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Comparing version 8.0.0 to 8.0.1


"name": "get-stream",
"version": "8.0.0",
"version": "8.0.1",
"description": "Get a stream as a string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer or array",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "license": "MIT",

import {getStreamContents} from './contents.js';
import {throwObjectStream, getLengthProp} from './utils.js';
import {noop, throwObjectStream, getLengthProp} from './utils.js';

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ export async function getStreamAsArrayBuffer(stream, options) {

const initArrayBuffer = () => new Uint8Array(0);
const initArrayBuffer = () => ({contents: new ArrayBuffer(0)});

@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ const useTextEncoder = chunk => textEncoder.encode(chunk);

const truncateArrayBufferChunk = (convertedChunk, chunkSize) => convertedChunk.slice(0, chunkSize);
// `contents` is an increasingly growing `Uint8Array`.
const addArrayBufferChunk = (convertedChunk, contents, length, previousLength) => {
const addArrayBufferChunk = (convertedChunk, {contents, length: previousLength}, length) => {
const newContents = hasArrayBufferResize() ? resizeArrayBuffer(contents, length) : resizeArrayBufferSlow(contents, length);
newContents.set(convertedChunk, previousLength);
new Uint8Array(newContents).set(convertedChunk, previousLength);
return newContents;

@@ -30,9 +32,9 @@ };

const resizeArrayBufferSlow = (contents, length) => {
if (length <= contents.length) {
if (length <= contents.byteLength) {
return contents;
const newContents = new Uint8Array(getNewContentsLength(length));
newContents.set(contents, 0);
return newContents;
const arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(getNewContentsLength(length));
new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer).set(new Uint8Array(contents), 0);
return arrayBuffer;

@@ -45,11 +47,10 @@

const resizeArrayBuffer = (contents, length) => {
if (length <= contents.buffer.maxByteLength) {
return new Uint8Array(contents.buffer, 0, length);
if (length <= contents.maxByteLength) {
return contents;
const arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(length, {maxByteLength: getNewContentsLength(length)});
const newContents = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
newContents.set(contents, 0);
return newContents;
new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer).set(new Uint8Array(contents), 0);
return arrayBuffer;

@@ -62,3 +63,3 @@

const finalizeArrayBuffer = ({buffer}, length) => hasArrayBufferResize() ? buffer : buffer.slice(0, length);
const finalizeArrayBuffer = ({contents, length}) => hasArrayBufferResize() ? contents : contents.slice(0, length);

@@ -84,4 +85,6 @@ // `ArrayBuffer.slice()` is slow. When `ArrayBuffer.resize()` is available

getSize: getLengthProp,
truncateChunk: truncateArrayBufferChunk,
addChunk: addArrayBufferChunk,
getFinalChunk: noop,
finalize: finalizeArrayBuffer,
import {getStreamContents} from './contents.js';
import {identity} from './utils.js';
import {identity, noop, getContentsProp} from './utils.js';

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export async function getStreamAsArray(stream, options) {

const initArray = () => ([]);
const initArray = () => ({contents: []});
const increment = () => 1;
const addArrayChunk = (convertedChunk, contents) => {
const addArrayChunk = (convertedChunk, {contents}) => {

@@ -29,4 +29,6 @@ return contents;

getSize: increment,
truncateChunk: noop,
addChunk: addArrayChunk,
finalize: identity,
getFinalChunk: noop,
finalize: getContentsProp,

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

export const getStreamContents = async (stream, {init, convertChunk, getSize, addChunk, finalize}, {maxBuffer = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY} = {}) => {
export const getStreamContents = async (stream, {init, convertChunk, getSize, truncateChunk, addChunk, getFinalChunk, finalize}, {maxBuffer = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY} = {}) => {
if (!isAsyncIterable(stream)) {

@@ -6,5 +6,4 @@ throw new Error('The first argument must be a Readable, a ReadableStream, or an async iterable.');

let length = 0;
let contents = init();
const textDecoder = new TextDecoder();
const state = init();
state.length = 0;

