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gitlab-api-helper - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.0.0 to 3.0.0


import { BaseRequestOptions, PaginatedRequestOptions, Sudo } from "@gitbeaker/core/dist/types/infrastructure/RequestHelper";
import { ProjectSchema } from "@gitbeaker/core/dist/types/services/Projects";
import { AcceptMergeRequestOptions, CreateMergeRequestOptions } from "@gitbeaker/core/dist/types/services/MergeRequests";

@@ -9,2 +8,3 @@ import { IBranch } from "./BranchInterface";

import { IMergeRequestDetails } from "./MergeRequestInterface";
import { IProjectDetails } from "./ProjectInterface";
export declare type IMergeRequestAcceptOptions = AcceptMergeRequestOptions & BaseRequestOptions;

@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ export declare class Gitlab {

getProject(name: string): Promise<ProjectSchema[]>;
getProject(name: string): Promise<IProjectDetails[]>;
* getAllProjects
getAllProjects(options?: PaginatedRequestOptions): Promise<ProjectSchema[]>;
getAllProjects(options?: PaginatedRequestOptions): Promise<IProjectDetails[]>;

@@ -26,0 +26,0 @@ * Get All Group Members

@@ -48,3 +48,4 @@ "use strict";

try {
return yield;
const res = (yield;
return objectHelper_1.keysToCamel(res);

@@ -62,3 +63,4 @@ catch (error) {

try {
return yield this.api.Projects.all(options);
const res = (yield this.api.Projects.all(options));
return objectHelper_1.keysToCamel(res);

@@ -65,0 +67,0 @@ catch (error) {

@@ -1,8 +0,7 @@

import * as BranchInterface from "./BranchInterface";
import * as CommitInterface from "./CommitInterface";
import { Gitlab, GitlabErrorMessages, IBranchesListRequest, ICherryPick, IMergeRequestAccept, IMergeRequestAcceptOptions, IMergeRequestCreate, TokenType } from "./Gitlab";
import { GitlabError } from "./GitlabError";
import * as LabelInterface from "./LabelInterface";
import * as MergeRequestInterface from "./MergeRequestInterface";
import * as ProjectInterface from "./ProjectInterface";
export { Gitlab, GitlabError, GitlabErrorMessages, TokenType, IBranchesListRequest, ICherryPick, IMergeRequestAccept as IMergeRequestApprove, IMergeRequestAcceptOptions as IMergeRequestApproveOptions, IMergeRequestCreate, BranchInterface, CommitInterface, LabelInterface, MergeRequestInterface, ProjectInterface, };
export * as BranchInterface from "./BranchInterface";
export * as CommitInterface from "./CommitInterface";
export { Gitlab, GitlabErrorMessages, IBranchesListRequest, ICherryPick, IMergeRequestAccept, IMergeRequestAcceptOptions, IMergeRequestCreate, TokenType, } from "./Gitlab";
export { GitlabError } from "./GitlabError";
export * as LabelInterface from "./LabelInterface";
export * as MergeRequestInterface from "./MergeRequestInterface";
export * as ProjectInterface from "./ProjectInterface";

@@ -22,19 +22,14 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ProjectInterface = exports.MergeRequestInterface = exports.LabelInterface = exports.CommitInterface = exports.BranchInterface = exports.TokenType = exports.GitlabErrorMessages = exports.GitlabError = exports.Gitlab = void 0;
const BranchInterface = __importStar(require("./BranchInterface"));
exports.BranchInterface = BranchInterface;
const CommitInterface = __importStar(require("./CommitInterface"));
exports.CommitInterface = CommitInterface;
const Gitlab_1 = require("./Gitlab");
exports.ProjectInterface = exports.MergeRequestInterface = exports.LabelInterface = exports.GitlabError = exports.TokenType = exports.GitlabErrorMessages = exports.Gitlab = exports.CommitInterface = exports.BranchInterface = void 0;
exports.BranchInterface = __importStar(require("./BranchInterface"));
exports.CommitInterface = __importStar(require("./CommitInterface"));
var Gitlab_1 = require("./Gitlab");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "Gitlab", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return Gitlab_1.Gitlab; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "GitlabErrorMessages", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return Gitlab_1.GitlabErrorMessages; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "TokenType", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return Gitlab_1.TokenType; } });
const GitlabError_1 = require("./GitlabError");
var GitlabError_1 = require("./GitlabError");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "GitlabError", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return GitlabError_1.GitlabError; } });
const LabelInterface = __importStar(require("./LabelInterface"));
exports.LabelInterface = LabelInterface;
const MergeRequestInterface = __importStar(require("./MergeRequestInterface"));
exports.MergeRequestInterface = MergeRequestInterface;
const ProjectInterface = __importStar(require("./ProjectInterface"));
exports.ProjectInterface = ProjectInterface;
exports.LabelInterface = __importStar(require("./LabelInterface"));
exports.MergeRequestInterface = __importStar(require("./MergeRequestInterface"));
exports.ProjectInterface = __importStar(require("./ProjectInterface"));

