Multitask with cat-like reflexes
npm install -g flinch
Flinch provides an easy to use API for blocking and signaling on events. When
you have multiple terminal sessions open and need to queue up long running
commands, flinch comes to the rescue.
Organizing your code into several, small and reusable packages is great.
Unfortunately, you may find yourself needing to build and run tasks in several
repositories at once. When that happens, things can get difficult. Anyone who's
tried to use Git submodules can testify to that.
Flinch exposes a few simple commands
flinch server
spawns an HTTP server that acts as the mediator for event blocking and signalingflinch on <event>
will block until the specified event has firedflinch at <event>
will signal that the specified event has occurred,
causing anything blocking on it to exit with a status code of 0flinch gg <event>
will signal that the specified event has failed, causing
anything blocking on it to exit with a status code of 1flinch flush
will clear the list of events the server remembers having been fired at
By default, flinch at
and flinch gg
announcements have a TTL of 10 minutes,
which helps to alleviate race condition concerns of flinch on
not being run
until after the event is flinched at. This time can be explicitly set via the
Usage: flinch [options] [command]
server start a flinch server
s alias for server command
on <event> block on the specified event
at [options] <event> announce that the specified event has occurred
gg [options] <event> announce that the specified event has failed
flush clear list of announced events
f alias for flush command
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-p, --port [port] specify which port to use [Default: 3030]
Option for gg and at commands:
-t, --ttl [ttl] set time to live for event success announcement in minutes
Contrived usage example
After starting flinch server
, you may do something like this:
make clean && make && make test && flinch at model
make clean && flinch on model && make && flinch at worker
rake clean && flinch on model && ./some_script && flinch on worker && rake deploy
How it works
Flinch works by having an HTTP server running in the background that acts as a
mediator between blockers and signalers. flinch on
blockers will poll the
server once per second for updates on the event they're waiting on. flinch at
and flinch gg
will send a POST request to the server to announce the event
status. That's all there is to it.