Search and get informations about french cities from the package offline database.
Database comes from Stanislas-Poisson/French-zip-code
yarn add "france-cities-js"
npm install --save "france-cities-js"
// ESM
import { searchCity, searchDepartment, searchRegion } from "france-cities-js";
// CJS
const { searchCity, searchDepartment, searchRegion } = require("france-cities-js");
// parameters : string to search and limit number of results
const cities1 = searchCity.byName("plou", 10);
const cities2 = searchCity.byDepartmentCode("29", 10);
const cities2 = searchCity.byInseeCode("010", 10);
const cities3 = searchCity.byZipCode("772", 10);
const departments1 = searchDepartment.byName("seine", 10);
const departments2 = searchDepartment.byDepartmentCode("56", 10);
const departments3 = searchDepartment.byRegionCode("8", 10);
const regions1 = searchRegion.byName("re", 10);
const regionn2 = searchRegion.byCode("8", 10);
type City = {
id: number;
department_code: string;
insee_code: string;
zip_code: string;
name: string;
slug: string;
gps_lat: number;
gps_lng: number;
type Department = {
id: number;
code: string;
region_code: string;
name: string;
slug: string;
type Region = {
id: number;
code: string;
name: string;
slug: string;