@@ -15,46 +15,46 @@ import { IUserEntity } from "./IUserEntity";

webUrl: string;
readme_url?: string | null;
avatar_url?: null;
star_count: number;
forks_count: number;
last_activity_at: string;
readmeUrl?: string | null;
avatarUrl?: null;
starCount: number;
forksCount: number;
lastActivityAt: string;
namespace: INamespace;
_links: ILinks;
empty_repo: boolean;
emptyRepo: boolean;
archived: boolean;
visibility: string;
owner?: IUserEntity | null;
resolve_outdated_diff_discussions: boolean;
container_registry_enabled: boolean;
issues_enabled: boolean;
merge_requests_enabled: boolean;
wiki_enabled: boolean;
jobs_enabled: boolean;
snippets_enabled: boolean;
issues_access_level: string;
repository_access_level: string;
merge_requests_access_level: string;
wiki_access_level: string;
builds_access_level: string;
snippets_access_level: string;
shared_runners_enabled: boolean;
lfs_enabled: boolean;
creator_id: number;
forked_from_project?: IForkedFromProject | null;
import_status: string;
open_issues_count: number;
ci_default_git_depth?: number | null;
public_jobs: boolean;
build_timeout: number;
auto_cancel_pending_pipelines: string;
build_coverage_regex?: null;
ci_config_path?: null;
shared_with_groups?: null[] | null;
only_allow_merge_if_pipeline_succeeds: boolean;
request_access_enabled: boolean;
only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved: boolean;
printing_merge_request_link_enabled: boolean;
merge_method: string;
auto_devops_enabled: boolean;
auto_devops_deploy_strategy: string;
resolveOutdatedDiffDiscussions: boolean;
containerRegistryEnabled: boolean;
issuesEnabled: boolean;
mergeRequestsEnabled: boolean;
wikiEnabled: boolean;
jobsEnabled: boolean;
snippetsEnabled: boolean;
issuesAccessLevel: string;
repositoryAccessLevel: string;
mergeRequestsAccessLevel: string;
wikiAccessLevel: string;
buildsAccessLevel: string;
snippetsAccessLevel: string;
sharedRunnersEnabled: boolean;
lfsEnabled: boolean;
creatorId: number;
forkedFromProject?: IForkedFromProject | null;
importStatus: string;
openIssuesCount: number;
ciDefaultGitDepth?: number | null;
publicJobs: boolean;
buildTimeout: number;
autoCancelPendingPipelines: string;
buildCoverageRegex?: null;
ciConfigPath?: null;
sharedWithGroups?: null[] | null;
onlyAllowMergeIfPipelineSucceeds: boolean;
requestAccessEnabled: boolean;
onlyAllowMergeIfAllDiscussionsAreResolved: boolean;
printingMergeRequestLinkEnabled: boolean;
mergeMethod: string;
autoDevopsEnabled: boolean;
autoDevopsDeployStrategy: string;
permissions: IPermissions;

@@ -67,6 +67,6 @@ }

kind: string;
full_path: string;
parent_id?: null;
avatar_url?: string | null;
web_url: string;
fullPath: string;
parentId?: null;
avatarUrl?: string | null;
webUrl: string;

@@ -76,4 +76,4 @@ export interface ILinks {

issues: string;
merge_requests: string;
repo_branches: string;
mergeRequests: string;
repoBranches: string;
labels: string;

@@ -87,25 +87,25 @@ events: string;

name: string;
name_with_namespace: string;
nameWithNamespace: string;
path: string;
path_with_namespace: string;
created_at: string;
default_branch: string;
tag_list?: null[] | null;
ssh_url_to_repo: string;
http_url_to_repo: string;
web_url: string;
readme_url?: string | null;
avatar_url?: null;
star_count: number;
forks_count: number;
last_activity_at: string;
pathWithNamespace: string;
createdAt: string;
defaultBranch: string;
tagList?: null[] | null;
sshUrlToRepo: string;
httpUrlToRepo: string;
webUrl: string;
readmeUrl?: string | null;
avatarUrl?: null;
starCount: number;
forksCount: number;
lastActivityAt: string;
namespace: INamespace;
export interface IPermissions {
project_access?: IProjectAccessOrGroupAccess | null;
group_access?: IProjectAccessOrGroupAccess | null;
projectAccess?: IProjectAccessOrGroupAccess | null;
groupAccess?: IProjectAccessOrGroupAccess | null;
export interface IProjectAccessOrGroupAccess {
access_level: number;
notification_level: number;
accessLevel: number;
notificationLevel: number;
"name": "gitlab-api-helper",
"version": "2.0.0",
"version": "3.0.0",
"description": "A project with more support in gitlab, inspired by node-gitlab",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "lib/index.js",

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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