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functional-lite - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.5 to 0.0.6



@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@

* @version 0.0.5
* @version 0.1.0
* @author Lauri Rooden -

@@ -16,2 +16,6 @@ * @license MIT License -

function This() { return this }
function Init() {
var self = this
return self.init && self.init.apply(self, arguments) || self

@@ -232,3 +236,7 @@ !function(root) {

F.fn = This
S.fn = function() {
return Fn(this)

@@ -241,3 +249,3 @@ /*

function Fn(expr) {
if (fns[expr]) return fns[expr]
if (Fn[expr]) return Fn[expr]
var args = "_"

@@ -252,18 +260,7 @@ , body = expr

return fns[expr] = new Function(args, "return(" + body + ")")
return Fn[expr] = new Function(args, "return(" + body + ")")
root.Fn = Fn
Fn.Init = function() {
var self = this
return self.init && self.init.apply(self, arguments) || self
F.fn = This
S.fn = function() {
return Fn(this)

@@ -273,238 +270,1 @@

/** Tests for Array
var test = new TestCase("Array extensions")
, arr = [1,2,3,4,2,5]
, res
[1,2,3,2,1].remove(2).join(), "1,3,1"
, ['1',2,3,2,1].remove(2,1).join(), "1,3"
, "Array.remove()");
var sort = function(a,b){return a-b};
Array.indexFor([1,3,5], 2), 3
, Array.indexFor([1,3,5], 0, sort), 0
, Array.indexFor([1,3,5], 1, sort), 1
, Array.indexFor([1,3,5], 2, sort), 1
, Array.indexFor([1,3,5], 3, sort), 2
, Array.indexFor([1,3,5], 4, sort), 2
, Array.indexFor([1,3,5], 5, sort), 3
, Array.indexFor([1,3,5], 6, sort), 3
, "Array.indexFor()");
, true
, Array.isArray(1)
, false
, Array.isArray(arguments)
, false
, Array.isArray({a:1})
, false
, "Array.isArray");
/** Tests for Function
function Fn1(){
var t = this;
t.a = 1;
"init" in t && t.init.apply(t,arguments);
return t;
Fn1.prototype = {
init: function(){
this.b = 1;
var test = new TestCase("Function")
, Fn2 = Fn1.extend({d:1})
, Fn3 = Fn2.extend({init:function(){},e:1})
, Fn4 = Fn3.extend({init:function(){;},f:1})
, f1 = new Fn1()
, f2 = new Fn2()
, f3 = new Fn3()
, f4 = new Fn4()
, run = 0
, actual = 0
, fn = function(i) {
return i*i;
, fn2 = fn.origin.cache(true);
"a" in f1, true
, "b" in f1, true
, "c" in f1, true
, "d" in f1, false
, "e" in f1, false
, "f" in f1, false
, "a" in f2, true
, "b" in f2, true
, "c" in f2, true
, "d" in f2, true
, "e" in f2, false
, "f" in f2, false
, "a" in f3, true
, "b" in f3, false
, "c" in f3, true
, "d" in f3, true
, "e" in f3, true
, "f" in f3, false
, "a" in f4, true
, "b" in f4, true
, "c" in f4, true
, "d" in f4, true
, "e" in f4, true
, "f" in f4, true
, f1 instanceof Fn1, true
, f1 instanceof Fn2, false
, f1 instanceof Fn3, false
, f1 instanceof Fn4, false
, f2 instanceof Fn1, true
, f2 instanceof Fn2, true
, f2 instanceof Fn3, false
, f2 instanceof Fn4, false
, f3 instanceof Fn1, true
, f3 instanceof Fn2, true
, f3 instanceof Fn3, true
, f3 instanceof Fn4, false
, f4 instanceof Fn1, true
, f4 instanceof Fn2, true
, f4 instanceof Fn3, true
, f4 instanceof Fn4, true
, "Function.extend()");
fn(2), 4, ++run, actual
, fn(2), 4, run, actual
, fn(3), 9, ++run, actual
, fn(3), 9, run, actual
, fn(3,1), 9, ++run, actual
, fn(3,1), 9, run, actual
, "Function.cache() function results");
new fn(), new fn(), ++run, actual
, new fn(1, 2), new fn(1, 2), ++run, actual
, "Function.cache() instances");
fn2(), new fn2(), ++run, actual
, new fn2(1, 2), fn2(1, 2), ++run, actual
, "Function.cache() and create instance");
/** Tests for String extensions
var test = new TestCase("String extensions");
, ""
, (0).int2ip()
, ""
, "4294967295".int2ip()
, ""
, "0".int2ip()
, ""
, "String.int2ip()");
, 4294967295
, "".ip2int()
, 0
, "String.ip2int()");
/** Tests for lambda
var test = new TestCase("Object extensions")
JSON.stringify(["a","b"], [1, 2]))
, '{"a":1,"b":2}'
/** Tests for lambda
var test = new TestCase("lambda")
'->1'.fn()(), 1,
'x -> x + 1'.fn()(1), 2,
'x y -> x + 2*y'.fn()(1, 2), 5,
'x, y -> x + 2*y'.fn()(1, 2), 5,
'_ + 1'.fn()(1), 2,
'x -> y -> x + 2*y'.fn()(1)(2), 5,
'x -> y -> z -> x + 2*y+3*z'.fn()(1)(2)(3), 14,
'1+_'.map([1,2,3]).join(), [2, 3, 4].join(),
'x y -> 2*x+y'.fold([1,0,1,0], 0), 10,
'_%2'.filter([1,2,3,4]).join(), [1, 3].join(),
'_>2'.some([1,2,3]), true,
'_>10'.some([1,2,3]), false
//map('"im"+root', ["probable", "possible"]), ["improbable", "impossible"]
//["improbable", "impossible"], map('"im"+root', ["probable", "possible"]) ,
/** Tests for functional
var test = new TestCase("functional")
'1+_'.fn().compose('2*_'.fn())(3), 7,
'1+_'.fn().chain('2*_'.fn())(3), 8)



