F.A.M - Frontend Assets Manager
This library can be used as a Webpack plugin to generate a manifest file of Javascript and CSS files and/or a tool to inject script and link tags in other files (html, template files, etc).
Config file
"defaults": {
"js": {
"regex": "js",
"prepend": ""
"css": {
"regex": "css",
"prepend": ""
"prettyPrint": true,
"pathFromRoot": "./assets.json"
"config": {
"sample": {
"dest": [],
"prepend": "",
"assets": {
"js": {
"src": [],
"regex": "",
"prepend": ""
"css": {
"src": [],
"regex": "",
"prepend": ""
In general, values specified closer to the leaf nodes of the json tree overwrite values higher in the tree. For example, a regex field specified under sample.js.regex
will overwrite any other regex field higher in the tree. This applies to regex and prepend fields.
: if no other more specific values are in the under the config key, the default values will be used.
and defaults.js.prepend
: if present, they'll be appended to all css and js file paths to be injected
: each key in the config represents a set of source files to be injected in a list of destination files. If this is used with Webpack, each entry here will represent a Webpack entry
config.<entry name>
: a config set
config.<entry name>.prepend
: prepend value for all file paths under the assets field
config.<entry name>.dest
: this is the view, the html or template that receives the script and link tags containing the files specified in the assets field
config.<entry name>.assets.js
: any Javascript related configuration for this config set
config.<entry name>.assets.js.src
: a list of Javascript files to be injected in the dest of this config set
config.<entry name>.assets.js.regex
: regex to search for when injecting in the destination. If defined, this will overwrite the regex defined in the defaults key.
config.<entry name>.assets.js.prepend
: value to prepend to Javascript files before injecting them
config.<entry name>.assets.css
: any CSS related configuration for this config set
config.<entry name>.assets.css.src
: a list of CSS files to be injected in the target of this config set
config.<entry name>.assets.css.regex
: regex to search for when injecting in the destination. If defined, this will overwrite the regex defined in the defaults key.
config.<entry name>.assets.css.prepend
: value to prepend to CSS files before injecting them
In the files that will receive the injected script and link tags, add html comments with the regex specified in the config file. For example:
// file: app.html
<!-- app:css -->
<!-- endinject -->
<!-- app:js -->
<!-- endinject -->
What is important here is:
that app:css
and app:js
are defined as a regex in your config file. They could be the defaults applied to all pages or specific regex for app.html, for example.
Follow this pattern <!-- myRegex --><!-- endinject -->
. Replace myRegex
with the proper regex from the config file. Everything else should match the pattern. Otherwise the place to inject the tags won't be found.
$ fam [options]
-c, --config [value] Path to the config file (defaults to "./assets.json")
-h, --help Output usage information
-v, --version Output the version number
Reads the config file and inject assets into views.
$ fam-build-config
Creates a new config file with defaults in the current directory.
1- Import the plugin
const FAMPlugin = require('frontend-assets-manager');
2 - Add to the plugins key of Webpack config
plugins: [
new FAMPlugin({
config: "./src/assets.json"
If you don't pass the object with the config key, it'll assume you have an assets.json file in the root of your project.
- Support different views per asset type
- Support multiple inject config per config set