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git-url-parse - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 11.1.2 to 11.1.3


"name": "git-url-parse",
"version": "11.1.2",
"version": "11.1.3",
"description": "A high level git url parser for common git providers.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "lib/index.js",

<!-- Please do not edit this file. Edit the `blah` field in the `package.json` instead. If in doubt, open an issue. -->
# git-url-parse

@@ -12,4 +28,26 @@

> A high level git url parser for common git providers.
## :cloud: Installation

@@ -26,2 +64,13 @@

## :clipboard: Example

@@ -101,2 +150,10 @@

## :question: Get Help

@@ -106,5 +163,6 @@

1. Please [post questions on Stack Overflow]( You can open issues with questions, as long you add a link to your Stack Overflow question.
2. For bug reports and feature requests, open issues. :bug:
3. For direct and quick help, you can [use Codementor]( :rocket:

@@ -114,2 +172,4 @@

## :memo: Documentation

@@ -161,2 +221,13 @@

## :yum: How to contribute

@@ -167,3 +238,2 @@ Have an idea? Found a bug? See [how to contribute][contributing].

## :sparkling_heart: Support my projects
I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously,

@@ -187,80 +257,246 @@ this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications *for free*! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).

## :dizzy: Where is this library used?
If you are using this library in one of your projects, add it in this list. :sparkles:
- `documentation`
- `release-it`
- `apollo`
- `@atomist/automation-client`
- `@storybook/storybook-deployer`
- `@kadira/storybook-deployer`
- `@atomist/automation-client-ext-raven`
- `gatsby-source-git`
- `umi-build-dev`
- `git-source`
- `@atomist/sdm-pack-analysis`
- `@git-stack/server-core`
- `@qiwi/semantic-release-gh-pages-plugin`
- `@nuxt/telemetry`
- `@lerna/github-client`
- `@umijs/block-sdk`
- `@instructure/ui-scripts`
- `lambda-service`
- `@wetrial/block-sdk`
- `hzero-block-sdk`
- `@micro-app/shared-utils`
- `remax-stats`
- `beachball`
- `workspace-tools`
- `gitbook-start-plugin-iaas-ull-es-noejaco2017`
- `autorelease-setup`
- `documentation-custom-markdown`
- `@hygiene/plugin-github-url`
- `sherry-utils`
- `@unibtc/release-it`
- `clipped`
- `@erquhart/lerna-github-client`
- `@0x-lerna-fork/github-client`
- `common-boilerplate`
- `@atomist/uhura`
- `@brisk-docs/website`
- `@hawkingnetwork/react-native-tab-view`
- `miguelcostero-ng2-toasty`
- `docula-ui`
- `@brisk-docs/gatsby-generator`
- `@microservices/cli`
- `@atomist/cli`
- `stylelint-formatter-utils`
- `omg`
- `sync-repos`
- `@facadecompany/ignition-ui`
- `@geut/git-url-parse`
- `@temporg/rds-scripts`
- `@git-stack/hemera-plugin`
- `@yarnpkg/plugin-git`
- `@koumoul/gh-pages-multi`
- `@s-ui/mono`
- `@feizheng/next-git-url`
- `@xdn/cli`
- `@adminide-stack/git-api-browser`
- `semantic-release-gitmoji`
- `committing`
- `gitbook-start-https-alex-moi`
- `gitbook-start-iaas-ull-es-merquililycony`
- `proyecto-sytw-alex-moi`
- `gitbook-start-iaas-ull-es-alex-moi`
- `gitbook-start-iaas-bbdd-alex-moi`
- `complan`
- `@axetroy/git-clone`
- `generator-cleanphp`
- `@axetroy/gpmx`
- `documentation-habitlab`
- `nodeschool-admin`
