Includes fp-ts
and io-ts
npm i fp-ts-http
import { end, lit, int } from 'fp-ts-routing'
import * as io from "io-ts"
import { get, post, driver } from "fp-ts-http"
import { TMiddlewareStack } from 'fp-ts-http/lib/Middleware';
import { none } from 'fp-ts/lib/Option';
const stack: TMiddlewareStack = []
const userById = lit('users').then(int("userid"))
const stack2 = [...stack, ...get<{userid: number}, string>(userById.then(end), async(req) => {
return {
status: 200,
headers: none,
body: `fetched user ${req.path.userid}`
const userMessages = userById.then(lit("messages"))
const userMessageDto = io.type({ message: io.string })
const stack3 = [...stack2, ...post<{userid: number}, {message: string}, string>(userMessages.then(end), userMessageDto, async(req) => {
return {
status: 200,
headers: none,
body: `post message "${req.body.message}" to user ${req.path.userid}`
driver(stack3, 3000).run()
.then(() => console.log("server running"))
Advanced query parsing example
import { end, lit, query } from 'fp-ts-routing'
import * as io from "io-ts"
import { get, driver } from "."
import { TMiddlewareStack } from './Middleware';
import { none } from 'fp-ts/lib/Option';
import { NumberFromString, BooleanFromString, ArrayFromString } from './Query';
const stack: TMiddlewareStack = []
type TUsersPath = {
filter: undefined | string
validStatusCodes: undefined | number[]
sortDirection: undefined | boolean
const usersQuery = io.interface({
filter: io.union([ io.undefined, io.string ]),
validStatusCodes: io.union([ io.undefined, ArrayFromString<number>(NumberFromString) ]),
sortDirection: io.union([ io.undefined, BooleanFromString ])
const users = lit("users")
const usersList = users.then(query(usersQuery))
const stack2 = [...stack, ...get<TUsersPath, string>(usersList.then(end), async(req) => {
return {
status: 200,
headers: none,
body: JSON.stringify({
filter: req.path.filter,
validStatusCodes: req.path.validStatusCodes,
sortDirection: req.path.sortDirection
driver(stack2, 3000).run()
.then(() => console.log("server running"))