Bundle analysis comparison ·
Bundle analysis
BundleStats Gatsby plugin
- Bundle size and totals by file type(css, js, img, etc)
- Insights: duplicate packages, new packages
- Initial JS/CSS, Cache invalidation, and other bundle metrics
- Assets report (entrypoint, initial, types, changed, delta)
- Modules report (changed, delta, chunks, duplicate count and percentage)
- Packages report (count, duplicate, changed, delta)
:star: Side by side comparison for multiple builds
Analyze webpack stats(bundle size, assets, modules, packages) and compare the results between different builds.
How to install
npm install --dev gatsby-plugin-bundle-stats
yarn add --dev gatsby-plugin-bundle-stats
Available options
See bundle-stats-webpack-plugin options.
Examples of usage
module.exports = {
plugins: [
or with custom options
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-bundle-stats',
options: {
compare: true,
outDir: '../artifacts',
stats: {
context: './src'
Other packages
CLI to generate bundle stats report.
Webpack plugin to generate bundle stats report.
Next.js plugin for bundle-stats.
Rollup plugin to generate bundle stats report.
Related projects
Optimize your web app's performance with automated bundle stats analysis and monitoring.
- :crystal_ball: In-depth bundle stats analysis for every build
- :chart_with_upwards_trend: Monitor bundle stats changes and identify opportunities for optimizations
- :bell: Rule based automated review flow, or get notified via GitHub Pull Request comments, GitHub check reports and Slack messages
- :wrench: Support for webpack and beta support for Vite/Rollup
- :hammer: Support for all major CI services(CircleCI, GitHub Actions, Gitlab CI, Jenkins, Travis CI)
- :nut_and_bolt: Support for npm, yarn and pnpm; support for monorepos
- :two_hearts: Always free for Open Source
:rocket: Get started
Standalone web application to compare Webpack/Lighthouse/Browsertime stats.
Compare bundle stats
Github Action that generates bundle-stats reports.