Build files and upload to ftp server
###1.create ftp.config in root
the file is in soucefiles,jsonn5 config. Config the file, it will remove the remotePath
first,and make sure the MLSD
is disenable
the remotePath must start with /
uploadconfig: {
uploadPath: './dist/', /** the local path to upload **/
ftpConnectConfig: {
user: 'test',
host: '',
port: 21,
password: '131415926',
remotePath: '/testdist', /** the ftp server path to upload, must start with / **/
ignoreList: ['upload','update'] /**this folders will not be removed **/
###2.create *.js to start(you can use node *.js
) upload
const tools = require('ftp-cmd-upload');
async function Start(){
await tools.cmdTool.Run('npm run build');
await tools.ftpTool.UploadFiles();