1.0.0-alpha.2 - 19/09/2019 released date
- Adding generic base scaffolder from the official blueprint generator
- Running microservice or monolith project with default sqlite db
- Import jdl: functional entity-server generator with simple options (no dto, no serviceImpl)
- Typeorm mappings for sql databases
- Rest API (with headers) compatible with other jhipster implementations
- Cloud Configuration client
- Eureka client
- JWT authentication and role base method decorators
- Swagger documentation
- All user and auth api with jwt integrated in angular ui issue #22
- Maven pom orchestration of server/client part with dev and prod profiles issue #23
- Adding controller generator
- Automatic config in dev profile sqlite db and in prod mongodb or another db issue #30
- Replaced mongoProdDatabase question with standard jhipster databaseType and with all db typeORM support issue #41