- `one-more-gitlab-cli`
- `def-core`
- `gd-cli`
- `node-coverage-server`
- `strapper`
- `github-publish-npm`
- `ogh`
- `sinit`
- `smart-clone`
- `download-repo-cli`
- `generator-nm-bti`
- `gitc`
- `gitline`
- `gitlab-ci-variables-cli`
- `gitlab-ci-variables-setter-cli`
- `documentation-fork`
- `@axetroy/gpm`
- `generator-openapi-repo`
- `git-url-promise`
- `kef-core`
- `@pvdlg/semantic-release`
- `gitlab-tool-cli`
- `snipx`
- `yarn-upgrade-on-ci`
- `@hjin/generator-app`
- `@reframe/github-pages`
- `belt-repo`
- `@esops/publish-github-pages`
- `@hugomrdias/documentation`
- `just-dev-sdk`
- `@activeviam/documentation`
- `git-signed`
- `cz-conventional-changelog-befe`
- `@voodeng/archive`
- `@voodeng/uppacks`
- `create-apex-js-app`
- `auto-changelog-vsts`
- `harry-reporter`
- `ssh-remote`
- `@campus-online/gatsby-source-git`
- `gtni`
- `ci-yarn-upgrade`
- `generator-clearphp`
- `openapi-repo-generator`
- `git-imitate`
- `vscode-gpm`
- `@atomist/ci-sdm`
- `documentation42`
- `@limejs/cli`
- `lime-cli`
- `laborious`
- `release-it-http`
- `bibi`
- `lcov-server`
- `create-release-it`
- `git-service-node`
- `@infinitecsolutions/storybook-deployer`
- `@1nd/documentation`
- `branch-release`
- `git-cherry-fix`
- `vuepress-plugin-remote-url`
- `gatsby-source-github-raw`
- `moto-connector`
- `@zpmpkg/zpm`
- `konitor`
- `release2hub`
- `@geut/git-compare-template`
- `@geut/chan-parser`
- `git-observer`
- `docula-ui-express`
- `sn-flutter-boot`
- `spk`
- `umi-plugin-repo`
- `@epranka/create-tsx-package`
- `flutter-boot`
- `node-norman`
- `remote-commit-url`
- `air-material_cli`
- `@belt/repo`
- `@arcanis/sherlock`
- `@dandean/storybook-deployer`
- `git-upstream`
- `@epranka/create-package`
- `configorama`
- `git-lab-cli`
- `@cratosw/gatsby-antd`
- `@pubcore/node-docker-build`
- `@tjmonsi/generator-uplb-hci-lab-project-template`
- `@tagoro9/git`
- `tldw`
- `gatsby-theme-hansin`
- `aral-vps-test`
- `generate-preview`
- `@temporg/ui-scripts`
- `bitbucket-pullr`
- `canarist`
- `@s-ui/changelog`
- `@whey/gatsby-theme-whey`
- `@docomodigital/pdor`
- `auto-clone`
- `create-sourcegraph-extension`
- `@git-stack/module-server`
- `@senti-techlabs/generator-senti-project-template`
- `create-n`
- `aral-server`
- `gatsby-source-git-remotes`
- `kit-command`
- `git-push-pr`
- `actions-package-update`
- `@bcgov/gatsby-source-github-raw`
- `@pagedip/tool-autorelease`
- `documentation-markdown-themes`
- `@theowenyoung/gatsby-source-git`
- `@shopgate/pwa-releaser`
- `@vicoders/cli2`
- `@amorist/gatsby-theme-antd`
- `@stavalfi/ci`
- `cirodown`
- `@apardellass/react-native-audio-stream`
- `gatsby-theme-cone`
- ``
- `wp-continuous-deployment`
- `gatsby-source-npmjs`
- `query-registry`
- `l2forlerna`
- `detect-node-support`
- `@patrickhulce/scripts`
- `@cilyn/bitbucket`
- `@gasket/plugin-metrics`
- `fotingo`
- `mira`
- `react-native-plugpag-wrapper`
- `meta-release`
- `@cyber-tools/lib-cli`
- `@feizheng/git-url-cli`
- `@s-ui/ssr`
- `@myetherwallet/mew-components`
- `ship-release`
- `@hnp/package-scripts`
- `@antv/gatsby-theme-antv`
- `git-csv`
- `dx-scanner`
- `rollman`
- `@backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend`
- `@tahini/nc`
- `lage`
- `pr-log`
- `git-issues`
