Converts an AMD module definition to an UMD one.
I like the umd wrappers like grunt-umd, however, I don't like defining my dependencies in a gruntfile.
AMD is a nice way to define your dependencies. As a developer, I always just write AMD modules. As consumers of the modules don't necesarily use AMD, I want a wrapper to be able to use the modules globally.
a2umd converts amd style modules to umd style, using the same concepts as grunt-umd. Since the dependencies are already defined in the AMD style, there is no need to define them again.
So start with an AMD module:
define(['pathA','pathB'],function GlobalName(a,b) {
return {
And use the following grunt config:
'a2umd': {
all: {
files: [
src: 'src/foo.js',
dest: 'dest/foo.js'
You will end up with a wrapped module:
(function(root, factory) {
if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['pathA','pathB'], factory);
} else {
root.GlobalName = factory(root.a,root.b);
}(this, function GlobalName() {
return {
Specific features
- leaves the factory function exactly intact (plain copy)
- extracts dependency paths
- extracts local dependency names
- keeps AMD name if given (as first argument in the
) - use the factory function name as global name
- allows to define custom templates instead of the default one
- esprima: used for parsing the source file and extracting the relevant parts
- handlebars: used as a template engine to create an UMD style module