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Compile and manage your TypeScript project

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Written from scratch TypeScript compiler task for GruntJS. It differs from grunt-typescript which is another excellent grunt plugin for typescript.

Following are the reasons why it was created.

Check how it can help streamline your front end development : Sample usage with AngularJS

Additional / longer / more basic video tutorial :

If you know Grunt. Here is a quickstart full featured Gruntfile

Following are some key features:

###Compiler support Supports the following compiler flags in both original format and camelCase (preferred):

--allowBool                   Allow 'bool' as a synonym for 'boolean'.
--allowImportModule           Allow 'module(...)' as a synonym for 'require(...)'.
--declaration                 Generates corresponding .d.ts file
--mapRoot LOCATION            Specifies the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations.
--module KIND                 Specify module code generation: "commonjs" or "amd" (grunt-ts default)
--noImplicitAny               Warn on expressions and declarations with an implied 'any' type.
--noResolve                   Skip resolution and preprocessing
--removeComments              Do not emit comments to output (grunt-ts default)
--sourceMap                   Generates corresponding .map file (grunt-ts default)
--sourceRoot LOCATION         Specifies the location where debugger should locate TypeScript files instead of source locations.
--target VERSION              Specify ECMAScript target version: "ES3" (tsc default), or "ES5" (grunt-ts default)

Can also do js file concatenation using --out. Additionally supports an output directory for the generated javascript using --outDir flag. For file ordering look at Javascript Generation below.

###Reference file generation Can generate a reference.ts file for you which contains a reference to all your ts files. This means you never need to cross reference files manually. Just reference reference.ts :)

####Javascript generation and ordering Also if you specify both an out js file via out && a reference file via reference it uses the generated reference file to order the code in the generated javascript.

In your reference.ts file you can specify the order for the few files you care about and leave the rest to be maintained by grunt-ts. E.g. in the following case the generated javascript for someBaseClass.ts is guaranteed to be at the top, and the generated javascript for main.tsis guaranteed to be at the bottom of the single merged js file. Everything between grunt-start and grunt-end is generated and maintained for you. If there is no grunt-start section found, it is created for you. If reference.ts does not exist originally, it is created for you.

/// <reference path="someBaseClass.ts" />

// You can even put comments here and they are preserved

/// <reference path="autoreference.ts" />
/// <reference path="someOtherFile.ts" />

/// <reference path="main.ts" />

####Javscript generation Redirect If you specify outDir all output javascript are redirected to this folder. This helps keep your source folder clean.

####AMD / RequireJS support If you specify both outDir and amdloader option a Javascript requireJS loader file is created using the information available from reference.ts. The file consists of three sections.

  • The initial ordered section.
  • A middle order independent section loaded asynchronously.
  • And a final ordered section.

e.g the following reference file

/// <reference path="classa.ts" />

/// <reference path="deep/classb.ts" />
/// <reference path="deep/classc.ts" />

/// <reference path="deep/deeper/classd.ts" />
/// <reference path="app.ts" />

Corresponds to an amdloader (edited for readability):

// initial ordered files
define(function (require) {
  require(["./classa"],function () {
    // grunt-ts start
             "./deep/classc"],function () {
      // grunt-ts end
      // final ordered files
      require(["./deep/deeper/classd"],function () {  
        require(["./app"],function () {
          // final ordered file loaded

#####Advantage of using amdloader option The following combination of circumstances are why you would use it instead of Compiler supported AMD.

  • You want to use RequireJS since you prefer to debug "js" files instead of "ts" files. This is useful in some cases and the most common way is using AMD
  • You want the ability to individually compile only changed files (for a faster dev-compile-run cycle)
  • However, File order doesn't matter to you, even when you have inter file depenendency (e.g. AngularJS runtime Dependency injection)

In such a case you can either create a loader.js manually or have grunt create it for you.

Further Explanation If you use export class Foo{} at the root level of your file the only way to use the type information of Foo in another file is via an import statement import foo = require('./potentially/long/path/to/Foo'); The ordering implied by this isn't necessary when using a runtime Dependency injection framework like AngularJS. Having a loader gives you the js debugging (+ async) advantages of RequireJS without the overhead of constantly requesting via import to get the TypeScript type inference and worrying about file paths when they are not relevant.

PS: your individual file SourceMaps will continue to work. So now you can debug individual "JS" or "TS" files :)

###Html 2 TypeScript support Can re-encode html files into typescript and makes them available as a variable. e.g. a file called test.html containing

<div> Some Content </div>

is compiled to a typescript file test.html.ts containing:

module test { export var html =  '<div> Some content </div>' } 

so that you can use use the variable test.html within your typescript to get the content of test.html as a string. The motivation is to remove http requests to load templates in various front end frameworks.

####Html 2 TypeScript usage in AngularJS This is great for putting variables in templateCache :$templateCache or even using the html string directly by setting it to the template properties (directives/views) instead of templateUrl

####Html 2 TypeScript usage in EmberJS You can specify this string to the template on a view : Specifically:

###Live file watching and building Can watch a directory for you and recompile your typescript files when any typescript file changes, gets added, gets removed. This makes sure your project is always build ready :)

npm install

The npm package is available here :

Installation Documentation

Install nodejs. Then install grunt-cli using npm install -g grunt-cli. Next you can install grunt and grunt-ts by creating a package.json file containing the following:

  "devDependencies": {
    "grunt" : "0.4.1",
    "grunt-ts" : "latest"

and run npm install from the same directory. This will download both grunt and grunt-ts for you.

Configuration Documentation

Create a Gruntfile.js. Modify it to load grunt-ts by adding the following lines:

module.exports = function (grunt) {

    // load the task 
    // Configure grunt here

Then add some configuration for the plugin like so:

    ts: {
        dev: {                                 // a particular target
            src: ["test/work/**/*.ts"],        // The source typescript files,
            html: ["test/work/**/*.tpl.html"], // The source html files,
            reference: "./test/reference.ts",  // If specified, generate this file that you can use for your reference management
            out: 'test/out.js',                // If specified, generate an out.js file which is the merged js file
            outDir: 'test/outputdirectory',    // If specified, the generate javascript files are placed here. Only works if out is not specified
            watch: 'test',                     // If specified, watches this directory for changes, and re-runs the current target
            options: {                         // use to override the default options,
                target: 'es3',                 // 'es3' (default) | 'es5'
                module: 'commonjs',            // 'amd' (default) | 'commonjs'
                sourceMap: true,               // true (default) | false
                declaration: false,            // true | false (default)
                removeComments: true           // true (default) | false
        build: {                               // another target
            src: ["test/work/**/*.ts"],
            options: {                         // override the main options for this target
                sourceMap: false,

I also recommend adding a default target you want to run in case you do not want to specify any arguments to grunt:

grunt.registerTask("default", ["ts:dev"]);

You can see/grab an up-to-date sample grunt file here:

Different configurations per target

Configuration options are per target. You can see how you can have one set of default options and then override these selectively for a target (e.g build , dev, staging etc). This is provided by grunt :

Awesome file globs

You can do pretty fancy stuff with your src file selection. Again provided by grunt :


Building the project:

tsc "./tasks/ts.ts" --sourcemap --module commonjs

Running the tests:

With npm and grunt-cli installed, run the following from the root of the repository,

grunt ts

Some tests expect failures and will be labelled.

We welcome new methods for writing automated tests that are a little less of a manual process.



Package last updated on 14 Jan 2014

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