A tiny, functional, state machine utility
npm install --save fn-machine
fn-machine consists of 3 functions. The first two are used to define a machine:
machine([State], 'initialState', initialContextObj, stateChangeCallback, loggerFn)
state('name', transitionsObj, enterFunction, exitFunction)
The third function is what would traditionally be called a send()
function. This function is returned by calling machine(...)
Setting up a machine
import {machine, state} from 'fn-machine';
const initialContext = {
loading: false,
users: [],
function loadUsers() {
setTimeout(() => {
myMachine('loaded', {users:['foo', 'bar']})
}, 1000);
const myMachine = machine([
state('initial', {
loadData: (detail, context) => {
return {
state('loadingData', {
loaded: (detail, context) => {
return {
state: 'loadedData',
context: {...context, ...detail, ...{loading: false}}
}, context => {
return {...context, ...{loading: true}};
state('loadedData', {})
], 'initial', initialContext, newState => {
console.log('myMachine state changed:', newState.state, newState.context);
}, console.log);
In the loadUsers()
function above, we invoke the third function provided by fn-machine, which is the send function. The send function takes a string as the first parameter, which is the name of a transition we'd like to invoke, and optionally a detail
object, which contains some data we want the machine to work with, and/or update the context with.
You can also define transitions using a short-hand syntax like so:
state('myState', {
someAction: 'newState',
which is equivelent to:
state('myState', {
someAction: (detail, context) => {
return {
state: 'newState',
context: {...context, ...detail},
More examples
There is an example in this repo, or you can play around with this codepen that shows a basic integration with LitElement.
There are two utility functions to convert to and from mermaid syntax.
toMermaid([state('on', {powerOff: 'off'}, state('off', {powerOn: 'on'}))], 'off');
produces a string like that you can process with mermaidjs to visualize your machine:
[*] --> off
on --> off: powerOff
off --> on: powerOn
Or, you can take a mermaid string and output some stub javascript:
const mermaidStr = `
[*] --> off
on --> off: powerOff
off --> on: powerOn
which produces:
[state('on', {powerOff: 'off'}, state('off', {powerOn: 'on'}))]
These are useful for visualization and initial creation of your machines, but beware that if your machine transitions contain logic, that logic would be lost should you try to go full circle: machine -> mermaid -> machine.
Yes! PR's are welcome. Tests are written in mocha. Run with npm run test
or yarn test
. Typechecking is provided by typescript via JSDoc annotations.