One of the most flexible and efficient Yeoman generator to build Frontend Web Apps, HTML5 web interfaces and Prototypes.
Visit the Veams website.
Head to the site for a detailed overview and further instructions.
Here just a short overview:
- You can use Grunt or Gulp as task runner
- You can choose of many plugins for your task runner
- You can use a static site generator like Assemble or Mangony
- You can add Bootstrap, Foundation, Bourbon and Lost to your project
- You can use RequireJS or Browserify (with Babelify)
- You can add BackboneJS, ExoskeletonJS, Veams and jQuery
- You can enable hinting and linting
- You can add WebdriverIO as test suite
- You can add the complete Veams stack to your project
- You can build a technical HTML documentation
I recommend to install veams-cli
If you only want to install the generator, just install it via: npm install -g generator-veams
I recommend to use veams-cli
to scaffold projects, blueprints or something else.
If you want to start generator-veams without veams-cli
you can do the following:
yo veams
Release History