- [`auto-changelog-vsts`]( (by Pete Cook)—Command line tool for generating a changelog from git tags and commit history
- [`autorelease-setup`]( (by Tyler Johnson)—A CLI tool for setting up a repository with autorelease.
- [`belt-repo`]( (by ewnd9)—repo module for belt
- [`bibi`]( (by steelbrain)—A repository management tool
- [`bitbucket-pullr`]( (by Julien Langlois)—CLI for creating Bitbucket pull request
- [`branch-release`]( (by Roman Hotsiy)—Build and tag package realease on a separate branch
- [``]( (by EGOIST)—Manage so easy it hurts.
- [`ci-yarn-upgrade`]( (by taichi)—Keep NPM dependencies up-to-date with CI, providing version-to-version diff for each library
- [`clipped`]( (by IniZio)—Reduce pain of configuration to once
- [`committing`]( (by Axetroy)—commit every days
- [`common-boilerplate`]( (by TZ)—base class for boilerplate
- [`complan`]( (by Pranav Parikh)—COMPLexity ANalyzer Tool For Javascript
- [`create-apex-js-app`]( (by Daniel Frech)—Bootstrap a JavaScript app for Oracle APEX applications
- [`create-openapi-repo`]( (by Roman Hotsiy)—Generator of OpenAPI(fka Swagger) repository
- [`create-sourcegraph-extension`](—CLI to generate the skeleton for a Sourcegraph extension
- [`cz-conventional-changelog-befe`]( (by teeeemoji)—cz adaptor for baidu BEFE
- [`def-core`]( (by tbfed)—def core for deflite
- [`docula-ui`](—Express.js bindings for Docula project
- [`docula-ui-express`](—Express.js bindings for Docula project
- [`documentation`]( (by Tom MacWright)—a documentation generator
- [`documentation-custom-markdown`]( (by Tom MacWright)—a documentation generator
- [`documentation-fork`]( (by Tom MacWright)—a documentation generator
- [`documentation-habitlab`]( (by Tom MacWright)—a documentation generator
- [`download-repo-cli`]( (by EGOIST)—CLI tool to download GitHub repo.
- [`gd-cli`]( (by Sylvain Baronnet)—GD Command Line Interface
- [`generate-preview`]( (by Sassoun Derderian)—Get a preview from a git branch before publishing your npm package
- [`generator-ckeditor4`]( (by Marek Lewandowski)—Yeoman generator for CKEditor 4
- [`generator-clearphp`]( (by Joschi Kuphal)—Scaffold for Composer based PHP projects with a lot of integrations, advocating the use of The Clear Architecture (
- [`generator-nm-bti`]( (by Tyler Johnson)—Scaffold out a node module, Beneath the Ink style.
- [`generator-openapi-repo`]( (by Roman Hotsiy)—Yeoman generator for OpenAPI(fka Swagger) repo to help you share spec for your API
- [`git-cherry-fix`](—> helps you get your fixes to another branch by cherry-picking them
- [`git-issues`]( (by Gabriel Petrovay)—Git issues extension to list issues of a Git project
- [`git-lab-cli`](—gitlab-cli ==================
- [`git-signed`]( (by Marc Trudel)—git commit signing made easy (and enforceable)
- [`git-source`](—Parse and stringify git urls in a friendly way.
- [`git-upstream`]( (by Leko)—Utility to set the remote "upstream" on forked repository
- [`git-url-promise`]( (by Evgeniy Shershnev)—Git url promise
- [`gitbook-start-https-alex-moi`]( (by Moises Yanes Carballo)—Plugin deploy iaas https
- [`gitbook-start-iaas-bbdd-alex-moi`]( (by Moises Yanes Carballo)—Plugin deploy iaas bbdd
- [`gitbook-start-iaas-ull-es-alex-moi`]( (by Moises Yanes Carballo)—Plugin deploy maquina iaas-ull-es
