Comparing version 0.0.3 to 0.0.5
Missing package tarball
QualityThis package is missing its tarball. It could be removed from the npm registry or there may have been an error when publishing.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
Wildcard dependency
QualityPackage has a dependency with a floating version range. This can cause issues if the dependency publishes a new major version.
Found 4 instances in 1 package
Major refactor
Supply chain riskPackage has recently undergone a major refactor. It may be unstable or indicate significant internal changes. Use caution when updating to versions that include significant changes.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
Misc. License Issues
License(Experimental) A package's licensing information has fine-grained problems.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
Shell access
Supply chain riskThis module accesses the system shell. Accessing the system shell increases the risk of executing arbitrary code.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
Unpopular package
QualityThis package is not very popular.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
No bug tracker
MaintenancePackage does not have a linked bug tracker in package.json.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
No repository
Supply chain riskPackage does not have a linked source code repository. Without this field, a package will have no reference to the location of the source code use to generate the package.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
No tests
QualityPackage does not have any tests. This is a strong signal of a poorly maintained or low quality package.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
No v1
QualityPackage is not semver >=1. This means it is not stable and does not support ^ ranges.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
No website
QualityPackage does not have a website.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
Unidentified License
License(Experimental) Something that seems like a license was found, but its contents could not be matched with a known license.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
MaintenancePackage has not been updated in more than 5 years and may be unmaintained. Problems with the package may go unaddressed.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
- Removedasync@*
- Removedejs@*
- Removedfis-auto-packager@*
- Removedrequest@*
- Removedadm-zip@0.5.16(transitive)
- Removedajv@6.12.6(transitive)
- Removedansi-styles@4.3.0(transitive)
- Removedasn1@0.2.6(transitive)
- Removedassert-plus@1.0.0(transitive)
- Removedasync@3.2.6(transitive)
- Removedasynckit@0.4.0(transitive)
- Removedaws-sign2@0.7.0(transitive)
- Removedaws4@1.13.2(transitive)
- Removedbalanced-match@1.0.2(transitive)
- Removedbcrypt-pbkdf@1.0.2(transitive)
- Removedbrace-expansion@
- Removedcaseless@0.12.0(transitive)
- Removedchalk@4.1.2(transitive)
- Removedcolor-convert@2.0.1(transitive)
- Removedcolor-name@1.1.4(transitive)
- Removedcombined-stream@1.0.8(transitive)
- Removedconcat-map@0.0.1(transitive)
- Removedcore-util-is@1.0.2(transitive)
- Removedcrc32@0.2.2(transitive)
- Removeddashdash@1.14.1(transitive)
- Removeddeflate-js@0.2.3(transitive)
- Removeddelayed-stream@1.0.0(transitive)
- Removedecc-jsbn@0.1.2(transitive)
- Removedejs@3.1.10(transitive)
- Removedextend@3.0.2(transitive)
- Removedextsprintf@1.3.0(transitive)
- Removedfast-deep-equal@3.1.3(transitive)
- Removedfast-json-stable-stringify@2.1.0(transitive)
- Removedfilelist@1.0.4(transitive)
- Removedfis-auto-packager@0.0.12(transitive)
- Removedforever-agent@0.6.1(transitive)
- Removedform-data@2.3.3(transitive)
- Removedgetpass@0.1.7(transitive)
- Removedgzip-js@0.3.2(transitive)
- Removedhar-schema@2.0.0(transitive)
- Removedhar-validator@5.1.5(transitive)
- Removedhas-flag@4.0.0(transitive)
- Removedhttp-signature@1.2.0(transitive)
- Removediconv-lite@0.6.3(transitive)
- Removedis-typedarray@1.0.0(transitive)
- Removedisstream@0.1.2(transitive)
- Removedjake@10.9.2(transitive)
- Removedjsbn@0.1.1(transitive)
- Removedjson-schema@0.4.0(transitive)
- Removedjson-schema-traverse@0.4.1(transitive)
- Removedjson-stringify-safe@5.0.1(transitive)
- Removedjsprim@1.4.2(transitive)
- Removedmime-db@1.52.0(transitive)
- Removedmime-types@2.1.35(transitive)
- Removedminimatch@
- Removedoauth-sign@0.9.0(transitive)
- Removedperformance-now@2.1.0(transitive)
- Removedpsl@1.15.0(transitive)
- Removedpunycode@2.3.1(transitive)
- Removedqs@6.5.3(transitive)
- Removedrequest@2.88.2(transitive)
- Removedsafe-buffer@5.2.1(transitive)
- Removedsafer-buffer@2.1.2(transitive)
- Removedsshpk@1.18.0(transitive)
- Removedsupports-color@7.2.0(transitive)
- Removedtough-cookie@2.5.0(transitive)
- Removedtunnel-agent@0.6.0(transitive)
- Removedtweetnacl@0.14.5(transitive)
- Removeduri-js@4.4.1(transitive)
- Removeduuid@3.4.0(transitive)
- Removedverror@1.10.0(transitive)