Calculates the discrete Fréchet distance of two polylines.
The Fréchet distance is a distance metric that represents the similarity of two curves. A way to think about it is to imagine a person walking along the first curve and a dog walking along the second curve. The Fréchet distance represents the shortest leash required to complete the walk without backtracking.
The library is available on npm. Install with the following command:
npm install frechet
var frechet = require('frechet');
var l1 = [[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2]];
var l2 = [[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]];
console.log(frechet(l1, l1));
console.log(frechet(l1, l2));
Building the library
The library is packaged using rollup.js. To build use the following command:
npm install
rollup -c
The result is available in [dist/index.js].
Running the tests
Run the tests like this:
npm install
npm test