Gulp plugin that parses Swagger specifications in YAML format, validates against the official [Swagger 2.0 schema][swagger2spec], and compares against loopback application
Pre-requisite changes in Loopback configuration:
- Create a folder called 'spec' and store your YAML specification file
- Make changes to component-config.json
Modify the configuration of the loopback-explorer component as:
"loopback-component-explorer": {
"mountPath": "/explorer",
"consumes": "${consumes}",
"produces" : "${produces}",
"apiInfo": "${apiInfo}"
- Make changes to config.json
At the end of config.json file add the follow configuration:
"apiInfo": {
"title": Title of the your API application as written in YAML
"consumes":Array of mime types that your application consumes (as written in YAML),
"produces":Array of mime types that your application produces (as written in YAML)
- Add gulpfile task
var gulp = require('gulp');
var lbValidator = require('gulp-loopback-swagger-validator');
var swagger = require('gulp-swagger');
var path = require('path');
gulp.task('swagger-validate', function() {
gulp.task('default', ['swagger-validate']);
- Preview in the console
See Also