Advanced tools
0.1.3 (2013-07-19)
support for object properties (5e3c402c)
@param {Object} param Some obj @param {String} some name on the obj
Object properties are not included in the method signature
support custom items with @requires
@requires $cookie
=> $cookie
href = currentsection/ng.$cookie
@requires module.directive:tabs
=> tabs
href = currentsection/module.directive:tabs
@requires /section2/module.directive:tabs
=> tabs
href = section2/module.directive:tabs
work in all sections #21 (468904ab)Changelog
0.1.2 (2013-06-27)
add module name to none overview module page (5b58367a)
allow multiple API sections or custom name for API section (3ebc5153)
make start page configurable #8 (5e764f54)
allow additional custom types (df3103be)
name overview pages for modules with dots correctly #13 (c804b1d1)
build ngdocs on windows #17 (27a884aa)
0.1.1 (2013-06-01)
Add partial support for dot in module name #4 (bf9b22b)
Add navbar customizable template, title option (7a8775a)
Add active class to active navbar item (c89ceb2)
Make remote scripts not be copied, only referenced (da75892)
Add 'html5mode' option and copy scripts to docs destination (b1f7413)