@@ -1,7 +0,7 @@

function Nop(){}function True(){return!0}function False(){return!1}function This(){return this}
!function(p){function j(a){if(k[a])return k[a];for(var b="_",d=a,c=a.split("->");1<c.length;)d=c.pop(),b=c.pop().match(/\w+/g)||"",c.length&&c.push("(function("+b+"){return("+d+")})");return k[a]=new Function(b,"return("+d+")")}var k={},f=Array.prototype,e=Function.prototype,m=String.prototype,l=Object,,n=[];e.construct=function(a){var b=a.length;return b?(n[b]||(n[b]=j("t a->new t(a["+Object.keys(g(a)).join("],a[")+"])")))(this,a):new this};e.partial=function(){var a=this,b=
g(arguments);return function(){return a.apply(this,f.concat.apply(b,arguments))}};e.byWords=function(a){var b=this;a|=0;return function(){var d=this,c=d,h=arguments;(h[a]||"").replace(/[-\w]+/g,function(f){h[a]=f;c=b.apply(d,h)});return c}};e.byKeyVal=function(){var a=this;return function(b){var d,c=g(arguments);if("object"==typeof b)for(d in b)c[0]=d,c[1]=b[d],d=a.apply(this,c);else d=a.apply(this,c);return d}};e.cache=function(a,b,d){var c=this,h=d||{},e=function(){var d=arguments,j=!!a||this instanceof
e,g=b?b(d,c):j+":"+d.length+":";return g in h?h[g]:h[g]=j?c.construct(d):c.apply(this,d)};e.origin=c;e.cached=h;e.extend=function(){return c.extend.apply(c,arguments).cache(a,b,h)};e.prototype=c.prototype;return e};e.extend=function(){var a,b=this,d=0,c=function(){return b.apply(this,arguments)};c.prototype=Object.create(b.prototype);for(c.prototype.constructor=c;a=arguments[d++];)Object.merge(c.prototype,a);return c};e.ttl=function(a,b){var d=this,c=setTimeout(function(){a=0;b&&b()},
a);return function(){clearTimeout(c);a&&d.apply(null,arguments)}};e.once=function(a){var b,d,c=this;return function(){clearTimeout(b);d=arguments;b=setTimeout(function(){c.apply(null,d)},a)}};e.rate=function(a,b){var d,c,e=this,f=0;return function(){var g=+new Date;clearTimeout(d);g>f?(f=g+a,e.apply(null,arguments)):b&&(c=arguments,d=setTimeout(function(){e.apply(null,c)},f-g))}};l.each=function(a,b,d,c){if(a)for(c in a)a.hasOwnProperty(c)&&,a[c],c,a)};l.merge=function(a){for(var b,d,c=1;d=
arguments[c++];)for(b in d)d.hasOwnProperty(b)&&(a[b]=d[b]);return a};,b){return a.fold(function(a,c,e){a[c]=b[e];return a},{})};f.remove=function(){for(var a=this.length,b=g(arguments);a--;)~b.indexOf(this[a])&&this.splice(a,1);return this};f.each=f.forEach;f.fold=f.reduce;f.foldr=f.reduceRight;f.unique=f.filter.partial(function(a,b,d){return b==d.lastIndexOf(a)});!function(a){e[a]=m[a]=function(){var b=arguments,d=b[0];b[0]=this.fn();return f[a].apply(d,b)}}.byWords()("every filter each map fold foldr some");
p.Fn=j;j.Init=function(){return this.init&&this.init.apply(this,arguments)||this};e.fn=This;m.fn=function(){return j(this)}}(this);
function Nop(){}function True(){return!0}function False(){return!1}function This(){return this}function Init(){return this.init&&this.init.apply(this,arguments)||this}
