React components, making it convenient for React developers. It is similar to file-selector but tailored specifically for React and provides more UI components.
A small package for converting a DragEvent or file input to a list of File objects.
Table of Contents
You can install this package from NPM:
npm add file-selector
If you are using a bundler such as Vite or Webpack you can import the package directly:
import {fromEvent} from 'file-selector';
To include the package directly in the browser without a bundling step you can choose to either use a CDN, or include the required files in your own project.
If you want to use a CDN, you can use Skypack, or any other CDN of your choice. Make sure you are specifying a compatible version range to avoid unexpected breaking changes.
<script type="module">
import {fromEvent} from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/file-selector@^1.0.0';
Self hosting is also possible, make sure to copy or link the contents of the NPM package into your project and import them as you would any other module.
<script type="module">
import {fromEvent} from './path/to/file-selector.js';
Import maps
To avoid repeating the import path and get an experience similar to a bundler you can opt to use an import map.
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"file-selector": "https://cdn.skypack.dev/file-selector@^1.0.0"
"file-selector": "./path/to/file-selector.js"
<script type="module">
import {fromEvent} from 'file-selector';
Convert a DragEvent to File objects:
import {fromEvent} from 'file-selector';
document.addEventListener('drop', async (event) => {
const files = await fromEvent(event);
Convert a change event for an input type file to File objects:
import {fromEvent} from 'file-selector';
const input = document.getElementById('myInput');
input.addEventListener('change', async (event) => {
const files = await fromEvent(event);
Convert FileSystemFileHandle items to File objects:
import {fromEvent} from 'file-selector';
const handles = await window.showOpenFilePicker({multiple: true});
const files = await fromEvent(handles);
The above is experimental and subject to change.
Convert a DragEvent
to File objects:
const {fromEvent} = require('file-selector');
document.addEventListener('drop', async (event) => {
const files = await fromEvent(event);
Browser Support
Most browser support basic File selection with drag 'n' drop or file input:
For folder drop we use the FileSystem API which has very limited support:
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