A set of React helpers to help with building forms. State is managed with a Redux store that is local to your component. This promotes keeping your ui state separate from your global application state while still being able to use the redux ecosystem.
npm install --save react react-dom redux react-redux
npm install --save form-provider
Basic Usage
import { withForm, FormProvider, Field } from 'form-provider'
function createForm(props) {
return {
field1: props.field1,
obj: {
field2: 4
function BasicForm({ form, onSubmit }) {
return (
<FormProvider form={form} onSubmit={onSubmit}>
<form onSubmit={preventDefault(form.submit)}>
<h3>Basic Form</h3>
<Field path='field1' validate={[isRequired('Field1'), isNotNumber('Field1')]}>
{({ value, setValue, error }) =>
<input type='text' value={value} onChange={target(setValue)} />
{ error && <div>{ error.message }</div> }
<Field path='obj.field2'>
{({ value, setValue }) =>
<input type='number' value={value} onChange={target(toNumber(setValue)))} />
<button type='submit'>Save</button>
<button type='button' onClick={form.reset}>Reset</button>
export default withForm(createForm)(BasicForm)
Check out the basic form example for the entire source.
Initial state
Setting initial form state is done by passing it into withForm
export default withForm({
user: {
firstName: 'john'
export default withForm(props => ({
user: props.user
This lib currently doesn't provide any validation functions out of the box, only an API to provide your own. Validators are functions that accept the current value and return a promise. Pass in a single validator or an array to the <Field>
component. The form won't submit until all validators are resolved.
export const isRequired = (name) => (value) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!value) return reject(new Error(`${name} is required`))
export const isNotNumber = (name) => (value) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!isNaN(value)) return reject(new Error(`${name} must not be a number`))
Binding to form state
Use the connectForm
function to map form state to props. This function has the exact same API as react-redux's connect
function. You can use this to conditionally display fields or other rendering logic based on the current form's state.
import { compose } from 'redux'
import { withForm, FormProvider, Field, connectForm } from 'form-provider'
function mapFormStateToProps(formState) {
return {
userFormState: formState.user,
allErrors: formState.errors
function BasicForm({ userFormState, allErrors, form, onSubmit }) {
export default compose(