!function(n){function g(a){if(g[a])return g[a];for(var b="_",d=a,c=a.split("->");1<c.length;)d=c.pop(),b=c.pop().match(/\w+/g)||"",c.length&&c.push("(function("+b+"){return("+d+")})");return g[a]=new Function(b,"return("+d+")")}var f=Array.prototype,e=Function.prototype,l=String.prototype,k=Object,,m=[];e.construct=function(a){var b=a.length;return b?(m[b]||(m[b]=g("t a->new t(a["+Object.keys(j(a)).join("],a[")+"])")))(this,a):new this};e.partial=function(){var a=this,b=j(arguments);
return function(){return a.apply(this,f.concat.apply(b,arguments))}};e.byWords=function(a){var b=this;a|=0;return function(){var d=this,c=d,h=arguments;(h[a]||"").replace(/[-\w]+/g,function(f){h[a]=f;c=b.apply(d,h)});return c}};e.byKeyVal=function(){var a=this;return function(b){var d,c=j(arguments);if("object"==typeof b)for(d in b)c[0]=d,c[1]=b[d],d=a.apply(this,c);else d=a.apply(this,c);return d}};e.cache=function(a,b,d){var c=this,h=d||{},e=function(){var d=arguments,g=!!a||this instanceof e,j=
b?b(d,c):g+":"+d.length+":";return j in h?h[j]:h[j]=g?c.construct(d):c.apply(this,d)};e.origin=c;e.cached=h;e.extend=function(){return c.extend.apply(c,arguments).cache(a,b,h)};e.prototype=c.prototype;return e};e.extend=function(){var a,b=this,d=0,c=function(){return b.apply(this,arguments)};c.prototype=Object.create(b.prototype);for(c.prototype.constructor=c;a=arguments[d++];)Object.merge(c.prototype,a);return c};e.ttl=function(a,b){var d=this,c=setTimeout(function(){a=0;b&&b()},a);
return function(){clearTimeout(c);a&&d.apply(null,arguments)}};e.once=function(a){var b,d,c=this;return function(){clearTimeout(b);d=arguments;b=setTimeout(function(){c.apply(null,d)},a)}};e.rate=function(a,b){var d,c,e=this,f=0;return function(){var g=+new Date;clearTimeout(d);g>f?(f=g+a,e.apply(null,arguments)):b&&(c=arguments,d=setTimeout(function(){e.apply(null,c)},f-g))}};k.each=function(a,b,d,c){if(a)for(c in a)a.hasOwnProperty(c)&&,a[c],c,a)};k.merge=function(a){for(var b,d,c=1;d=arguments[c++];)for(b in d)d.hasOwnProperty(b)&&
(a[b]=d[b]);return a};,b){return a.fold(function(a,c,e){a[c]=b[e];return a},{})};f.remove=function(){for(var a=this.length,b=j(arguments);a--;)~b.indexOf(this[a])&&this.splice(a,1);return this};f.each=f.forEach;f.fold=f.reduce;f.foldr=f.reduceRight;f.unique=f.filter.partial(function(a,b,d){return b==d.lastIndexOf(a)});!function(a){e[a]=l[a]=function(){var b=arguments,d=b[0];b[0]=this.fn();return f[a].apply(d,b)}}.byWords()("every filter each map fold foldr some");e.fn=This;l.fn=function(){return g(this)};
"name": "functional-lite",
"version": "0.0.5",
"version": "0.0.6",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "description": "Functional Javascript",

@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@

Experimental Functional stuff.
Download [compressed][1]
(2784 bytes, 1199 bytes gzipped)
(2777 bytes, 1187 bytes gzipped)
or [uncompressed][2] source.

