Firefox Versions
A simple, probably stupid module that returns a hash containing the following things:
- current shipping Firefox version
- currently shipping Beta version
- currently shipping Firefox Developer Edition ( aka 'aurora' )
- likely Nightly version
- current maximum version usable on AMO. If you want your add-on to be compatible with any pre-release version of Firefox, use this version.
npm install firefox-versions
var fxVersions = require('firefox-versions');
fxVersions.fetch(function(err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(result.firefox); // currently returns "34.0.5"
Sample data
firefox: '34.0.5', // current release
beta: '35.0b4', // current beta
aurora: '36.0a2', // current Developer Edition
nightly: '37.0a1', // likely current nightly version
aom_max: '38.0' // max acceptable aom maxVersion