- [`gitbook-start-iaas-ull-es-merquililycony`]( (by Constanza León, Merquis Cruz, Liliana Galiano)—*El objetivo de esta práctica es extender el package NodeJS publicado en npm en una práctica anterior con una nueva* *funcionalidad que permita que los usuarios realizar un despliegue automatico en el servidor de IAAS*
- [`gitbook-start-plugin-iaas-ull-es-noejaco2017`](http://creacion-de-paquetes-y-modulos-en-nodejs-noejaco2017/ (by alu0100622492)—Despliegue plugin Iaas
- [`gitc`]( (by Cezar Luiz)—Manage your pull requests and issues from your command line.
- [`github-publish-npm`]( (by Ofer Sadgat)—This will upload publish npm assets to the GitHub Releases API.
- [`gitlab-ci-variables-cli`]( (by Khoa Tran)—CLI tool to set/get pipeline variables on Gitlab CI.
- [`gitlab-tool-cli`](—gitlab-tool-cli ==================
- [`gitline`]( (by Cezar Luiz)—Manage your pull requests and issues from your command line.
- [`gtni`]( (by Nur Rony)—Install your all npm dependencies recursively with gtni while you are doing git clone, fetch or pull
- [`gub`]( (by janry)—> 接入成本极低,快速从原有项目(可运行项目)中clone出新项目,并重写package.json,安装依赖
- [`harry-reporter`](—Reporter plugin for hermione
- [`just-dev-sdk`]( (by zoujie.wzj)—just development sdk
- [`kef-core`]( (by younth)—The awesome KEF
- [`konitor`]( (by Simon Constans)—The command-line tool for monitoring konnectors
- [`lcov-server`]( (by Gabriel J. Csapo)—🎯 A simple lcov server & cli parser
- [`miguelcostero-ng2-toasty`]( (by Sergey Akopkokhyants)—Angular2 Toasty component shows growl-style alerts and messages for your web app
- [`moto-connector`]( (by limingv5)—JAN平台SDK
- [`node-norman`]( (by zenwarr)—A tool to develop multi-package Node.js apps with ease.
- [`nodeschool-admin`]( (by Martin Heidegger)—CLI tool for setting up and maintaining a nodeschool chapters and other things.
- [`ogh`]( (by EGOIST)—Open GitHub Page of your repo directly in Terminal.
- [`one-more-gitlab-cli`]( (by Christophe Hamerling)—One more Gitlab CLI
- [`pr-log`]( (by Mathias Schreck)—Changelog generator based on GitHub Pull Requests
- [`proyecto-sytw-alex-moi`]( (by Moises Yanes Carballo)—Module to build a book on GitBook
- [`semantic-release-gitmoji`]( (by MomoCow)—Different from conventional changelog, Gitmoji commits are used to determine a release type and generate release notes.
- [`sherry-utils`]( (by ULIVZ)—sherry-utils for Sherry
- [`ship-release`](—Publish new versions on GitHub and npm with ease.
- [`sinit`]( (by villadora)—Project initializer based on Scaffold
- [`smart-clone`](—Clone a directory into a Golang style directory structure
- [`snipx`](—Best team snippets
- [`ssh-remote`](—Automagically switch on the SSH remote url in a Git repository.
- [`strapper`]( (by Sam Newman)—Coming Soon
- [`testarmada-midway`]( (by Himanshu Jain)—Mocking server to create reliable test data for test execution and development
- [`vscode-gpm`](—Git Project Manager
- [`yarn-upgrade-on-ci`]( (by htwroclau)—undefined
## :scroll: License

@@ -271,2 +507,10 @@

[license]: /LICENSE
[contributing]: /
[docs]: /

@@ -276,10 +520,4 @@ [badge_amazon]:

[contributing]: /
[docs]: /

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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