@@ -14,17 +13,10 @@ try {

const chunkType = getChunkType(chunk);
const convertedChunk = convertChunk[chunkType](chunk, textDecoder);
const chunkSize = getSize(convertedChunk);
if (length + chunkSize > maxBuffer) {
throw new MaxBufferError();
const newLength = length + chunkSize;
contents = addChunk(convertedChunk, contents, newLength, length);
length = newLength;
const convertedChunk = convertChunk[chunkType](chunk, state);
appendChunk({convertedChunk, state, getSize, truncateChunk, addChunk, maxBuffer});
return finalize(contents, length, textDecoder);
appendFinalChunk({state, convertChunk, getSize, truncateChunk, addChunk, getFinalChunk, maxBuffer});
return finalize(state);
} catch (error) {
error.bufferedData = finalize(contents, length, textDecoder);
error.bufferedData = finalize(state);
throw error;

@@ -34,2 +26,32 @@ }

const appendFinalChunk = ({state, getSize, truncateChunk, addChunk, getFinalChunk, maxBuffer}) => {
const convertedChunk = getFinalChunk(state);
if (convertedChunk !== undefined) {
appendChunk({convertedChunk, state, getSize, truncateChunk, addChunk, maxBuffer});
const appendChunk = ({convertedChunk, state, getSize, truncateChunk, addChunk, maxBuffer}) => {
const chunkSize = getSize(convertedChunk);
const newLength = state.length + chunkSize;
if (newLength <= maxBuffer) {
addNewChunk(convertedChunk, state, addChunk, newLength);
const truncatedChunk = truncateChunk(convertedChunk, maxBuffer - state.length);
if (truncatedChunk !== undefined) {
addNewChunk(truncatedChunk, state, addChunk, maxBuffer);
throw new MaxBufferError();
const addNewChunk = (convertedChunk, state, addChunk, newLength) => {
state.contents = addChunk(convertedChunk, state, newLength);
state.length = newLength;
const isAsyncIterable = stream => typeof stream === 'object' && stream !== null && typeof stream[Symbol.asyncIterator] === 'function';

@@ -36,0 +58,0 @@

import {getStreamContents} from './contents.js';
import {identity, throwObjectStream, getLengthProp} from './utils.js';
import {identity, getContentsProp, throwObjectStream, getLengthProp} from './utils.js';

@@ -8,10 +8,15 @@ export async function getStreamAsString(stream, options) {

const initString = () => '';
const initString = () => ({contents: '', textDecoder: new TextDecoder()});
const useTextDecoder = (chunk, textDecoder) => textDecoder.decode(chunk, {stream: true});
const useTextDecoder = (chunk, {textDecoder}) => textDecoder.decode(chunk, {stream: true});
const addStringChunk = (convertedChunk, contents) => contents + convertedChunk;
const addStringChunk = (convertedChunk, {contents}) => contents + convertedChunk;
const finalizeString = (contents, length, textDecoder) => `${contents}${textDecoder.decode()}`;
const truncateStringChunk = (convertedChunk, chunkSize) => convertedChunk.slice(0, chunkSize);
const getFinalStringChunk = ({textDecoder}) => {
const finalChunk = textDecoder.decode();
return finalChunk === '' ? undefined : finalChunk;
const stringMethods = {

@@ -28,4 +33,6 @@ init: initString,

getSize: getLengthProp,
truncateChunk: truncateStringChunk,
addChunk: addStringChunk,
finalize: finalizeString,
getFinalChunk: getFinalStringChunk,
finalize: getContentsProp,
export const identity = value => value;
export const noop = () => undefined;
export const getContentsProp = ({contents}) => contents;
export const throwObjectStream = chunk => {

@@ -4,0 +8,0 @@ throw new Error(`Streams in object mode are not supported: ${String(chunk)}`);

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