@@ -18,2 +18,19 @@

Extends String and Function with "every filter each map fold foldr some"
// _ is default first argument name when no arguments defined
"_ + 1".map([1, 2, 3])
// is equal to
"_ -> _ + 1".map([1, 2, 3])
// is equal to
[1, 2, 3].map(Fn("_ + 1"))
// [2, 3, 4]
### Licence

@@ -20,0 +37,0 @@

@@ -21,9 +21,125 @@

function Fn1(){
var t = this;
t.a = 1;
"init" in t && t.init.apply(t,arguments);
return t;
Fn1.prototype = {
init: function(){
this.b = 1;
var Fn2 = Fn1.extend({d:1})
, Fn3 = Fn2.extend({init:function(){},e:1})
, Fn4 = Fn3.extend({init:function(){;},f:1})
, f1 = new Fn1()
, f2 = new Fn2()
, f3 = new Fn3()
, f4 = new Fn4()
, run = 0
, actual = 0
, fn = function(i) {
return i*i;
, fn2 = fn.origin.cache(true);
var found = 0
, arr = [1,2,3,4,2,5]
, res
, failed = []
, out =
[ JSON.stringify(["a","b"], [1, 2])),
'->1'.fn()(), 1,
'x -> x + 1'.fn()(1), 2,
'x y -> x + 2*y'.fn()(1, 2), 5,
'x, y -> x + 2*y'.fn()(1, 2), 5,
'_ + 1'.fn()(1), 2,
'x -> y -> x + 2*y'.fn()(1)(2), 5,
'x -> y -> z -> x + 2*y+3*z'.fn()(1)(2)(3), 14,
'1+_'.map([1,2,3]).join(), [2, 3, 4].join(),
'x y -> 2*x+y'.fold([1,0,1,0], 0), 10,
'_%2'.filter([1,2,3,4]).join(), [1, 3].join(),
'_>2'.some([1,2,3]), true,
'_>10'.some([1,2,3]), false,
[1,2,3,2,1].remove(2).join(), "1,3,1",
['1',2,3,2,1].remove(2,1).join(), "1,3",
"a" in f1, true,
"b" in f1, true,
"c" in f1, true,
"d" in f1, false,
"e" in f1, false,
"f" in f1, false,
"a" in f2, true,
"b" in f2, true,
"c" in f2, true,
"d" in f2, true,
"e" in f2, false,
"f" in f2, false,
"a" in f3, true,
"b" in f3, false,
"c" in f3, true,
"d" in f3, true,
"e" in f3, true,
"f" in f3, false,
"a" in f4, true,
"b" in f4, true,
"c" in f4, true,
"d" in f4, true,
"e" in f4, true,
"f" in f4, true,
f1 instanceof Fn1, true,
f1 instanceof Fn2, false,
f1 instanceof Fn3, false,
f1 instanceof Fn4, false,
f2 instanceof Fn1, true,
f2 instanceof Fn2, true,
f2 instanceof Fn3, false,
f2 instanceof Fn4, false,
f3 instanceof Fn1, true,
f3 instanceof Fn2, true,
f3 instanceof Fn3, true,
f3 instanceof Fn4, false,
f4 instanceof Fn1, true,
f4 instanceof Fn2, true,
f4 instanceof Fn3, true,
f4 instanceof Fn4, true,
fn(2), 4, ++run, actual,
fn(2), 4, run, actual,
fn(3), 9, ++run, actual,
fn(3), 9, run, actual,
fn(3,1), 9, ++run, actual,
fn(3,1), 9, run, actual,
new fn(), new fn(), ++run, actual,
new fn(1, 2), new fn(1, 2), ++run, actual,
fn2(), new fn2(), ++run, actual,
new fn2(1, 2), fn2(1, 2), ++run, actual,
"", "" ]
var tests = new async(tests_done)

@@ -39,2 +155,3 @@

test_static( tests.wait() )

@@ -41,0 +158,0 @@

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