Foxcord is a modern and simple way to interact with the Discord API !
🔑 Features
- Easy to use
- Latest Discord API version and latest additions
- Discord support
- Lightweight
🪓 Installation
Node.Js v12.0.0 is required at least
$ npm install foxcord
$ yarn add foxcord
💾 Code example
const { Client } = require('foxcord');
const client = new Client({
device: 'MOBILE',
intents: ['ALL'],
reconnect: true
client.on('READY', () => {
client.setGame('powered by Foxcord');
console.log(client.user.tag + ' is online!');
client.on('MESSAGE', (message) => {
if( return;
if(message.content === 'ping') return'🏓 Pong, my ping is ' + + 'ms!');
- Registering slash command
const { SlashCommandBuilder, SlashCommandsManager } = require('foxcord');
const slashCommandsManager = new SlashCommandsManager('CLIENT_ID', 'CLIENT_TOKEN');
const coolSlashCommand = new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('My cool command description');
slashCommandsManager.pushCommand(coolSlashCommand, {
guildID: 'GUILD_ID'
- Client using slash commands
const { Client } = require('foxcord');
const client = new Client();
client.on('SLASH_COMMAND_USED', (slashCommand) => {
slashCommand.reply(slashCommand.member.tag + ' used ' +, {
ephemeral: false
🔗 Links
The documentation is coming very soon, In order to have more information about Foxcord, you can join the Discord server !
🔧 Contributing
Before creating an issue, be sure that it has not already been deferred and try to come up with a simple approach to the issue so that deferral is accessible to all.
In order to submit a PR, make sure you have read the contribution guide
🚀 Other
Note: The project is in alpha version and still under development, so it is perfectly normal that you have many errors, we advise you to wait for a stable version before using it for your bot.
This project is under Apache-2.0
Note: This package is not affiliated with Discord Inc
![Discord invite link](
You can join the Foxcord official Discord server using this link