add ADFS single sign-on to flive-boilerplate
Check adfs branch of the flive-boilerplate for integration details
Config example :
auth: {
jwt: {
options: {
algorithm: 'HS256',
issuer: 'flive-boilerplate',
audience: 'flive-user',
expiresIn: '7 days'
secret: 'very-long-secret-here'
adfs: {
paths: {
initiatePath: '/saml2',
callbackPath: '/saml2',
successRedirect: '/',
failureRedirect: '/login'
validateProfile: (profile, app, done) => {
// transform raw saml data to a user object
// and fetch or insert user in DB if needed
const user = { email: profile.nameID };
done(null, user);
login: async (user, ctx) => {
/* override passport login() if you want */
//return ctx.login(user)
/* setting the boilerplates JWT token here */
return ctx.cookies.set('jwt',{ user }));
samlConfig: {
entryPoint: 'adfs',
callbackUrl: '',
issuer: '',
cert: fs.readFileSync('/path/to/adfsCertificate')