Base for component-lib.
Contribution Guide
Libraries Use
Currently, the following libraries are used:
Border Gradients
Uses the tailwindcss-border-gradient-radius plugin to create a border gradient.
It follows the border-gradient-[direction-key]-[color-key]-[background-key]
syntax. Please refer to the config.linearBorderGradients.js
file for the current configs.
This is built off of TailwindCSS and any clashing classes will cause an override and could make things distorted
Getting Started
Please run the following commands
pnpm install
pnpm dev
Viewing Storybook
pnpm storybook
Updating Chromatic
pnpm chromatic
Adding New Components
Please use the ShadCN or Radix-UI helper commands to add the individual components.
If a custom component is made (overriding or abstracting the ShadCN/Radix components for better development experience) - please prefix the types and component with Shad/Radix this will help differentiate between the core components to be used and those which are just used as builders.
Components should be added to src/components/ui
Class names not applying
Incase certain class names are getting yoinked, or not applied e.g text-b3 text-red-500
you need to patch the extendTailwindMerge
in /utils
This is due to twMerge
ejecting classes.
Stories should be added to src/components
and should showcase examples and controls (within reason) of the component
Adding variants or complex compound components
Note CVA is used to manage this part
Follow one of the examples that exist, but in essence, the second param of the CVA constructor is used to type out your combinations.
Compound Types
This is used to add unique styles from docs as an example, if the intent is primary
, and the size is medium
the class uppercase
is applied.:
import { cva } from "class-variance-authority";
const button = cva(["font-semibold", "border", "rounded"], {
variants: {
intent: {
primary: [
secondary: [
size: {
small: ["text-sm", "py-1", "px-2"],
medium: ["text-base", "py-2", "px-4"],
compoundVariants: [
intent: "primary",
size: "medium",
class: "uppercase",
defaultVariants: {
intent: "primary",
size: "medium",