Generate AUTHORS file based on Git's history
You can run this on any machine with node and Git installed, using:
npx git-generate-authors [options]
Short | Long | Description | Default |
-o | --output | Output file | AUTHORS |
-r | --repo | Repository path | Current working directory |
-s | --sort | Sorting parameter. Can be first-commit , last-commit , commits , name or email | first-commit |
| --keep-bots | If passed, the bots will not be removed from the history | |
| --skip-mailmap | If passed, Git will not use the .mailmap file for aliasing users | |
Known issues
The error handling is not poor - it's entirely missing. Thus, if Git is missing or finds a problem
half-way, you will just get an empty or half-filled list of authors.
The bot filtering is pretty simple and naïve, so it's possible not all bots get removed.