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Instead of adding retry logic inside the resolver implementation, use this
schema directive to add retry declaratively
const { retryDirective, retryDeclaration } = require('@lifeomic/graphql-directive-retry');
const { makeExecutableSchema } = require('graphql-tools');
const { graphql } = require('graphql');
const typeDefs = `
type Query {
flakyFunction(arg: String!): String! @retry(maxTimeout: 100)
Customizing timeout behavior
This directive is based on promise-retry
and you can use the same configuration options.
Field Config
You can configure retry behavior on a per-field basis like this:
type Query {
flakyFunction(arg: String!): String!
@retry(retries: 1, minTimeout: 100, maxTimeout: 200, factor: 1.1)
Global Config
You can configure the default retry behavior for all resovlers with a retry
directive by providing the configuration in the execution context. Here is
an example:
const response = await graphql(
... yourContext
retryDirectiveConfig: {
retries: 0