Grimm Framework
This is a Node.js HMVC framework. Right now it's just a placeholder. The framework is mostly
complete, and should be uploaded in a week or two.
The H part means that there are many different MVC folders within the application. Each one
contains its own controller, models, views, and even public directories.
Here is an example of the filesystem structure for a Grimm based application. Each sub MVC
is located in the Controllers folder. The index.js file is the controller code for that sub
MVC. As you can probably guess by the filename, it is loaded as a typical Node Module.
| |-dev.json
| |-prod.json
| |~_errors/
| | |~views/
| | | |-404.html
| | | `-500.html
| | `-index.js
| |~prototypes/
| | |~public/
| | | |~images/
| | | |~scripts/
| | | | `-main.js*
| | | `~styles/
| | | `-main.css*
| | |~views/
| | | `-index.html*
| | `-index.js
| `+root/
| |-global.json
| |+async/
| |+express/
| |+grimm/
| |+hbs/
| `
| |+images/
| |+scripts/
| |+styles/
| |-favicon.ico
| `-robots.txt
| |~layouts/
| | `-main.html
| `-index.html