A Yeoman generator that makes it easy to start writing unit tests within your Node.js application.
It will add mocha, chai, sinon and istanbul to your application.
It will also add 2 .js files. One containing the system under test and the other a failing test against the former.
How to
Install Yeoman and generator-bdd using the following npm command:
$ npm install -g yo generator-bdd
cd to your application's directory that contains already a package.json, then:
$ yo bdd
The generator will add/update the following items to your application:
├── node_modules
│ ├── chai
│ ├── istanbul
│ ├── mocha
│ └── sinon
├── package.json
├── test
│ └── greeter.spec.js
└── greeter.js
In particular it will add 2 npm scripts to your existing package.json
"scripts": {
"coverage": "istanbul cover _mocha test -- --recursive",
"test": "mocha --recursive"
At the very end of its execution, the generator will also run npm run coverage
that will produce a coverage report