A scaffolding tool allowing developers create vue component with demo page, dev page with hot reloading, testing with coverage check.
- build: powered by webpack. Bundle your source code into umd library.
- testing: set up the jest testing suites with coverage check.
- demo: set up a simulator site to load your component as a child in the mini application.
- dev page: hot reloading dev page with source mapping. Enjoy the debugging process.
- eslint: linting the code while webpack processes.
- jsdoc: generate jsdoc files from your jsdoc comments.
npm install -g generator-vue-component-dev
Work on your new component:
component entry point:
npm run build
By default, your new component will produce an UMD library with vue as external library. The bundled file will be put into dist/index.js.
If that is not your case, you can manually update the package.json.
output: {
path: __dirname + '/dist',
filename: 'index.js',
publicPath: '/',
libraryTarget: 'umd',
library: 'YourComponentName',
Linting will happen before every build execution as well as demo/dev.
You can also run bash npm run eslint
in your command line to execute linting.
Customize your linting rule in .eslintrc.yaml. I believe I have set up very restrict rules.
demo page
npm run demo
Then open "/demo/default/index.html" to inspect the demo. The demo code is index.js under the same directory.
It simulates how consumers use your component. It points to the dist/index.js.
dev page
npm run dev
You can visit your dev page at localhost:9001. It is hot-reloading powered by webpack-dev-server.
npm test
The test is based on Jest
customize your jest configuration under package.json "jest" field.
Converage check
Coverage report will be placed in /coverage-report.
You can modify coverage threashold in your package.json:
"coverageThreshold": {
"global": {
"branches": 100,
"functions": 100,
"lines": 100,
"statements": 100
If you have jsdoc comments. Run bash npm run jsdoc
will generate the docs under 'jsdoc'.
Custom your jsdoc config at "jsdoc.config.json"
By default it puts "webpack" and "jsdoc" as the prepublishOnly script.